Monday, August 19, 2024

KTVU "PA"/49ers Disgrace; Castaneda/O''Carroll Duo Embarrassment


  1. Stod Trondheim, Esq.August 19, 2024 at 9:36 AM

    WOW. That was pathetic last night. I knew you were going to mention it

    1. Bring back Joe Ponzi and Mark Ibanez for the football season. I bet they would like to do it. Pre and post game shows.

    2. It says a lot that the best ms. O’caroll’s defenders, ie pals, can muster is “that’s mean” or “you’re jealous”. Translation: “ok, yeah she has no sports knowledge, sure she’s totally unqualified, agreed she does fan girl over players, and tries to distract from her inexperience with that totally arrogantly written, and wholly absurd bio, BUT you just wish you could wear that cheetah mini.”

    3. @ 9:36 Pls GFY and use KY Jelly, less butt hurt

    4. @ 12:59, exactly! In the eyes of her apologists, anyone who isn’t clapping like a seal for her must surely be jealous that Bailey wears cheetah mini skirts. Puh-lease.

      Newsflash to the Bailey apologists (who all know she’s terrible on air but won’t admit it): no one, and I mean NO ONE, is jealous of her. When we’re not changing the channel in disgust, we’re watching in unadulterated embarrassment because, on a human level, it’s hard to watch someone debase and degrade themselves day after day, with zero knowledge or command of the subject matter they cover and not a modicum of professionalism.

      One of these days, she’ll grow up and look back at her performance and presentation as 'cringe,' as the young folks refer to it.

  2. OMG! They cut to Bailey outisde the 49ers locker room and she straight up "Fan Girled" by saying... "Oh my goodness! I just saw Christian McCaffery, and Deebo Samuel and of course, Nick Bosa!" Eeeek! How unprofessional. She mentioned they just opened the 49ers locker room. Then why aren't you inside asking to interview players about the game? Boycott the 'Point After' post game show!

  3. This will be the final nail in the coffin if KTVU continues to use non-sports anchors to do sports segments.

  4. Perfectly stated, Rich. Allowing Bailey O'Carroll to replace respected figures like Mark Ibanez, Joe Fonzi, and Jason Applebaum as the face of KTVU sports is deeply embarrassing. Her lack of sports knowledge only highlights why she was chosen for this role. The sleazy outfits she wears only reinforce this perception.

    Rather than striving to convey professionalism and gain respect through diligent work in the local sports arena, she opts to demean herself with a constant stream of fan-girl remarks and outfits that are more suited to an OnlyFans page. Are there no on-air dress standards at KTVU?
    For those who say the outfits are perfectly acceptable, I would ask where the line is drawn. As someone mentioned in a recent comment, the other day Bailey wore a sleeveless, cheetah-print mini dress that was tight as a glove, with knee-high boots. If her goal is merely to attract attention, then mission accomplished.

    1. So now we’re complaining about a beautiful woman’s attire? Lord, have mercy. This is 2024; the entire local media landscape has changed. It’s survival mode. The name of the game is squeezing ad dollars out of the dwindling number of viewers remaining. At this point, it’s primarily baby boomers and above. What older man doesn’t enjoy seeing a young woman in sexy attire? TV is a visual medium, and let’s be honest here, Bailey is doing sports; she’s not a foreign affairs correspondent reporting from war zones or meeting with diplomats and world leaders.
      And, NFL football is one of the few moneymakers left. Placing Bailey in “sleazy” outfits during programming that attracts a disproportionately high number of men across all age demographics is a smart strategy on KTVU’s part.

    2. Okay Simone, so that’s how you're defending your hires now?

    3. @1:09, very true. She's not bad in the studio, but really shows her lack of sports knowledge when she goes live.

    4. The NFL is a moneymaker because saps paying to watch and gamble on an orchestrated outcome, known only to those manipulating said outcome from an entertainment business. Legally, as an entertainment business they are afforded wide latitude of manipulation and flexibility to craft the trajectory of any game. WWE on turf. A fool and his money...

    5. Apparently this is what local tv news has become. Parade out a bunch of bimbos in skimpy outfits onto the deck of the titanic and pray for the best.

    6. "Allowing Bailey O'Carroll to replace respected figures like Mark Ibanez, Joe Fonzi, and Jason Applebaum as the face of KTVU sports is deeply embarrassing. Her lack of sports knowledge only highlights why she was chosen for this role. The sleazy outfits she wears only reinforce this perception."

      Yet her KTVU bio states, "Bailey O'Carroll, a journalist driven by a sense of adventure and a passion for storytelling, has made an indelible mark on the field of journalism."

      She's a LEGEND! She even says so! You guys just don't get it. I'm sure they didn't push IbaƱez and the others out. I'm sure they were afraid to compete with her greatness, and asked to be relieved so that they could save face.

  5. ...and it doesn't help matters that KTVU has NO sports producer working there anymore. So, in addition to news anchors now doing sports reports (that don't know player names), there are non-sports people writing the copy and producing the nightly segments.

  6. Remember Horse Racing? At one time there were several Racetracks in the Bay Area. Golden Gate Fields, Tanforan, Bay Meadows. Used to get THOUSANDS of patrons daily. Gone.
    Baseball and college football are going next. A slow crawl toward oblivion. The NFL has gone from average joe fans to Corporate seat holders. “White whine”. Of course you get the class clowns dressing up as Big Hairy Turds so they can get on TV
    You were right Rich, sports anchors on local TV are going the way of horse racing.
    The Niners have the most expensive gate/food combo in the NFL. So long as TV foots the bills, the games will still be covered. The whole enterprise is a corporation intended to enrich the owners and advertisers. When the NFLPA starts getting 55-65% of the take, maybe we will see real competition.

  7. No sports anchors or producers at KTVU…what is happening there??

  8. I’ve been saying all this for a long time its time to bring in Tori Gaines she’s an expert on women’s softball coverage of you know what I mean

    1. Tori Gaines is so incompetent that’s why she only does like it or not

  9. I rarely watch ktvu and am not really familiar with Bailey. Can Rich or someone else please describe what she's wearing that makes her look like a hooker?

    1. @2:39, nothing to see here, just some silly weenies getting all weird and their panties in a wad because Bailey doesn't wear burqas and moo-moos. It's probably not even men complaining, but jealous women instead.

    2. @3:57 PM Thanks Baily

    3. Why did Applebaum leave?

    4. She's got pics on her Instagram of herself on the sports field in a black leather miniskirt. I guess they don't pay much at KTVU and that's her side hustle.

  10. I worked at ktvu for years. This was an absolute disgrace. I turned it off after 5 minutes. None of them are experts. None of them follow the niners daily. Do I really want to hear Sal assess the game? Do I really want to see Bailey doing fan girl locker room stuff.

    What the hell has happened to ktvu. No wonder they’re no longer the number one station.

    It’s pathetic. And sad. Especially for a station that I was once so proud of.

    1. It's a Fox O&O station. Cox sold KTVU and slowly went down the gutter. Frank Somerville DUI didnt help. It used to be #1 primetime news in country with Dennis Richmond, Elaine Corral, Leslie Griffith, Pat McComick, & Mark Ibanez

  11. Cristina Rendon does a plausible job when she is doing sports. She looks very professional.

  12. When the game is over I turn it off. It doesn't get any worse than that POS post game show.

  13. call me crazy but i think bailey is a beautiful young lady.

    1. Yes she is second to my Jennifer Seelig.

      Peter Felch

  14. Sal is a loveable dork. Bailey has a 'butter face' but dresses sexy.

    1. She's cute. Just has that big Ole round Charley Brown head

    2. @ 10:45 Agreed, love her as well, Hey critics, leave her alone, nothing wrong with her

    3. 4:42, yep. She's got that big ole charlie brown head and that big fat karl malden potato nose.

  15. Guys you’re being way too hard on Bailey O’Carol. She has basically no experience as a journalist and from what I hear only wants to collect autographs anyway. Don’t blame the bottom of the barrel for being the bottom of the barrel. It’s not her fault KTVU can’t hire good people. And it’s not KTVU’s fault either. I mean they’re really in a bind. Only hundreds of other people to choose from at over 150 markets. What is a news director to do other than hire the least qualified person possible.

    1. Do you know what *is* her fault? Her online bio, which begins, "Bailey O'Carroll ... has already made an indelible mark on the field of journalism." Of course, you can interpret "indelible" many ways...

    2. She has zero sports knowledge, as evidenced by her routine mispronunciation of players on the starting line ups of each of the Bay Area teams. She’s a glorified fangirl, as evidenced by her on air statements like “Oh my god! Oh my god! It’s Christian McCaffrey!” and admitting to having butterflies around players.
      This isn’t rocket science folks. She’s paid to sit there and look pretty and keep male eye balls on the screen. Nothing more, nothing less. If you want actually sports knowledge and game insight, then listen to Greg Papa or watch NFL Network.

  16. Sal is a creepy dork. Dude must have dirt on somebody.

    1. Shut up. There's nothing 'creepy' about Sal. Absolutely nothing. Those of us who actually know him, know that he's the salt of earth. He cares about everyone, is compassionate, and treats everyone with respect. There's not a single credible allegation of him being 'creepy.' Not one.

    2. 11:20am, ok, Sal. Nice of you to stop by.

    3. I’ve worked at ktvu and two other local stations. What 11:20 said is 100% accurate. Sal’s reputation among industry folks outside of ktvu is just as stellar as his in-house reputation. He’s one of the very few on-air talent who no one ever has negative words about.

    4. @ 11:20 & @ 4:26 Yup, met him at a promotion around 2000's SF Ballpark Safeway and he's couldn't be nicer and down to earth, gotta be some punk working at KTVU that has jealousy problems, every work place has these types

    5. How that creepy Sal keeps his TV job is so beyond me. He's ugly for TV and is a bit of a clown

  17. Bailey is the same person who, during KTVU's coverage of June's Negro League Rickwood game, repeatedly referred to the Birmingham Black Barons as the "Blackhawks."
    Sure, the Black Barons aren't a team that most 20-something women in the Bay Area are familair with, but when you are paid to cover sports, you better damn sure make sure you know what the hell you're talking about on air.

    1. You forgot to mention her referring to Placerville as place-sir-ville. As Rich always says, they hire these morons who don’t know the first thing about local geography and don’t care to learn.

  18. Despite the image Bailey tries so desperately to project with her tacky outfits and pathetic attempts at sex appeal, her farts and shit stink just as bad as anyone elses. If not worse.

    1. “…her farts and shit stink just as bad as anyone elses. If not worse.”

      I guarantee they smell infinitely worse.

  19. Where’s Jason Applebun??

    1. Like Mark Ibanez and Joe Fonzi before him, KTVU has deemed Appelbaum's extensive sports knowledge obsolete. In their defense, why retain highly respected anchors with deep expertise and strong connections in the local sports world when they can instead showcase Bailey O'Carroll, whose incompetence is evident in her inability to pronounce the names of many, if not most, local athletes? But hey, at least she can rock that cheetah mini on air!

      To underscore just how pathetic KTVU has become, Ibanez, Fonzi, and Appelbaum are still featured on their website, despite all three being off the books with their badges and network access long since deactivated.

    2. no joke, I saw that exact same cheetah mini in the Forever 21 window display last week, with an $11.99 sale sign.

  20. I've noticed that your broadcasts about ktvu always seem to get the most comments by far.
