Monday, August 19, 2024

Giants' Miller Snubs Coliseum/Oak Finale; Duane Kuiper Too


  1. Kuiper is sore the A's fired his racist brother. Something tells me the Giants fans won't miss Duane if he decides to hang 'em up.

  2. Kruk and Kuip way overrated. One is a homer and the other won't shut up. Keep them out of the Hall of Fame.

    1. Krukow actually brings some value to the broadcast. Kuiper is incredibly dull and boring.

    2. A few years ago, the Comical (in cahoots with the Giants, no doubt) tried to get Krukow and Kuiper into the Baseball Hall of Fame. I believe Hank Shillman was behind this failed comical act. It didn't work. They're both overrated homers. People aren't that dumb, but after all, we're talking about gullible Giants fans.

    3. @1:39- Dude, but some respect on Kruk and Kuip's name! Kruk and Kuip are Bay Area broadcast legends. Yeah, they may have lost a step in recent years, but they both still call a good game despite health challenges. We're lucky they both still want to call games, even if it's mostly Giants home games at this point in time

  3. If the Giants hire Glen Kuiper in any format, I will no longer listen or watch the Giants. With a strong African American superstar presence with the New York and San Francisco Giants, I adamantly say there is no place in the media or on the broadcast team for racists like Glen. Marty Lurie should be ashamed of himself even sharing the same airwaves. Maybe they cut Marty another 5% comission on those River Islands in Lathrop commercials? DO BETTER GIANTS! Wouldn't hurt to get rid of Farhan and good ol' Larry Baer who''ll send out another "thanks for being a fan! Sorry we missed the playoffs again" letter in October. Hey Lar... a decade since we won a World Series. The product on the field is why half the stadium is EMPTY!

    1. @Will the Thrill- If this does happen, I'll be disappointed for sure, but I'm too much of a Giants fan to boycott them in this way. The Giants made an unpopular decision letting Renel go, and I'm still a Giants fan, even though that has been a decision that's been hard to get over. That decision could be part of the lower attendance this year at the ballpark as well. Giants home games don't feel the same without hearing Renel's voice in the background.

      Also, sad that Renel didn't get a proper sendoff. Weren't they supposed to honor her this year? I know they renamed the PA booth after her I think, but no on field ceremony or anything like that, after all she's done for the organization the past 24, 25 years? The season is almost over, and not a peep from the Giants regarding any ceremonies for Renel. I guess her being pro-Black really pissed the Johnson's off. The Johnson's suck.

    2. @Will the Thrill- I hope the Giants understand the damage they would be doing if they bring in Glen Kuiper, especially on the heels of the Renel decision. I think Rich mentioned this in one of his videos after Renel was let go. The Giants already look bad for having owners who donate to Trump, Farhan who has made no qualms about blaming SF as to why the Giants can't bring in free agents. This would just add more fuel to the fire. The Giants are losing their way and are turning into a franchise that doesn't really represent SF or the Bay Area with how they go about things now. It's a far cry from how they were last decade with the 3 World Series title teams, and the Bonds era before that.

    3. So, Otis -- you actually think the lower attendance might be because of Renel's departure? Ridiculous!! Renel did an OK
      job. She is certainly not in the class of the great baseball PA announcers of our time -- Bob Shepard, Sherm Feller, and John Ramsey to name a few. She is not even the best PA announcer the Giants have had. That distinction belongs to Jeff Carter, who also sang the anthem before games. Renel's departure was her own fault. She thought she was untouchable. She poked the bear. It's a free country. Folks can donate to whomever they choose.

    4. @5:23- I really do, yeah. Dude, Renel was the voice of Oracle Park, and Renel was really popular. She represented the Giants at community events. She was more than just a PA announcer. A lot of people were unhappy with the decision, but the Giants lower attendance can be due to other reasons for sure, but no Renel doesn't help matters.

      Yeah, she was getting up there in age, but I think she still had a few more good years left in her as the PA announcer of Oracle Park. The Giants should've at least let her leave on her own terms, instead of kind of forcing her out, even if her and the Johnson's didn't see eye to eye politically.

      Yeah, people can donate to whoever they want, but the Johnson's even have to have the presence of mind that doing anything Trump in a blue state like California is a no-no. California is not Florida.

    5. @9:10 so let me understand your point, they kept Renel around for 25 years and then they didn't renew her contract because they are racist? Nice try. The reality is nobody really cares who is announcing the next batter and there are plenty of people who will do it just as well for less money. It's like Vanna White thinking that turning letters on Wheel of Fortune is a multimillion dollar job.

    6. Got it, Otis. It's a free country, but not a free state.

  4. All this whining about the Giants broadcast crew and then you say "the fans are putting up with it". The fans aren't bothered by it like you are. They have far more important things to consider in their lives before who's calling the Giants game today becomes a meaningful factor.

    And pro tip... take a lozenge before doing your little show so you're not spending half the time clearing your throat. Imagine if a real broadcaster was doing that. You'd lose your mind.

  5. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. I'm surprised there haven't been any allegations that Duane is also a racist. (For the avoidance of doubt, i've never heard of any such rumors but two brothers close in age raised in the same environment, so it wouldn't shock me)

    1. I'm not accusing Duane of being a racist, but he is a racist, but I'm not accusing him of being a racist. Thank you, internet.

    2. @4:24 @11:23- I don't think Duane Kuiper is a racist, but it does kind of bother me that he's trying to get a sympathy vote for Glen Kuiper who slipped up not once, but twice using the N-word.

      Yes, it's different for Duane Kuiper since it's his brother and blood is thicker than water, and maybe before the slip up last year, Duane Kuiper may have had plans for Glen Kuiper to eventually replace him as the Giants lead TV play-by-play announcer when Duane Kuiper retires which could be why Duane Kuiper is fighting for Glen Kuiper so hard, but I don't see that happening now, even if Duane Kuiper is really trying to pull strings to get Glen Kuiper back into a broadcasting role on Giants telecasts.

  6. Something tells me the A-Team had negotiated the weekend off.
    Miller had been an A’s broadcaster, way back in the day. Maybe if he saw the current state of OCo, Oakland’s last Dive Bar, he’d shed tears.

    Let’s be honest, Fisher and MLB owners SCREWED Oakland. But Billionaires do not care about working folks - they just want more money tomorrow than they had today.

    I could not care less about who broadcast the game. Both teams are out of it, and next year another Billionaire will be hosting the A’s in Sackotomato. They ought to call em the Sacto Senators.

  7. The Giants and the A's are both responsible for this current mess. The Giants wouldn't let the A's go to San Jose. Some nonsense about territorial rights. Then there's the A's who didn't negotiate in good faith with Oakland, another criminal in this charade. Finally, let's not forget baseball. Back in 1967, the owners approved the move from Kansas City to Oakland. Short-sighted at the time. This market wasn't big enough for two teams. It is now, but not nearly 60 years ago. I used to love this game. I can't stand it now.

    1. My thoughts also. Ex-Giants fan who now hates them since they blocked the A's move to SJ. They are an arrogant and smug organization. Announcers constantly whining about umps' calls. MLB is unwatchable now. 25 strikeouts and 15 hits per game. Yawn!

    2. @2:56, like Shooty Babitt said on A's postgame, the MLB is like the schoolyard game we played as kids, Strikeout. There's not much strategy now. Most everyone is swinging for the fences and there's almost no 2-strike approach. I have never seen so many called 3rd strikes before. On the pitching side, it's all about spin rate and how many times a pitcher can reach 3-digits.

  8. Kind of bizarre that both Jon Miller and Duane Kuiper were off yesterday, but maybe this was planned beforehand? Look at the Oakland Coliseum with all their issues with possums in the visiting press boxes and the sewage issues at the stadium. Can you really blame Miller and Kuiper for wanting to bail on one of the games there? Even Dave Flemming on an interview on 95.7 last week said he's happy he won't have to go to the Oakland Coliseum anymore to call games, mainly because of how nasty it is.

    Regarding Jon Miller, this is his 50th season in broadcasting. You have to really think about all the traveling he's done with all the games he's called not only for the Giants, but the A's, Red Sox, and Orioles before that from what I heard and understand, and of course all the years he called ESPN Sunday Night Baseball games. I'm sure at this point, Miller may be tired of traveling for baseball. Imagine working at a job where you traveled for 50 years. Some may be cool with that, especially those who do travel for work, but after a while, you may get to a point where you're done. Heck, even taking a regular trip for vacation can get tiring. I'm sure Jon Miller at this point, may want to spend more time with his family, but still get a chance to call a good portion of Giants games.

    1. Then why not just say so? The whole issue is that no one has the balls to ask why they're playing this game with fans and advertisers. It seems Susan Slusser and Windbag Baggerly only want to act as shills for the inept upper management.

    2. @8:03- I'm with you on that. Might as well just be honest on why guys are out, or just say they're taking a day off and leave it at that.

      Yeah, I'm not a big fan of Baggarly anymore either. He's a stooge for Giants management and will get on people, even other media people, who will challenge Farhan. Last year when Farhan had the end of the season press conference and Bonta asked him some tough questions, Baggarly called out Bonta on Twitter, even though he didn't mention Bonta by name, but he kind of implied a dig on Bonta basically saying how dare media people who don't cover the team or go to games often, challenge Farhan like this. LOL. Someone had to ask him a tough question and maybe it's better coming from someone not directly associated with the Giants or KNBR, like Bonta who works for 95.7, but is an NBC employee.

      Slusser I'm cool with, even though it bothers me she's caping up for Glen Kuiper as well, even though like Rich said, Duane Kuiper could've been using his influence to get her to write an article of sympathy for Glen Kuiper.

  9. Larry Baer is ok with FP Santangelo because Baer was ok pushing his wife to the ground in public

    1. I do believe Baer's wife falling to the ground was an accident,
      but Creepy Larry's crime was that he didn't help her up. I'm sure that was the first question Larry's kids had for him.

  10. Duane Kuiper had intended to broadcast Sunday's game but got food poisoning Saturday night, per what he said on KNBR this morning. As for Jon Miller, he has been "on assignment" a lot this season - even for home games. Although he is one of the best broadcasters ever, I think it's time for him to retire.

    1. @10:14- Jon Miller is still sharp. Hasn't shown signs of slowing down, even though as I mentioned earlier, after 50 years of broadcasting and all the traveling he's done associated with calling baseball games, there may come a point where he's probably done at this point with traveling for baseball. Hopefully Jon Miller doesn't retire anytime soon, but I think he still has at least a few good years left in him calling games, before he retires.

  11. Rich let's discuss, Flemming has turned into a total stuck up snob not only to some of his journalist colleagues but now fans are realizing how stuck up he's gotten as well as Oracle Park employees. He won't even say hello to anyone around him unless they are way up at the top of the broadcast or player inner circle. Flem really needs to get over himself, Also last weekend Flem who worked at the Coliseum called the Coliseum a nasty place on 95.7 the Game. If you read into it he's only used to upper crust top of the line parks to work in and nothing is good enough for Flem. What a snob. On Glen he shouldn't ever be able to step into a broadcast booth again. Duane should realize in a diverse market like this Glen who said the N word on live TV twice now once in 2020 and last season. How many more times does he need to say the word before Duane has to stop covering for him. Glen Kuiper has already shown himself for who he is Duane and KNBR needs to stop already with enabling Glen and that's just the feeling of the people who work there.

    1. There was talk that someone wanted to take him to court over his use of that word.

    2. Flem has gotten big headed since working PGA events. Dude forgot where he got his big break.

  12. Wouldn't be surprised if Miller, Kruk, Kuiper (x2), and that windbag FP hold those racist views.

  13. Rich, thanks for this. The one most responsible for snubbing / shitting on he A's is the jerk at the top, Larry B. He allows it, may even encourage it, to go on. I no longer put up with the crap, which is why I was shocked to hear of PD Weirdo actually being put in the broadcast booth during the final A's Giants! Talk about denigrating your opponent. Miller shows a snide side that leaves me cold. He comes off as a very small and insecure man. Unbelievable conduct from a team I once thought had class. I am now listening only to Korach and Townie. San Francisco: Great set. Cruddy cast.

  14. LOL! None of this shit matters. The Giants have a 30 year old rookie on the team. Lost the game for them today. Let that sink in....A 30 YEAR OLD ROOKIE!!!!

    1. The construction of the team stinks. They have zero identity and can't attract big free agents. Baseball players get paid big bucks, but why play for SF when your $ will go further somewhere else. If the Giants don't make the postseason, Farhan should be fired.

    2. Exactly! The pitching reclamation projects have to end. The Giants have become the ''Land of Misfit toys". Morocco Mole is clueless and nobody in this organization has any balls or respect. But hey? We're just "trying to break even". Mediocrity achieved!
