Sunday, August 18, 2024

Another FLUBfest on KCBS; Glen Kuiper PR Campaign in Full Force; Sunday Media Brunch


  1. On Friday's 10 o'clock news Bailey O'Carroll did a live report from the studio wearing a tight, cheetah print mini dress and black knee high boots. It looked like she was about to sign off and race to the club. Amateur hour at it's finest.

    1. I saw.i did a double take myself. Probably wore that because her report had to do with the Giants and A’s so she thought she’d play to the crowd.

  2. What happened to radio and TV anchor voices? It seems back in the day most radio and TV anchors had a pleasant voice to listen to. I get it "equality" but OMG some of these voices should be out on a cattle farm.

    1. I like today's voices. Hearing old authoritarian White guys read the day's events...only appealed to guys like my midwestern-born-and-raised father-in-law. For those of us who are younger...from the Bay Area...and aren't "pigmentally-challenged"'s pretty cool to hear younger, "different" voices.

  3. Susan Slusser the Dickey Dunn (Slapshot ref.) of Bay Area sports writers.

  4. coldhandswarmheart@gmail.comAugust 18, 2024 at 6:08 PM

    Did you catch Cowboys Raiders game on KRON? Lots of interruptions/black screen silence during game cutting announcers with stupid Allegient Airlines commercials and Raiders/visit Las Vegas crap. Guess they need to pay their bills. 🤷‍♀️ NOT professional broadcast at all!

    1. What do you expect from Vegas? It is an adult disneyland with expensive lousy well drinks tired hotels, fake everything, and painted ladies. Anyone who likes Vegas should have their head examined. It caters to dolts from Florida and Texas with expense accounts from Company X.

  5. Glen deserved a second chance after the first offense, but when he said the N-word a second time, he should've been off the airwaves permanently. It's a joke that Susan Slusser was put in a position to write and article about Glen. All the Kuipers should go back to Wisconsin, where using the N-word is acceptable.

  6. I still like KCBS and In Depth, but agree that there are a lot more pauses compared to years past, giving the impression of an unprofessional station. Still, I'll continue to listen until the wheels fall off.

  7. Rich! Please critique Bailey O'Carroll & Sal Castaneda doing the new 49ers Point After Post Game show. You've got to be kidding me! She's awful & has very little sports knowledge. She can't even pronounce the players names correctly. What a trainwreck! Choo choo

  8. KTVU’s weather forecaster Roberta Gonzales on transition from the segment on the very last Oakland A’s vs. SF Giants Bay Area game says how unusual that both teams are in town to host teams. ???? The A’s were the only team hosting and the A’s were hosting the other Bay Area team (the SF Giants across the Bay). The game was at the Oakland Coliseum for the last time. Got it, Roberta? She and Martin always have some weird musings. Great that the Giants are back at .500 near where they will likely be at the season end. Might as well hire Glen Kuiper; who is still going to listen anyway?

  9. Chances of Glen Kuiper coming back is slim at best.

  10. Glen Kuiper should stand on his own two feet and defend what he did (2x) rather than make a sneaky end round using big brother Duane's influence to get a PBP job with the Giants. The Giants should give Chris Caray from the A's a shot as TV PBP announcer in the likelihood Duane Kuiper finally retires; Caray couldn't be any worse than Duane.

    1. Caray is staying with the A's, but feel free to take Jenny Cavnar.

    2. @11:55- Defend what he did? Not sure he can defend that, even if he mistakenly said it. People will treat him like he's a slave owner if he defends what he said.

      As far as Chris Caray, he has the pipes and could probably get a full-time gig somewhere whether it's with the A's or another team, but Flemming is the next guy up for the Giants. Then you have Joe Ritzo and maybe even Doug Greenwald.

    3. They are both awful.

    4. Get rid of Dallas Braden,another ex player with no talent.

  11. I gave Glen Kuiper the benefit of doubt, until I realized he said it twice. Either he's a racist or he's got Tourettes or something. Either way, no, just no.

    1. @12:46- That's the real sad thing about this, he said it twice. I had no idea he said it back in 2020, but that season was weird and people weren't as locked in on the games due to the pandemic and where things were at the time.

    2. @7:44, for discussion sake, if someone uses the N-word, but does not treat a black person any different from anyone else, does that still make him/her a racist?

      I think Glen grew up in an area where the N-word was used very casually to describe a person with black skin, but it's not necessarily meant to diminish any one in any way, so he is a product of the environment he grew up in. By definition, he's still a racist. However, if someone is now educated on what he said was offensive, do they deserve a second chance? (assuming he wasn't educated the first time)

      Personally, I think he deserves a second chance, but not in the Bay Area. He needs to go to another market to prove that he "gets it" and then maybe(and that's a big maybe) he could return to the BA market.

  12. Can somebody elabotate when and where did Glen Kuiper say it a second time?

    1. Just search Twitter. He got fired after the 2nd time with the A's.

    2. It's on YouTube. "Fired Oakland A's play-by-play commentator Glen Kuiper is a repeat offender"

    3. @7:58 - it's a joke for someone to believe he just "slipped." He can clearly say "Negro" correctly in that same sentence. The N-word is used in everyday conversations where Glen grew up.

    4. It's never happened to me or most people I would imagine.
