Friday, August 16, 2024

Unintentional Laughter: KCBS Opens New South Bay Bureau


  1. "South Bay Bureau" my ass. It's all smoke and mirrors.

    This so-called "bureau" is nothing more than a couple of empty desks that the Pacific Hotel has agreed to let KCBS staff use as needed, in exchange for constant on-air mentions. Essentially, it's just a modest revenue stream for KCBS and a glorified advertisement for the Pacific Hotel. Don't be deceived—KCBS doesn't have a dedicated office there. The arrangement simply allows their staff to plug in and work temporarily, when necessary.

    In the corporate world, this is known as "hotel space" or "hotel cubes"—generic, unassigned desks where employees can work temporarily, whether for a few hours or a few days. Picture an Apple employee based in New York visiting Cupertino headquarters for a couple of days and needing a place to work. They set up in one of the these available cubicles designated for visiting employees.

  2. The restrooms are immaculate cleaned.The beautiful Jennifer Seelig will be in attendence.

    Peter Felch

  3. What the heck for? KCBS is useless as a bull with teats, perhaps hire retired Lloyd LaQuesta?

  4. In other words, a group of inexperienced, incompetent nincompoops embarassing themselves as they try to cover a region they know absolutely nothing about. You can’t make this shit up.

  5. The most incompetent person that KCBS has had the last few years is news director Jen Seelig. I worked with her and she seemed clueless and frantic most of the time. Not a surprise because like KNBR and KGO across the street, posers and minor league talent are valued over experienced, credible broadcasters.
    Bay Area radio is an absolute travesty and has gone into the toilet over the last decade plus. People such as Lee Hammer, the producer who accidentally turned off Dave Flenming’s mic because he was freaking out that Barry Bonds’ record setting Home Run was not getting recorded. The first thing Hammer did was to frantically call his boss Tony Salvador to explain that the mic went dead, and it wasn’t his fault. After telling numerous veteran talents that their services were no longer needed, wasn’t it deliciously sweet to see that sleazy Hammer get the boot?

  6. Hey Rich: On Sat 8/17/24 10 O'clock news Christina Rendon needs to consult Ms. Orosco on fashion, Ms. Rendon looks like reporting in PJ's

  7. You’ve probably heard that WCBS, an Audacy station in New York, is shutting down. Given your recent rant against KCBS, you’re probably hoping the same for them…

    1. WCBS morning-drive news anchor Steve Scott was one of those who lost his job when the station closed its doors (bought by ESPN; 880AM will now air ESPN-New York radio content).

      Steve is EXCELLENT....and an SJSU grad! If he comes looking for a job "back home," (he used to work at the old KLIV in San Jose...and grew up in the Stockton/Modesto area). KCBS would be wise to offer him a job as soon as he introduces himself to management.

  8. Years back, some asswipes at KNBR thought it would be funny to talk over the traffic report. Right when you were hoping to hear about the drive you were making, they’d make a racket and obliterate the traffic report.
    Say what you will, but KCBS still has “traffic and weather together” every 10 minutes. For many in our cars, that’s about all that matters. “Am I heading into the traffic jam or am I getting out of it?”

    And further, at this point, KNBR would probably make more money if they went traffic and weather 60 times an hour. Certainly “fog on the Golden Gate” is 1000 times better than Murphy discussing his jock itch remedies, none of which work (apparently).

    1. The traffic and weather is the only relevant segment. Guess Dumbass never heard of Monkey Butt powder.

  9. Hi Rich and all. The Pacific Hotel is not an actual hotel, but a replica from the deep past. It's located within San Jose's "History Park" - which features similar facades and preserved buildings and items. There's an ice cream parlor in the old hotel that's open to the public, and I think, the administrative offices of the park itself. I would guess that any advertising agreement, would be mostly in the PSA category.
