Monday, August 12, 2024

Jon Miller Speculation --Giants lame Press Corp Malpractice


  1. Because you don't know does not mean the question hasn't been asked (and answered).

  2. I think Jon Miller is fantastic.
    Jon and Joe Morgan once had the best show on baseball. When the rich guys said “we no longer want Joe,” Jon did the honorable thing, “you don’t want me either.” (Are you paying attention Murph and Tolbert???)
    David B Fleming negotiated lots of breaks in his contract to call golf, basketball, tennis, contact synchronized swimming, and blood-letting tiddly-winks. The next season HOF Jon Miller started taking time off during the dog days of summer. Even now, both Flem and Jon avoid some cities in Summer, letting the D- Team call games in Cinci, Detroit, Kansas City.
    I do not know if Jon is easing away, has health issues, or has been shunted aside by the SF Giants. All I do know is without his calling the game, I generally tune out.
    After Jon Miller had to chat with moronic Gabe Kapler for a season, Miller should get the Congressional Medal of Honor.

    1. Agree. Joe was so knowledgeable about baseball. Selfishly, I wanted him on the broadcasts with Jon, but always felt it was a waste for him to not be a manager/coach.

  3. I forgot who was interviewing him, one of those KNBR hosts and it was the handoff to the baseball game. They asked him about missing games and he said the Giants at the beginning of the year asked him which games he wanted to do. It implied that it was set up ahead of time.

    1. When you're as good as Jon, you get to call the shots, much like Vin Scully did. As a fan, it comes down to whether you want 50-75 games of Jon or none at all, and none at all is never the option.

  4. Let's go back to '21. Ray Fosse was missing a lot of games and they were random at times. No explanation was provided, but many people assumed Fosse was ill or close to retirement. A few days after that season, we learned that Fosse passed away from cancer. Being a very private person, nobody knew about his cancer, not even his colleagues. I don't know what Jon Miller is dealing with, but if he wants to keep it private, that's fine with me. (Not hearing Susan Slusser provide more details on this matter doesn't mean she didn't inquire about it. It may mean she inquired, but Jon asked her not to say anything publicly)

    One thing I'll disagree with Rich, we all have the right to ask about a public facing person, but that person has a right to not provide any info., and we should respect that decision.

  5. I remember Jon actually taking calls from listeners on KNBR one day and a woman praised his loyalty for calling the game and then calling the midnight game as well!.

  6. If Miller is taking advantage of his celeb to come and go as he pleases, I say tell him to get the hell back in booth at least for home games, or take a prima hike. Yes, he is a superb and class act asset.

    This is what riles me: His sidekick Dave Fleming is NOT old yet carries on as erratically as Miller. Shitty management allows this crap, and then we get mediocre to inept substitutes including P.D. Twilight Zone.

    The results: flaky chaos in the broadcast booth. And I am back with the A’s from whom I fled a few years ago, because mainly of Ken Korach and the great Towny. boosted by the team’s showing great promise.

  7. I'm a big Giants fan and the "D Team" radio broadcasts are painful to listen to. Joe Ritzo is adequate when paired with a professional broadcaster, such as Jon Miller or Dave Flemming, but is truly flat and boring when partnered with a clown like F.P. Santangelo. Doug Greenwald should have been brought into the Giants broadcast team years ago, but Larry Baer is probably still holding a petty grudge against Doug's late father for what he wrote in his book over twenty-five years ago. Jon, along with Kruk & Kuip, are all past 70 years of age and only working partial schedules. The Giants really need to improve their backup broadcasting crew, which is such a vital link to the fans.

    1. Agreed, D - Team is a yawn. Trouble ahead - there are no pros waiting in the Wings. FP must have compromising photos of someone in power - there is No Way he should be heard before, during, or after a broadcast.
      Ritzo came from San Jose single A team, he belongs in single A broadcasting.
      I realize it is all subjective, but the “placeholders” are clearly not cutting it.

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  8. Jon Miller is absolutely the best.

    1. "Jon Miller is absolutely the best."

      Correction: "Jon Miller is absolutely the best at being a no-show to work, missing half the season for no rhyme or reason."

  9. I’m not a big fan of the main broadcaster not working a full season. I remember Ernie Harwell and Paul Carey working a full season schedule of Tigers games well into their 70’s.

  10. I say good bye to Phlegm on the radio. Tuesday he said "The pitch is aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ball. 10 seconds waiting for the call. Obnoxious. He also corrects himself often saying "The pitch is a fastball, I say fastball but it was a slider." "I say curve but it was a change up" . Sheesh. Killing me.

  11. Jon time to go , I think Lopez has gotten a lot better
