Thursday, August 1, 2024

Exclusive: An Karlo Splits KCBSl-"I'm Outta Here"; Disney GMA Cuts to Hi...


  1. Say Rich, what do you think about the Trump interview at the NABJ? You should do a video on that

    1. That was an unhinged DJT on a whole new level. I haven't checked his TS postings yet, but I could imagine him calling the interviewers mean and nasty. It must've been humiliating for DJT to have the interview cut short when they all had enough of his BS.

    2. He's an incredible healer. After getting half of his ear blown off, the ear grew back within days. It was bigly impressive.

    3. Love the way he jumped back at rachael scott for trying to disrespect demeaning him, pure trump, won't take shit. Fight! Fight! Fight!

    4. Rachel Scott got her ass handed to her. MSM stooges can starve for all I care.

    5. “…pure trump, won't take shit.”

      He *is* shit.

    6. 5:56 That was pathetic! It reminded me of my 9-year old son who, when being reprimanded, tries to justify his transgression....or worse yet, shift blame to our daughter/his older sister!

    7. Scott was a rude incorrigible bitch. Trump just treated her like one. Skin color be damned! This woman was sanctimoniously rude and was exposed for the idiot she is.

    8. Interesting note from today. Apparently, the show was delayed because DJT didn't like being fact-checked realtime and was ready to walk out on the interview before it started.

    9. @ 12:31 PGFY and use KY jelly

  2. As long as Julian Glover is on the payroll, ABC7 should change their already-pathetic slogan to “Building a Better Bay Area Snitch.”

  3. I too saw the news of heads rolling at ABC. This is where Middle-managers chop some heads, and then upper middle managers cut a few middle manager heads. It is intended to irritate folks and get a few to quit, and “inspire” others to work harder.
    Never achieves any of this. Simply dumps more work on the few who show up every day and do their job.

    How long before KNBR goes to syndication? I predict Sept 30, 2024

  4. Julian Glover likes to project a youthful image, but those of us who’ve worked with him know that he uses old-school tactics to get ahead, including snitching on co-workers and ensuring that even their most minor flubs and faults are known to management.

    1. Yes, Julian does all of that but he likely learned from the biggest cut throats of them all: Empress Ming Sze and Reginald “Donny” Aqui who puts you on his shit list and gives you the silent treatment if you don’t kiss the ground he walks on.

    2. Once a rat always a rat

    3. This may be an unpopular opinion, but I actually like Julian Glover, so it’s disappointing to hear his colleagues consider him a snitch which means they don’t trust him. I’m not making excuses but I can only imagine the types of biases and obstacles and micro-racism he must face as a professional Black male. So perhaps the ‘snitching’ is him doing what he feels he needs to do in order to remain competitive and relevant in the eyes of his employer.

    4. “Yes, Julian does all of that but he likely learned from the biggest cut throats of them all: Empress Ming Sze and Reginald “Donny” Aqui…”

      I’ve worked with Sze since her Philadelphia days; we came to ABC-7 around the same time. She was competent, but that’s all, at WPHL, and not liked then and isn’t liked now. She’s sort of to WPHL what Debora Knapp was to WCAU. Period like that have to resort to underhanded tactics and gossip to keep their jobs. That’s why Julian and Reggie and Sze-girl kiss the rings and other parts of Trixie. Sze is the Kathleen Kennedy of KGO.

    5. I’m interested in hearing Rich’s take on Julian Glover situation. Is he truly a disliked tattle-tail?

    6. “Micro-Racism”?? Is that like being a Little Black Bitch?

  5. baseball can be boring anyway...

  6. Cue the crocodile tears.

  7. Why is Audacy posting a job opening for News Director at KCBS? Story?

    1. Well, Ankarlo’s last day was today, so that should say something. Couldn’t stand the guy. Made a news story out of his car getting stolen. Pat Thurston 2.0.

      Peter Felch

  8. I just learned that Julian Glover's alter ego is Childish Gambino, so...much respect.
