Friday, August 2, 2024

Disney's Contempt for its Own People; Calling Out the BS


  1. How about Disney’s content for its own *properties*? It’s stop reshooting Snow White three years after it finished, after allowing its “star” to rip the original to shreds.

  2. Disney laying off, Intel laying off,
    Welcome to the real world of Capitalism.
    How much did the CEOs of Disney/Intel make last year?
    How much do Texas oil companies GOUGE California? As much as they can !! (For those tax explainers, the taxes alone do not explain the gouging)

    Sure, layoffs everywhere, until consumers vote with their feet. Almost all corporations look at labor as a cost and totally expendable.

  3. This is not Frank S.
    Disney has all kinds of revenue streams - but their ESPN and ABC cashflows are mainly out, as in Money-Losing extravagances.
    Disney makes money streaming, making “content” (films, tv series), running amusement parks. They own Star Wars, Pixar - both former long time bay area stalwarts. They even have a hand in Super Heroes (Capt America?).
    So they are printing money, but as with any loser, you cut them back to see if you can make the number$ work. I predict ABC will be sold by 2027.

  4. Will you please tell us./me why David Fleming, who is NOT old,
    comes and goes seemingly at his discretion? Is he some kind of a celebrity? What a shitty-run organization that allows this chaos in the broadcast booth, so much like the team itself. And I blame Larry B., who should have stayed fired a few years ago.

    1. Fleming is 50 years old. He is in demand. His contract was negotiated to allow him to call football, golf, midget wrestling, even basketball. He has connections from his days at Stanford.

  5. “Building a Better Bay Area” is FAKE and KGO7 stinks.

  6. Good points. Speaking of Giant announcers / postgame hosts, did anyone watch Greg Papa and Rich Aurilia following Snell's no-hitter
    tonight? They had at least a half dozen close-ups of Aurilia as he was speaking. Zero close-ups on Papa -- maybe because he looks ridiculous? Is that a piece of black tar on his head?

    1. When I heard Ritzo & FP were calling the game, I elected to skip the broadcast. In the words of Hall of Famer Miller, “Bummer Dude”
      Having the “D Team” calling games is bad business.

  7. Y'all should know by now that "when something goes wrong, call Anh Phoong!"
