Wednesday, July 31, 2024

What an All-Syndicated KNBR Would Sound Like--Same Too a Non-Audacy KCBS


  1. I cannot wait for the syndicated shows to arrive! They actually discuss sports. Not the shameful soliloquies by the hapless Murphy.
    Rather than regurgitating the batting average of Nick Ahmed, the syndicate will discuss top ten tacklers in the NFL, rushing leaders, MVP candidates in AL, NL.
    Hell, maybe they’ll even discuss the Americas Cup, English Premier League, and the fall of Canadian Hockey teams.
    I hope Tolbert enjoys all the free beer he’s going to get. I hope Murphy enjoys his voice overs for Depends.

    1. You probably won’t hear from them anymore about Ahmed since as a free agent he went to the Dodgers to fill in for infielders that are out. His batting is improving now but seems like the Dodgers are playing lousy, especially pitching. Padres may catch them I suppose. The Giants’ cheerleading KNBR blabberers are annoying. Giants have decent pitching now I agree but no chance except for a glimpse or short run of the playoffs if lucky. KNBR kiss ass hosts like Giants’ President of Baseball Operations’ Farhad Zaidi say the Giants have the best pitching in the Bigs; really while being 3 under .500? Give me a break! Maybe a few can be consistently good but then the batting may not be there half the time.

  2. KNBR would be much better off if a certain morning show host (and his friends) would spend less time trolling rich leaving stupid comments on this site and more time focusing on putting forth a respectable and palatable broadcast each morning.

    1. In fairness, anyone who ‘trolls’ rich and leaves ‘stupid comments’ is likely only doing so because rich has ripped them and raked them over the coals for months on end, if not longer.

  3. Without trolling this site, such persons would have no reasons to earn minimum wage working for Cumulus™.

  4. If Cumulus decide to make an all syndicated sports station at KNBR. Does local hosts: Tom Tolbert, Greg Papa , Paulie & Mac decide to go a couple block down 88 Kearny street to join 95.7 The Game??

  5. 10:16 - You think 95.7. has any money? They are likely more broke than Cumulus. 95.7 is probably pissed that KNBR is going to steal all the good syndicated shows.

  6. Heard the KNBR jaw-jackers this afternoon pontificating on Aiyuk getting a $40-$50 dollar signing bonus.
    These obscene amounts of money are driving me nuts - even though they pale by comparison to Musk’s demand to be paid $46 BILLION annually.
    I like Aiyuk’s play, he is a real pro, but I may need to start rooting for high school teams if the obscene money being made prices out the non-corporate game goer.

    Maybe Aiyuk can buy KNBR for pennies on the dollar?!

    1. 1:52 I am sure MLB and the NFL at the Corporate and each Team’s level have financial analysts who figure out the yearly optimum luxury tax (Corp.), salary caps (Corp.), ticket prices (team) food/drink prices (team), etc. such that the average occasional attendee and season ticket holder can take on enough but not too much debt for tickets and food/drink. They likely use data analytics like attendance by stadium section. They probably know financial things about fans, especially season ticket holders. Many of these average working class Joe/Joette fans are the most hard core loyal, more attached to the team than the players as evidenced by their non-play tactics to “get paid”. As you see some of these fans drunk, loud, obnoxious, and sometimes fighting in the stands, players are laughing all the way to the bank. Players give them autographs and the Team promotional souvenirs, saying great things about “their fans”, but do they really care about them, especially given the fans’ cost the fans really can’t afford due to the players’ and the owners’ salaries mostly? They live in mansions and probably gated communities. These fans identify with and worship the players at a bizarre level as if their homie buds as heard on KNBR call ins. Sports has become the marketplace of encouraging idolization and gouging stupid people.

  7. Rich: You're gonna die on the local media hill. That's fine. That's what you want to do. But face it, satellite radio is IN. You can get stations that concentrate on different music genres, and focus on each league/sport. You don't have assclowns who think they know everything like the schleps on KNBR. Or stations that bombard you with 55 minutes of commercials every hour. These people actually know their shit. I barely listen to KCBS for traffic and local headlines, but if that went away, I have my Waze app for traffic. The local headlines, well, I don't even read the Comical anymore because it's a joke as you know. I get more SF news from the LA Times! Yeah, the local media scene is pretty fucked up, isn't? I'd ask if there's a solution, but we know better. THERE IS NONE. If you can present one, I'd listen.

  8. If syndicated sports talk was so popular then wouldn't 1050 have the best ratings?

    1. It isn’t the content, it is the cost$. I can buy a cup of starsux coffee for 4.75 or I can buy a cup for/from my Keurig for 50 cents. Both crappy coffee but one cost damn near 10 times as much.

      Thankfully the syndicated shows change it up - KNBR has been in steep decline since Mr Ono moved on.

  9. To bad if Rich is actually right?, KNBR runs the entire CSS Sports radio lineup is quite poor except for Maggie and Perloff in early morning @3.00 am. KNBR should try and air Dan Patrick and Rich Eisen shows but since are Fox sports radio shows aired on 95.7 not likely.

    Not that Felch impersonator.
