Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Betty Yu is Great as Reporter; Not So Good as Anchor at KTVU


  1. I was thinking the same thing Rich i expected more from Betty but her anchoring was subpar

  2. Below average anchor. I will give Ms. Yu credit as a decent reporter

  3. I don't understand why KTVYU is putting Yu (no pun intended) on the big chair when there are capable female anchor candidates that have been waiting in line for years like Claudine Wong, Christina Rendone, Healther Holmes, Gasia, Pam Cook, Jana Katsuyama, Amber Lee

    1. Completely agree. Heather has been qualified for years and still getting screwed over.

    2. Because KTVyU has no strategy. None whatsoever. Your questions implies they actually think about these things. They don't. They take the 'any warm body approach.' Basically if you're on the payroll, in the building and have a pulse then you can and will anchor. Tenure and skillset are not even remotely considered. I'm surprised we haven't seen the janitor or parking attendant anchoring.

    3. 108’s comment is way off base. Mr. McFeely the KTVU custodian IS NO WARM BODY. He’s a fantastic anchor and even better person. The same can’t be said of Cristal Bailey or Betty Yu on either account. And yes, this is Frank Somerville.

    4. Betty is thrown in the anchor chair because the wonks that hired her need to justify her big salary. She’s making way more than the average field reporter.

    5. @12:30 exactly a slap on the face to long time staff like heather Holmes, amber lee, jana, claudine wong, gasia, rendone

    6. All the senior female staff are getting screwed by Yu. The first week on the job she jets off for weeks to Europe after staying silent on social media for months due to an “illness” Leaves Kpix quietly and now she cuts the line to anchor at Ktvu. maybe she is like Julie Haener after all

    7. Amber Lee would be a disaster. She can’t ad-lib a two-sentence intro without flubbing it.

  4. Great reporter, below average anchor. She just doesn't have what it takes to command the desk

  5. Betty would be a good fit for kron and that is saying a lot

    1. @10:12 AM Kron can't afford her

    2. Kron already has Lin providing all the spin and there is no win

  6. Couldn't have said it better. Betty speaks very well, but it'll be career suicide if she continues as an anchor. She doesn't have it. The most awkward thing was watching two anchors sitting next to each other and having little to no interaction. She is at best a fill-in or weekend anchor, and solo only.

  7. At least she can brag about being San Francisco’s most “best dressed below average anchor”

    1. @10:29 Betty won best dressed but worst anchor

  8. Betty Yu? More like Betty ME. That's always been her MO

    1. 10:41 - I can see that on her social media accounts

  9. There’s a lot of negative comments about Ms. Yu but i will give her credit she would never rock Ms O’Connley’s cheetah mini

    1. All this chatter about the cheetah mini, but don't forget about her other wardrobe staple: the leather micro mini that she frequently features on air and on her social media.

    2. Leave Bailey O'Carrol alone-i like what she has been wearing lately-Sunday was a particularly plunging neckline

    3. @2:49 PM YES to the twins

    4. What's the over/under on the number of days until Bailey O'Connell wears the tight as a glove cheetah mini dress again?

    5. “… the leather micro mini that she frequently features on air…”

      I must start watching.

  10. Looks like KTVU just lost the Chinese New Years parade broadcasting rights after Julie left the station. Just found out on KGO Ming Sze is hosting the show. Brought this up always been on KTVU

    1. Mike Mibach was an absolute disaster at last year's parade. So bad that KTVU is now banned from broadcasting the parade.

    2. Nothing like a white dude from Marin talking about chinese culture for three hours. They had Ben Fong Torres which was a solid addition but i never understood why they opted for Julie Haener and not someone like Amber Lee who has been very open and proud about her chinatown roots, and has shown deep knowledge of the chinese community and customs. When Julie was bounced it would've been a great touch to hand over the reigns to Amber, but noooooo, had to give it to snooty and buffoonish Mike Mibach. Constipation Man.

    3. Mike was so rude at the CNY parade for talking over Claudine Wong. It was typical alpha white guy syndrome. Julie embraced the parade and it's history and listened to the knowledge that Ben Fong Torres brought to the coverage. Viewers didn't see that same chemistry with Mike/Claudine.

  11. I agree. I don’t like her as an anchor. No charisma. Maybe she needs to read the teleprompter from a 3 star Michelin restaurant while sipping cosmos.

    1. @12:28 I’m told she already made that request and was denied. She even got Birdsong to offer KTVU her usual 50 percent off discount for a few posts on insta.

  12. Both Mike and Betty are terrible at ablibing.

    1. Her ablibing sounded scripted tonight. She needs to go back to being a reporter.

  13. The merry-go-round of female anchors reminds us how much Julie Haener is missed.

    1. If Ch2 is considering Betty as Julie’s replacement the station will burn to the ground. Both show off their Chanel bags so I guess they have that in common

  14. I hope these comments are not hurting Ms Yu’s ego

  15. I just scanned Ms Yu’s Instagram account. It screams import model meets influencer

  16. I don’t look at any of their TikToks or instagram or whatever app they YUse to get attention these days. I can barely stand seeing them on tv. I sure as hell don’t give a flying fuck about where they’re traveling or what they’re wearing or all their other insecure show off behavior.

    1. and yet you take time out of your life to tell us that.

  17. You're right about Betty leaving Kpix on bad terms Rich. There was no on-air goodbye as I recall. Should have been a red flag for KTVU

  18. Lots of opinions. I think Betty is as good an anchor as anyone can be. She’s awesome.

  19. To the gentleman issuing nonstop comments about Bailey’s attire: FYI, it’s not normal to be so obsessed with a random woman’s clothing. Please get help.

    1. or lack thereof-i FEEL normal..

  20. Anything is better than Mibach.

  21. KTVU keeps throwing spaghetti (Mike Mibach) against the wall to see if he 'sticks.'
    Mike and Betty? Mike and Heather? Mike and Julie? Well, we all know what happened there. Here's a thought: get rid of Mike Mibach and cut your losses! Soulless SI 🍒 kiss ass

  22. Oh gosh, she sounded so mechanical when trying to ablib with Jana tonight. She's embarrassingly bad.

  23. Guess the honeymoon is over quicker than we thought. FYI if you are wondering everyone at KPIX is laughing right now. We sold you a BMW but it was only a Honda with a sticker slapped on it. Hope you are enjoying all the ego with the mediocre reporting. Next time, best to check your Carfax report before purchase!

  24. Here's the good and bad on Betty, the anchor:

    Good - voice sounds loud and clear, appearance looks professional.
    Bad - sounds robotic, no chemistry with colleagues, awkward transitions with reporters, very little small talk.

    Conclusion: Betty's not ready to be an anchor in the BA. She would probably benefit from anchoring at a smaller market first.

  25. I mentioned this when Yu first joined KTVU, and now that we’ve had enough time to observe her in action, I’ll reiterate: Yu is the dictionary definition of the halo effect—the tendency to attribute positive traits and skills (such as anchoring and news chops) to physically attractive individuals, even without any direct evidence to support that perception. In Yu’s case, her attempts to portray herself as ‘a cut above’ on social media—with her couture wardrobe, frequent Michelin-starred dining, and luxury international travel—only serve to reinforce the perception (even if subconscious) that her anchoring must be equally exceptional.

    Well folks, as we've seen her anchoring is mediocre at best. And I'm being kind. To be frank, it's no better than LaMonica Peters or Amber Lee behind the desk. The halo effect is real.

    1. 9:44 AM, I'd never heard of the "halo effect" until now but just googled it and I agree it certainly describes Betty Yu. If we're being honest, it describes many others on local television as well.

  26. Rich, I hope you do a story about why KTVU continues to do this ridiculous parade of never-ending female anchors at 10pm. Why haven't they just given it to Heather at this point? In the past month they've paraded out Betty Yu...Amber Lee...Claudine Wong...Cristina Rendon....Crystal Bailey...all at 10pm/11pm. You can't tell me that all of these people are 'auditioning' for the role. It's so stupid. I can't believe Heather puts up with this and sticks around to watch this insanity.
