Wednesday, August 28, 2024

YAWN Alert: KCBS All-Day Remote from San Jose Bureau Draws Mass Cackles


  1. Ms.Seelig and Swason closed the bureau a few years ago in a cost cutting measure. This is not a "new" bureau but a re-opening.of the old one. They should be ashamed but they are part of Audacy.

  2. Plain and simple: the news on radio, television and newspaper in the Bay Area sucks. I had to find out that an Oakland fire crew responding to an emergency had their jaws of life stolen while at the the Los Angeles Times. If I want to know what's really going on in the Bay Area, I get the news from the LA Times. Man, that's sad. Some local TV newscasts had that story, but you won't find it in the Comical. The top priorities on recently: getting reservations at the House of Prime Rib, why SF is spending $3M to go through its monuments and why SF diners eat dinner earlier than anyone else. When are they going to 86 their printed edition? Why pay top dollar for printed toilet paper?

  3. I liked the bits of uncensored audio where someone broke wind and someone else said “oh horseshit.”

  4. I didn't listen to KCBS today. Did I miss anything? I guess not. I think I would learn more about the world today (or The World Tonight, World News Roundup, or Paul Harvey) from old KCBS or KGO Radio tapes from the 80's or 90's, much better days in Bay Area radio. Neil Chayet, Looking at the Law, or Howard Cosell, great voices and great writing. These days, who's left? A few, but not many, at all. Just saying.

  5. First day full of mishaps. It happens.

  6. Audacy has some audacity.

    Agreed the Bay Area news media and print media sucks.

    Like 6:35 said, you get more Bay Area news from the LA Times, I'd add The Daily Mail. I also peruse some local papers around the country and often find Bay Area news there that I don't see locally.

    We need more important local stories, like when the Pine Cones in the Oakland Hills fall, the mating habits of the local ground squirrels and the best kid's lemonade stands in the area.

  7. what a snoozefest. was anyone actually excited about this?

  8. I thought the show was a great production and proud of its airing. This should win awards you can bet on it.

    Peter Felch
