Sunday, July 14, 2024

Trump Shooting Media Coverage


  1. Everything surrounding yesterday's event felt very peculiar and suspicious. So far, everything doesn't add up. I'm looking forward to the final details and timeline of the investigation.

    In terms of coverage, CNN did a good job. Locally, Cristina Rendon was very good. Her in-studio interview was solid.

    1. It was bizarre all around. Supposedly the gunman was stopped by a local law officer then allowed to go up to the roof. Sounds like the Secret Service has their fingerprints all over this.

    2. Something tells me they didn't do a thorough job of securing the venue before the event. The event should've been stopped when the snipers noticed an unauthorized person on the roof. Instead, they waited to confirm if he was a threat first?? Even spectators could see he had a weapon on him, but the snipers waited for him to shoot first?? Lots of unanswered questions.

    3. Cristina was solo too. Well done.

    4. @ 4:00 I want what you're using or drinking but not if it's kool-aid

    5. @ 1:44 Ya but but the next day mini CNN blame trump for his near demise

  2. NBC TV network immediately brought in head anchor Lester Holt who provided calm and credibility with excellent coverage. On the other hand, CBS's technical issues, with a flustered Adriana Diaz appearing as a deer in headlights and Margaret Brennan jumping in sporadically to advise she was trying to get through to politicians was virtually useless.

    1. Margaret Brennan is absolutely fabulous on Face the Nation. She always asks the tough questions, but she has a terrible habit of interrupting her guests while they're trying to answer her questions.

    2. @ 3:53 Either check your hormones or quit drinking kool-aid

    3. Margaret Brennan is totally rude, always butting in and trying to make herself the story. When she comes on now I turn the channel.

    4. I'd rather watch Shannon Breem on Fox News Sunday than low IQ Margaret Brennan on CBS

  3. I worked with Lester Holt when he was a young radio reporter handling big stories. He was calm, cool and collected. That's what experience teaches you at a young age. I am not surprised he was solid during an event of this magnitude

  4. @ 1:44 & @2:28 Hahahaha! Lol! But today the tables turned by cnn, msnbc & cbs blaming trump himself for the attempt, aha, no wonder they've low ratings

  5. Dan Thorne kept calling him Ronald Trump

    1. Not his fault. Word in the newsroom is he anchors with a butt plug in place. I’d screw up names too if I had one of those jammed all the way up there.

    2. @ 1:05 Who taught him, aqui or tuma?

  6. “I do not like politicians who get shot, they are losers”, paraphrasing a particularly moronic hater.

  7. Some international news sites had decent coverage too. One of the local stations was covering it with a local news guy and stuff from the network.

  8. CBS coverage, Margaret Brennan seamlessly took over the coverage from Adriana Diaz. Norah O Donnel came in for the Sunday coverage before 60 Minutes.

  9. These are times when the old KGO Radio 810 would have calls and comments lined up for miles...

  10. That and CNN's endless commercial issues are ridiculous.

  11. No weekday reporters only weekends filling in with no respect or no body cares. Oakland fire many years ago Main reporters comes back to work for a big news

  12. KRON brought in their junior anchors. Where was Vicki, lodes and Justine

  13. In the Boston area, where I now live after spending 37 years in the Bay Area, the Hearst-owned ABC station brought in their main weekday afternoon and evening news anchors while the CBS O&O had one of their main weekday evening news anchors co-anchoring with their weekend news anchor.
    7:02 made a good point about the old KGO radio. If it still existed, I would have been listening online Saturday night.

  14. Margaret Brennan belongs on cnn, msnbc or the view, very vile

    1. Please put either Heather Holmes or Cristina Rendon to CBS to host Face the Nation. They are perfectly skilled to interviewing. And also they are network level talent. Send Margaret Brennan to KTVU to do the solo news Saturday news at 10.

    2. Another. Send Rendon or Holmes to CBS. Brennan comes to KTVU to anchor the 4 with Mibach. Mibach anchors West Coast Wrap at 7. Brennan for news at 7:30. Savidge with either Rendon or Holmes ( whichever doesn’t go to CBS) anchor the 5,6, 10 and 11 .

  15. Let’s be brutally honest: when you have ditzy cheerleader types (Darya), and robots (HH) and rock n rollers (DA) as your anchors, there is virtually nobody who can tell an important story in this media market. Liz Cook seems serious enough, but has a stern demeanor some might find cold.

    Let’s face it, our anchors here could never make it nationally. I am ok with that. Heaven forbid we get the Gidget girls of LA TV, their plastic drips off by the trowel-full.

  16. Today, Eric Trump said half of his father's ear was almost blown off, but images from today show an ear with no damage whatsoever. DJT escaped death on Sat, and goes golfing on Sun like nothing happened. The leader of the anti-Dem campaign also had nothing bad to say about Biden, nothing accusatory in regards to the shooting(very un-characteristic for DJT). This whole thing feels very strange. It seems like someone knew something ahead of time, and the important details are being suppressed.

    1. "Today, Eric Trump said half of his father's ear was almost blown off, but images from today show an ear with no damage whatsoever."

      Somebody named Trump exaggerating?!? Say it isn't so. And Donald claims he was "tortured" when the FBI came to Mar-a-Leggo.

  17. Did not vote for Trump in the recent state elections earlier this year (DeSantis) but after the debate and what he did when he was shot, I am just amazed. The man is freaky strong. Gonna vote for him now. 100 percent changed my point of view.

    1. Ditto here. Don't like either candidate but who would you rather have dealing with Putin and Kim Jong Un, Trump or an old man in a rocking chair who can't even remember who he's talking to?

    2. Teddy Roosevelt took a bullet to the chest, and then delivered a 90 minute speech. There’s a Man !! If you have ever nicked your ear, who hasn’t?, you know it bleeds like crazy. Lotta blood. I say we give tfg a rubber medal of honor.

    3. @ 9:32 Yes, lots of my Dems friends and relatives is going to vote for Trump including myself, love him or hate him but in hindsight he's a thousand times better than biden

    4. I agree. The orange man now has my vote.

    5. Surviving an assassination attempt does not make you a better presidential candidate.

    6. Last night he should have just shut up after 15 minutes, instead he went on and on for an hour and a half about the same old junk. Old Trump will not change but I'm voting for him now too because the man is determined and a fighter for America. Biden is senile and weak. Harris is a balloon brain. I just can't believe with 250 million people we end up with these two. However, I feel much safer with Trump in charge than Dizzy Joe.

  18. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. I have never seen this country so corrupt and inept all at the same time. The Secret Service director should resign pronto!

    1. The Secret Service Director should be fired immediately before she has time to think about resigning.

    2. Biden has never fired anybody for incompetence. Trump fires everybody for incompetence. That is the difference.

    3. @5:06, that's the problem with US politicians. They go through an election process, but there aren't psychological or mental tests to show the capability of a candidate. AFAICS, both candidates are not fit(physically or mentally) to be President.

  19. I wonder how Trump is going to
    profit from this? I’m all ear.

  20. Shooter was brilliant in science and math, vilified classmate in 2016 for supporting trump, registered as a republican so he can manipulate weak minds into thinking he's a republican, lo and behold after the shooting joyless behar of the view made sure she made a point of "he is a republican", makes you wonder how many IQ poiints you lose watching the view

    1. @ 9:47 I enjoy the first ten minutes of the view to see what misinformation vile venom they are spewing, sometimes I can't go beyond five minutes, someone once said they have a combined IQ of 40

  21. 9:35. I agree. She always interrupts. She seems like she’s pressured. Like she is going to lose her cool at any moment.

  22. Churchill said “democracy is great until you meet the average voter” - dumb as rocks. America gets what it deserves.
