Monday, July 15, 2024

Radio Ratings June '24; KNBR Kills The Game; KCBS in Toilet; KOIT King


  1. The Florida federal judge is so obviously in the pocket of Donald Trump. There is no local radio show to talk about this anymore. “Liberal” talk radio is out of business in this market. I think these things are connected by the dark money that has slowly bought this country’s establishments.

  2. Hello, Folks. Regarding the rumor that I am related to the popular Hock Girl, Hailey Felch, that is not true. Different fambly. Thank you, Folks.

    Peter Felch

  3. KNBR has only the Giants and Niners - their day in day out dreck is repetitive and boring. Geared for 20 minutes commute time (and mindless listening)
    KNBR’s 50000 watt flame thrower gives them plenty of ears that their competitors cannot match.
    I quit KNBR a long time ago to save the few brain cells I have remaining.

  4. We get it. KCBS sucks. Can you stop beating the dead horse now?

    1. I was so glad that Pat Thurston got pushed to the side in favor of Bret and Patti on KCBS. She came on air for a promo about conspiracy theories and an interview with one of the 5 people she knows from her KGO days. I hope she doesn’t come back because of that.

  5. "KCBS sucks. KNBR and 95.7 The Game suck. Gimme money!"

  6. Kcbs is just awful but number one in an even more awful market.

  7. The Game has a bad signal but not as bad as 960 Bloomberg, the bays best station. Bloomberg should buy kgo
