Saturday, July 13, 2024

Best KGO Talkers were Conservative: Eason, Rodgers and Finley


  1. I had a couple of drinks with Jim once; he would rip one and say “There you go, Clinton!!”

    Peter Felch

  2. I miss Ray Taliafero's impassioned pleas to call 1 800 810 cure... ONE eight HUNDRED eight ten CURE during the telethons. A good soul even if we weren't eye to eye on all political issues.

    1. Ray had a good soul, his politics suck

  3. What about Gene Burns, he was terrific, I liked Rothmann a lot and you use to like him too.

  4. Back in the 70's I traveled a lot at the time between Sacramento and San Francisco sometimes late into the night. Bob Trevor was great, with more esoteric topics such as UFO's, conspiracies, and the occult. I believe he was the voice of Pacific Bell with that tremendous voice, he also appeared in some episodes of the Streets of San Francisco. After he left I stopped listening to the station too much political and race baiting content on the late night.

  5. They tend to be the smartest people in the room.

  6. I always thought Gene Burns was the best. Knowledgeable and polite, if you made sense.

  7. Lee Rogers was the best. Well informed and funny

  8. Love, love, loved listening to KGO radio back in the day when they were king of the airwaves. During those years I worked in a large warehouse and kept my sanity by having a radio by my side and listening to Owens in the morning and Eason in the afternoons. Never missed Eason's daily opening monologue. He always had interesting guests on and I always learned something. Missed those days.

  9. Owens on your shit list again? Loved Dr Dean

  10. Controversy for the sake of suckering the dupes into responding is nothing new. An old play from an older playbook.
    Toss some BS out there and the nuts will arrive in droves. Ain’t that right Rich??

  11. Dave from Santa CruzJuly 17, 2024 at 4:32 PM

    Eason was ok, he would constantly grouse about the US Postal service. Kinda like Andy Rooney. Gene Burns was a fave. "Answer the questions SIR!..." Gene was also good at monologue openings.

  12. Whatever his politics, nobody can match Gene Burns. Nobody.

  13. I liked Al Collins. I really enjoyed it when he would sit in for Owens or Eason. I’d hear the local news end, the KGO jingle would play and instead of hearing the host talking over the jingle you would hear the sound of Count Basie’s “Blues In Hoss’ Flat” fade in and as it ended you would hear “Well Hello there, this is Jazzbo on your radio”. For the next two to three hours there would be no political talk. Instead you would hear about Aunt Ruby in San Diego with her ever growing ball of string, Harrison the Owl and some self proclaimed professor who called in and did bird whistles over the telephone. I remember the time Jazzbo had some guest who claimed to have invented a gas-less car that ran on a giant wind-up rubber band! Jazzbo: “So this sounds very interesting to me. You wind up this giant rubber band which is connected to the car’s driveshaft. You release the rubber band and man the car takes off like a rocket and you don’t even have to stop at the gas station…”.

