Friday, July 12, 2024

KQED Largesse: Where's The Chronicle? Never Mind; KPIX ND Turmoil; Biden...


  1. KQED airs virtually no original programming, a fact verifiable by visiting their website and viewing their schedule lineup. This raises the question: where is the $89 million in annual contributions going? That's a substantial amount of money for any station, especially a local public access station with next to no original programming.

    1. KQED is NOT a ‘local public access station.’

    2. 4:10PM, fine, I stand corrected. Now back to my initial question. Look at KQED's programming lineup and tell me where 89 MILLION dollars ANNUALLY is going?

    3. KQED built itself a palace in which to not produce programming which the C suite needs to oversee.

    4. It is my understanding that a significant portion of that income is paid to PBS/CPB for the production and purchase of the shows that they air, regardless of the fact that they are not producing local shows.

    5. So, does KCRB, for instance, pay less for the same PBS programming?

  2. NBC news shows banner at bottom of picture AlecBaldwin case dismissed while showing fire and discussing story on American Airlines plane at SFO?? Clearly NBC news on top of it!

    1. Raineri was describing the 2 large high pressure systems that are keeping us hot

  3. KQED donations end up going down a rat hole never to be seen again Grab their IRS form 990 and see what it says. Check Please is locally produced. At the end of the program watch the "crawl" that shows you how many people work on it

    1. Not sure what you mean "going down a rat hole." Their Form 990 is quite comprehensive and shows what all their expenses are; everything from salaries, pensions/401k contributions, program acquisition costs, fundraising, depreciation, legal, accounting....etc. You may not like how they spend their money but they are quite transparent about it. On revenue of about $100 million, their CEO makes about $500k, not out of the norm for a company that size. In total, they have 568 employees, and fully loaded with benefits, the average is maybe $75-85k?? NO one's getting rich there and those numbers are certainly not extraordinary in the Bay area.

  4. Lisa White is a venomous snake.

  5. Brian Hackney was off last weekend and I suspect it may have to do with his father. However, with Zoe Mintz filling in for Jessica Burch, Darren was there at 11PM last Sunday, otherwise he’d have to leave and there would be pre recordings. Zoe Mintz is fine but I do miss Darren Peck’s morning fill in.

    I have seen new reporters. Two that come to mind is Kevin Ko & Kara St Cyr (all the way from Louisiana).

    Let’s find out if Hackney is back this weekend or eventually might leave.

    1. Hackney is back on the weekend.

      Ahh yes one more reporter I forgotten, Loureen Ayyoub who is from LA! She is hot

    2. Hackney's weekend gigs have been overtaken by events.
      Hope he returns next weekend.

    3. He’s back. I guess with the addition of Zoe, they are likely limiting him to anchoring completely. At the same time never say never to him on weather.

      Maybe it could only happen in a rare situation where Darren fills in the entire week like this past Spring and give a weekend off (full weekend that is)

  6. Don't like Zoe Mintz, bring back Jessica Burch

    1. Why don’t you like Zoe? Jessica is off for her annual 2 week training. They could have put Darren Peck on some days as a morning fill in.

    2. I don't like Zoe mintz neither, please go back east

    3. If it makes you happy this weekend Zoe wasn’t on since she was working all week plus 7/4 and 7/5.

      Paul Heggen & Darren Peck’s pre recorded forecasts were there again.

      Would be nice to see Darren Peck & Zoe Mintz take turns if someone like Jess is off the whole week. Get Darren back on the mornings once in a while.

  7. Spot on re KPIX, Rich. I don't recognize anyone they have on air anymore. I don't watch all the time either, but everyone looks like they could barely pass for a community college student. It's sad. It's no wonder the veterans have left, quality has tanked and it shows.

  8. I don't like either Zoe Mintz or Jessica Burch, for whatever that's worth.

  9. A couple of years ago I was watching the PBS station in Sacramento showing a one hour documentary on the life of George Moscone. Curious, I waited for the credits. Produced by KQED? Surely you jest. It was produced by the SACTO tstation with help from Stockton where George went to UOP. KQED embarrassed? Hardly. They showed the same documentary two weeks later

  10. Zoey, Hackney, and Peck, sounds like a Law firm in the Financial District.
    They are likely smarter than The Law Brothers, Sweet James, Berg, Habbas Law, and Dewey Cheatham and Howe, put together. I am truly sick of their constant commercials. We ought to throw them all in a pit and have them fight to the death against the We Buy Houses kooks. That I’d pay to watch.

    1. You forgot Suzanne Rocha, Ann Phoong, Law Tigers, Fart & Smile, and John buys Houses. What did we do to get invaded by these bush league advertisers?
