Wednesday, July 3, 2024

The Power Grab at ABC7; Julian Glover Making Enemies at 900 Front


  1. The real irony if Glover gets the spot is the MO of KGO has long been the person with the most seniority get the spot. When Trixie left the Assistant News Director position all the women were privately bitching, "Stephanie Adrouny [who had most seniority at that point] should get it but you know Bob Goldberger will because he's a *man*! That's how it is around here." Stephanie got it, but you didn't hear any of those whiners then admit they were wrong. Now if Julian, who is NOT most senior in the anchor pool, gets Ashley's gig I wonder if those same femininst-BLM-progressives will complain that he got it over someone more senior. Nope, since he's black and gay they'll be okay with breaking the rules.

    Progressives = Hypocrites.

  2. I'd have to disagree. I think Julian's very good, but he has this cheerful demeanor that seems perfect for his time slot, and not necessarily a good fit for prime time.

  3. He reminds me of Kid from Kid 'n Play.

  4. He is a nothing burger on a nothing station. Maybe he needs to learn some people skills before he exerts power. Highly unlikely he will rein in his power-tripping.

  5. No likey glover
