Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Bay Area Heatwave Brings Predictable Silly Stories


  1. Speaking of which, I couldn’t even get through Amanda Quintana’s weather report on the KTVU noon news. Perhaps it’s a nervous tic but she does this thing where she chuckles mid-sentence for no reason. The same way some people say ‘like’ and ‘um,” Amanda chuckles only to immediately return to a normal tone. During this particular report she did it no fewer than five times. Finally I turned the channel. It’s odd and very juvenile.

    1. Never noticed anything like you described in the past. Perhaps someone/something was breaking her focus at noon. It was a very professional report earlier in the day(link below)

    2. 2:11, I’ve noticed this too. We all have our own unique public speaking quirks and mannerisms. Hers is the giggle.

    3. @ 2:11 Totally disagree, she's a fine reporter and if her persona bothers you perhaps you should stick with CNN, professional misinformation spewer

    4. She definitely does this but personally I think it's cute.

    5. Yes, but she only does it during live stand-ups, not during (recorded) packages.

  2. “Everyone Complains about the Weather but nobody does anything about it !!”
    A tired refrain.

    Don’t like the weather? Wait until next year - you’re going to HATE that. It is only going to get worse - just as it has for the past few decades. Hot - Hotter - Hottest !

    Of course if you ask folks who are informed by hearsay and drunk shills, “winter comes every year, there is no global warming!” (and these mofos are allowed to vote?)

  3. "“Man it's hot. It's like Africa hot. Tarzan couldn't take this kind of hot.”

    “The weather out there today is hot and shitty with continued hot and shitty in the afternoon. Tomorrow a chance of continued crappy with a pissy weather front coming down from the north. Basically, it's hotter than a snake's ass in a wagon rut.”

  4. Poor Betty Yu looked like she was melting right in front of our eyes. Hopefully, they wipe down her shine today before going on air.

    1. Gosh, she had that "just got out of the sauna" shine, and it was after 10pm.

  5. For the HOT Daze street interviews...
    How about interviewing someone that just came out of a porta-potty...
    Was it hotter than normal in there?
    How was the scent, stronger than usual?
    Was the seat hot?

  6. Gotta say Kyla the KRON weather lady you have the picture of is one of the only weather people I like watching. She makes it easy to understand and always has something different to show not just the same stuff over and over again like a broken record.

    1. I like her too. I wish she was on at night though.

  7. Watching tonight and Little Mike (in his BLUE suit with brown shoes - nice touch; where’s wardrobe?) being dwarfed by his nemesis temporary anchor ‘Gasbag’ whom he can’t stand. What happened?
    Who put these two together?
