Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Amateur Hour in Bay Area Media


  1. Our entire country is an amateur hour. One great big DEI amateur hour.

  2. Stod Trondheim, Esq.July 4, 2024 at 12:01 PM

    Thank you, Rich. Have a safe and happy 4th.

  3. Sounds like Brian Hackney is “quietly” being phased out of doing weather. With the addition of Zoe Mintz, now Darren Peck is more likely than not Paul Heggen’s fill in. Zoe comes on some weekday afternoons and more likely is Jessica’s morning fill in. Honestly, I do miss Darren Peck filling in during the mornings. But now a few things changed - KPIX last month now starts weekday news at 6AM only, which probably means Sunday night we no longer need to worry about Brian Hackney doing double duty at 11PM, but you never know now.

    Moreover, since August last year, he no longer comes on weekday evenings or does 3D weather. Rarely double duty on weekends which means standard weather.

    Is this a sign Brian Hackney is on the way out to retirement?

    Finally, please give your feedback on Professor Zoe Mintz. So far I think she is energetic & good but some folks on YouTube think she is unwatchable. She is great and she is hot, her Chicago accent is super attractive.

    1. She’s very good at weather presentation. And she’s beautiful too.

  4. Don't like Zoe mintz
