Friday, July 19, 2024

Fonzi Mystery at KTVU; Nobody Cares; KRON Seeks New GM--Offers $375K; Fr...


  1. Joe Fonzi had health issues in the past. Prescribed drugs blew him up. I don’t know Jack Shi* about Joe Fonzi, but I hope his health is fine and he is loving life.

    1. I read he’s the new PR Rep for the Oakland dog shit sports teams.

    2. @7:30- The Ballers, the Roots?... Even though I'm an SF sports fan (Giants, Warriors, Niners) and the SF and Oakland teams were rivals, at the same time, can't help but feel bad for Oakland fans. It's like, they're supposed to be excited about the Ballers and the Roots now? Give me a break, even though the Ballers do have that community feel to them.

    3. @7:30- As an SF guy, and I may be a bit biased, but I was cool with the Warriors move to SF. The Raiders probably still should've stayed in Oakland, especially considering that Mark Davis apparently wanted to build on the Coliseum site, but the A's blocked him.

      The Raiders got nice new digs in Vegas though, not going to lie. Kind of jealous of Allegiant Stadium. Hate to say it, but it looks much better than Levi's. I guess at the end, things didn't end up all that bad for the Raiders and the Raiders probably may not have been able to build an Allegiant Stadium type stadium in Oakland on the Coliseum site anyway.

      The A's move to Vegas doesn't make sense and Vegas doesn't really want them there. The A's had Howard Terminal. If Vegas falls through, maybe the A's stay in Sac, but even then, that may be weird even though they would still be in NorCal.

      But yes, crazy stuff for Oakland sports fans to go from rooting for the A's, Raiders, and Warriors, to the Ballers and Roots.

    4. Otis, I couldn't agree more with your 9:15 comment. Spot on. Sure, there will always be a small, micro subset of the population 'excited' about the Roots or Ballers, but the way people talk them up and prop them up as if they are going to have any meaningful impact on the Oakland sports scene or Oakland as a whole is comical. It's laughable to think that these niche teams will ever move the needle in a significant way. They are nothing more than a fleeting distraction, with no real influence or lasting presence.

    5. @9:26 it pains me to say this, but as a lifelong Oakland sports fan, Oakland doesn't a sports team. The city is full of corrupt politicians that's turning the city into a crime ridden cesspool where businesses are closing up daily. The Raiders were the only team that supported the city and wanted to build in Oakland. The Warriors wanted to take advantage of the brighter lights across the Bay, and the current A's owner never wanted to be in Oakland. He's made several attempts to leave Oakland in his two decades of ownership, but he's so dumb that every deal he's proposed has fallen through, even the LV deal is crumbling as we speak.

    6. 9:05 AM, perfectly said. I’m a lifelong A’s fan and what you said is what I’ve been trying to articulate whenever I talk to people about the Ballers.

  2. Who needs Fronzee when there's Bailey O’Bozo

    1. Is Bailey the girl who can’t even properly pronounce the names of anyone on the Giants and refers to their stadium as ‘Oracle Field?’

    2. She’s not good but she’s not awful. She’s par for the course. Amateur hour. Not even close to mediocre. But she’s young-ish and blonde (with a “butter face”) and apparently that’s good to get you on tv these days.

  3. Mike Mibach was doing the sport report with Christina Rendon last night. While giving highlights of an NBA Summer League game, he proceeded to describe a player going to the basket (untouched or guarded) as a CONTESTED layup. Either he and/or the person writing the script doesn’t know the definition, that it was actually uncontested: not disputed or challenged. I guess Jesse Gary was not available.

    1. Sometimes they have "indelible" Bailey O'Carroll do sports. She's awful, and mispronounces so many names. Her writing is high school level at best. She should be working in Ottumwa Iowa.

  4. It is no secret what happened to Joe. He retired in March and just didn't want to make a big deal about it publicly. It was announced internally in an email from the news director back then. He recently became a grandfather and is of retirement age – nothing nefarious going on there. There was some talk of him returning in the fall as a freelancer covering the Niners, but Fox isn't big on people doing that, so I doubt it'll happen.

  5. Joe Fonzi quietly retired after the Niners lost the Super Bowl in February

  6. Otis III, let’s see how “allegiant” at Allegiant Stadium the Raiders fans are when the team sucks as usual. I did see the car plates and decals all over Vegas while passing through but I doubt the loyalty of blue collar mostly casino workers will be anything like those around here who I suppose may still be their hard core fans to travel there. The A’s are victims of their clueless management as Vegas does not have a dedicated baseball fan community there. Serves the A’s owner right if they swelter in Sacramento for a while. Not sure how other teams will put up with playing there though without A/C and an enclosed roof.

    1. @9:22- LOL. I see what you did there with allegiant. haha... Yeah, the Raiders don't have the same home field advantage at Allegiant Stadium as they had at the Coliseum. Heck, SoFi Stadium is more of a homefield for the Raiders whenever they play the Chargers or the Rams there, than Allegiant Stadium is. LOL.

      I really wonder if the Raiders and the NFL could have a do over, if the Raiders couldn't get a deal done in Oakland, would the NFL have just had the Raiders move back to LA with the Rams instead. Maybe have the Chargers or another team move to Vegas instead of the Raiders? I know there was a lot of moving parts there with Jerry Jones and Stan Kronke getting involved, but most of the Raiders fanbase is here in the Bay Area and in LA.

      Agreed on the A's and Vegas. Just an add move all around regarding that. I know the A's want that Vegas money and the MLB wants a piece of that Vegas pie, but still. Vegas wants their own MLB team... We'll see how things pan out for the A's in Sac the next few seasons and if the A's will end up having no choice but to end up staying there, if things in Vegas continue to look bleak for the A's.

    2. Why anyone in their right mind would support the Traitors is beyond me. Let’s be honest Al Davis and Mark Davis BOTH shit on Oakland when they saw Big Money elsewhere.
      The REAL Oakland Raiders are long long gone. They were the guys who got drunk the night before the game, beat each other up in practice, then knocked the dogshit out of their opponents. The current team is composed of pretty boys and wannabes. (Save for East PA’s Davante Adams) The rest of the team is glitter gulch bitches and Showgirl chasers.
      Why anybody in their right mind would patronize Las Vegas, “America’s Shithole” proves Americans are stupid.

  7. Rich what kind of sources do you have if true,That Fletch loser?

  8. Former "KRONvict" here. One of my lasting memories of working there was Jason Dumas talking about how, when he takes a dump, he always worries about a sewer rat or snake coming up the toilet and biting his ass.

    1. I always wondered why he used the phrase "nip it in the butt".

    2. 10:32 AM, LOL! I’ve noticed the same. It all makes sense now.

  9. Rich - As a longtime visitor to your site, I must remind you that sharing opinions and gossip online, as you do, does not require funding. It’s quite ridiculous to think that anyone would need to solicit donations just to share their thoughts. Imagine if everyone who shared their opinions and spread lies on social media, in comment sections, or on their blogs asked for and received donations. 95% of the world’s population would become multimillionaires many times over. The internet thrives on free expression, and the idea of monetizing basic opinion-sharing is absurd. People don’t need to pay to talk, and no one should be asking for money just to do so.
    For these reasons I will continue to visit your site without contributing a single penny.

  10. I saw Joe Fonzi waterskiing on Lake Berryessa last week. He looked well. Rumors that he is sick and destitute are unfounded.

  11. Jim Rose, the GM of Kron, had a lot of baggage. He chased out very good employees, he was a well-known Trump supporter, and he was also known to be making racial slurs against the employees. He needed to go.

    1. Such BS. He chased out the tired crap that needed to be chased out. The sales department got cleaned up. Let's see the new GM finish the job and get rid of the dead wood in the news department.
