Friday, July 19, 2024

Back from the Abyss; Yu Wanted OUT at PIX Bc of White; ABC7 on Edge; Glo...


  1. There are no forever friends in this world. Betty made the right choice keeping things secret or else she will not get the job pressure by KPIX knowing she is leaving. It all jealousy and greed in this world, she made the perfect choice if she wants to leave even when it was unfriendly way to do so

    1. "There are no forever friends in this world."

      That sounds so pessimistic, but I couldn't agree more.

  2. Betty is not even attractive from head to toe. I find Mainland girls much prettier, Betty is from Taiwan.

  3. Is the DJT speech over yet? It was cutting into my bedtime, so I had to turn it off.

    1. Joe was already in bed, before it started.

    2. @ 11:39 Do you crack mirrors when you look at it? Narcissus

    3. @ 7:02 Hahahahahaha!!!! Good one

    4. @ 11:39 Thankful I don't have or know people like you, rotten being (notice I didn't say "human")

  4. Why is mass deportation of illegal immigrants such a bad thing? If they are here illegally, they should either be deported or tried as criminals. This is one topic I do agree with the orange guy.

    1. @ 12:00 Couldn't agree more

    2. Really? Without them, the $205 billion US agricultural industry (of which California alone represents $60 billion) would collapse - the price of every farm produced product would skyrocket. Who do you know that is going to replace them and work 10+ hour days in 100+ degree temperatures? Additionally, the 11 million undocumented immigrants pay approximately $12 billion dollars in taxes annually, despite the fact the they are not entitled to many of the benefits they are paying into. With the money they earn, they are buying food, paying rent...contributing to the local economy they live in. Are there some vile, evil people among them? Of course. Try them all as criminals? How phenomenally stupid. Deport them all? Destroy vast sectors of the economy and throw a can of gas on inflation..... You might want to do a little more research before parroting someone who driven 6 businesses into bankruptcy, including a casino (!!!) which practically has a license to print money.

    3. @8:20, by definition, illegal immigrants are criminals. Just because they add to the workforce and pay taxes isn't justification for being here illegally. We have borders for a reason. We have a legal immigration process for a reason. We have laws for a reason.

      For the record, I don't like the orange guy and I'm well aware of all the businesses he's driven into the ground, but that doesn't mean l disagree with everything he says. This is true of any candidate for any political party.

    4. @ 9:21 Bravo, well said, I also don't like trump but will vote for him because either biden or harris will continue to drain my retiree savings

    5. @9:21
      By definition trump is a convicted FELON, guilty of 34 felonies as judged by a jury of his peers (remembering that trump’s atty picked 6 of the 12).
      Further Trump is a convicted rapist, as adhjucated by a Judge.
      Further Trump was found guilty of defrauding students with Trump U
      Further Trump ran a fake non profit that only profited him. He was barred from any further shenanigans for life by a Judge
      Further Trump called US war dead, war wounded LOSERS and Suckers.

      Thankfully we still have a great number of dumb bastards who turn a blind eye to facts and the truth. Just sayin’

    6. @12:52 I think some of the DJT voters are certainly turning a blind eye, but I wouldn't call them dumb - they are merely looking out for their best interest. So if they're making over $400K and is promised no tax increases, that's good enough for a DJT vote(other examples apply too). It's not a vote for the best interest of America, but a vote that benefits them personally.

    7. @ 2:10 Your comments tells me you're highly intelligent that @ 12:52, you see things 12:52 can't comprehend plus this low IQ needs to insult people with opposing convictions; you're right, "It's all about the economy, Bill Clinton IMHO is the best ever financial president, "It's all about the economy, stupid", kept inflation in check and America was in great shape financially, balanced the budget which is hard to do, only well to do people don't feel the inflation pains common people feel and most of them will vote for Trump

    8. @12:52 Quite frankly, all the personal issues you listed are secondary to some voters. That doesn't make them a "dumb bastard" It just means some voters view other issues as a higher priority. I have one such friend who is very anti-war and he's voting Trump simply because Trump plans to end the Middle Eastern wars and end funding of foreign wars.

  5. Meanwhile former KNTV meteorologist Christina Loren has thrown away her meteorology career at RFD-TV in favor of political punditry. And the Jesus freak has gone full MAGA which isn't that unusual. Also not that unusual; she has nothing original to say. Must be angling for a contributor gig on FOX or Newsmax or One America News Network. Sad...

    1. Cristina Loren threw away her “career” when she hired on with RFD. At this point, she was a Bay Area weather gal, a decade or so back. Her 15 minutes of Fame long gone. Nobody would give her political views a second thought - she’s a weather hobo. Which way is the wind blowing? Right past her career !!

  6. "Building a better snitch." Ha ha!

  7. Not sure why there is any news of Betty Yu - she moved to another station. Big deal? Not in the slightest.

    TFG isn’t president and I am already tired of his omnipresence. Reminded me of 3.5 years ago: constant chaos, constant embarrassment, constant noise. Can’t we get the summer off before the Bloviator N Thief overtakes the Airwaves 24/7?

  8. I don't know the details around why she left KPIX, but what I've seen on KTVU I like. Betty Yu presents well and is poised on air. I can't say the same about the minor league or amateur types I've seen elsewhere

  9. Yu is a nothing burger a lazy reporter who cares about posting on social media look her up

    1. She makes a lot more $$ on social media than being a reporter. Girl gotta do what a girl gotta do.

  10. Betty is a great addition to KTVU. Looks like they needed some new blood and energy

    1. @ 7:29 Yup, made my morning watching her on Sat AM

    2. @ 11:47 Yup, enjoyed watching her on Sun AM, she needs to consult Rosemary on dresses, this morning dress had 2 metal "Nipples" on front of the dress, opps!

    3. I normally watch 7 on weekends, but I was pleasantly surprised to see Betty Yu early on 2. Professional and easy on the eyes.

  11. I see FOX 2 News begging for school supplies. Rupert Murdoch, Fox owner, has billions of dollars, ask him to contribute !!

    1. Idiot Murdoch couldn't wait to pay off Dominion fraudulent voting machine lawsuit instead of waiting for a trial and appealing whatever verdict so now they have no MOOLAH

  12. 7.36pm Telling another person how to spend their money...Wow
