Sunday, July 21, 2024

An Historic Day: President Biden Steps Down Upon Term End


  1. Shocking but not surprising, think kamela is less electable than Biden, sad to see him drop out

    1. Biden needs to resign as POTUS, and treatment/care for his dementia needs to begin.

    2. @6:59pm Insanity is talking about choosing between drowning near an electric boat and being eaten by a Shark. Insanity is repeatedly bringing up “the late great Hannibal Lecter…”
      I would not let agent Orange teach junior high civics - the guy is too damned stupid to intelligently discuss the US government. But, in his mind, American War heroes are “losers and suckers”.
      Sadly, all this stuff is true, but the brain-dead among us refuse to believe it.

  2. There is a minimum age to be President, and there should be a maximum age to be President. The rigorous schedule necessary to be a competent President isn't for someone in their 70s, much less someone in their 80s.

    1. Completely agree and would also add that it's wrong because it's no longer their world - they don't have to deal with the longer term consequences of their policies.

    2. Perfectly worded!

    3. Trump has the energy of a 21 year old. Age has nothing to do with it.

    4. @2:34, he fell asleep at the RNC, so he definitely doesn't have the energy of a 21 year old, but maybe a brain of a 21 year old.

    5. @ 4:33 Keep smoking the yo-yo and keep losing your IQ from 30 to 0

  3. Does it strike anyone else as un-Democratic when a duly nominated candidate is forced out by his own party simply because he is losing in the polls?

    1. Losing in the polls is one of many reasons Biden shouldn't be the Democratic nominee. The man is frail, forgetful, incoherent, and doesn't have the stamina to be President. He was asked why he should be the Democratic nominee recently, and he answered the question by pointing out what he did in the past but failed to answer what he WILL do. I don't want to vote for someone with no plan. Whoever is nominated as the Democratic nominee will get my vote.

    2. Nobody forced him out. Had he not withdrawn, he would have gone to the convention and the pledged delegates would have had to vote for him. There is absolutely nothing inappropriate about convincing him to withdraw, and there is nothing inappropriate for leading democrats to say they no longer support him, nor for the donors to say they will no longer contribute to him. That's called politics.

    3. He’s not nominated, duly or otherwise. The convention is in August, that’s when the nomination occurs.

    4. He hasn't been nominated yet. Their convention is in August.

    5. No. He hasn't been officially nominated yet, #1. And #2, while yes, there was huge pressure on him he could have stayed in. He stepped back for the good of the country.

    6. I think the Trump/Biden debate was the tipping point, but concerns of Biden's capabilities have been questioned for some time now.

    7. No. Do you think that if the presumptive nominee decides they no longer want to run they shouldn’t be permitted to withdraw?

    8. It's tough for a lifelong politician to walk away, as politics is a major part of their identity. Not acknowledging his own mental and physical decline, his constituents had no choice but to give him a reality check.

    9. Nothing is final until delegates vote at the convention, stop making things up. "un-Democratic", that would be what Trump tried to do when he attempted a coup, remember Jan. 6th?

    10. @7:21 so then tell me again why we even go through the time and expense of having a primary?! Forcing Biden out was the Democrat’s version of Jan 6th

    11. Every President who seeks a second term still needs to be nominated by the delegates, so Joe Biden isn't the automatic nominee. If anything, the timing of his announcement was perfect. It gave Kamala time to campaign before the DNC, where the delegates will officially present their nominee.

    12. Un-Democratic, no. Un-Ethical, maybe slightly. In less than 24 hours since Biden's announcement, Harris already has the full support of all delegates, and has raised a record $81M.

    13. @ 12:46 Remember the 2016 polls? How that worked out? It's the debate that did biden in, not the pools

  4. Not surprised. It’s most likely Kamala Harris. She’s an ex-prosecutor and I’d bet the house Trump wouldn’t debate her. She’d tear him up when he tells lie after lie. And I read some scary stuff about JD Vance. He said a wife that’s in a domestic abusive relationship shouldn’t be allowed to
    leave her husband. I guess that’s the way hillibillies roll.

    1. Not only does Vance want women to stay in an abusive marriage, he wants raped children to keep their child. The Vance/Harris debate would've been fun, but Trump/Harris will be the Superbowl of political debates.....get your popcorn ready.

    2. Turn off MSLSD and go outside.

    3. @ 1:44 & 3:06 Quit drinking laced kool-aids

    4. @1:44 Where's your house? I want to get estimates on the necessary repairs.

    5. @ 1:44 No way no how I'll vote for Harris, also lot of people I talked to said same

  5. This should be interesting. Democrats are in full blown Schrodinger's Cat paradox mode.

  6. I, along with my wife Mrs Felch, do hereby endorse Kamala Harris for President.

    Peter Felch

    1. @ 3:15 Then you and the mrs must love illegals invading our beloved country, hypocrite, stay retired

  7. Great. Now we get to hear Republicans purposely mispronounce Kamala’s name from now until (at least) November, in some juvenile attempt to cast racial aspersions.

  8. Nice job Rich.

    I must say KCBS Radio was doing a great job interviewing people today about Biden & Trump. It almost sounded like the old KGO.

  9. Never thought the dems will eat their own, always been the rinos, a first for everything

    1. Honest questions - do you think Biden would be able to:
      a) finish his 2nd term if elected?
      b) with all of his faculties diminishing for some time now, at what point would you say he is no longer fit to be President?

    2. @ 6:29 Game plan was get reelected, then move over for kamela, debate screwed it up so dems see golden opportunity to move him

  10. @12:46. That's not the reason he was forced out. He was forced out because his debate performance was so horrifically bad that the entire country saw the true state of Joe Biden in the starkest terms and they became worried about the man in charge of the country. He's not the man he was 2 years ago and certainly not the man he was when he beat Trump. The danger wasn't that he loses in November. Trump has the edge now more than ever. The danger was the sight of Joe's condition and the knowledge that he's going to lose depresses turnout in downballot races.

  11. @12:46 Exactly right. What's going on here is a REAL threat to democracy, not the BS they talk about with Trump.

    1. Inciting the Jan 6 2021 insurrection where cops got killed and maimed always goes right by the uneducated. They still claim it was a “vacation”. Truth Distortion starts between the ears.

    2. @3:11 you need a fact check. On January 6th four people died . All were Trump supporters. Two died of a heart attack , one of an overdose and one was shot by Capitol police. One police officer died the following day. Before making exagerrated claims and calling people uneducated , you should educate yourself.

    3. @ 3:11 Don't tell fibs, ONE cop died of a heart attack next day, no other cops were killed, injured yes, don't spread misinformation unless you work for cnn or msnbc

  12. If my Uncle were alive today, he would proudly vote for President Donald Trump.
    I miss the times when he would tell me fart stories in the newsroom between him & Jerry. “Hey Pete, open your mouth. Breeeet!!!”

    Rob Amburg
    San Francisco

  13. coldhandswarmheartJuly 21, 2024 at 9:09 PM

    Wouldn't it be funny if nomination went to Gavin Newsom? Plastic opportunist Kimberly Guilfoyle having a 💩⛈️

    1. @ 9:09 He wish, been buzzing like a buzzard, no stepping over harris, buddy!

    2. @ 9:09 Hey, don't disparage Kimberly, I've met her in San Francisco and she's intelligent and genuinely nice; at that time her husband is a philanderer, now ex, now he wants to be you know what

  14. As expected and one station already knew this 2 days ago promoting VP each day on their website. The SF station with bad management with a young staff member related to a Congressman fighting cancer. The mouse!!

  15. She is an absolute empty pant suit

    1. @ 4:08 I see landslide, no win for her except bay area and calif

    2. I can't vote for her, airhead, what did she do in 4 years? Nothing but let tons of illegals in, for shame

    3. Obama was an brilliant orator, not much of a president, kamala doesn't know which way is up when she speaks, also her do nothing will do her in in the election, can't vote for someone that is incoherent when she speaks

    4. 1:55, Incoherent? Did you watch Trump's speech yesterday?

    5. 10:01, what has any VP done? Go back to the last administration. How about the past 3 decades? What has any VP done?

  16. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  17. For the party that worries about threats to "Democracy" sure seem to have no problem stomping all over it for their own gain! Unreal!

    1. A once proud Republican party is now letting the MAGA cult overrun it's party. Where's the democracy in that? Nobody has the balls to speak up against the cult - just a bunch of gutless and fake patriots.

    2. 3:31. There is no Democracy. There is however a Constitutional Republic which this "MAGA cult" feels very strongly about preserving. So, what say you head on out to the next rally and personally express your views to those flag waving jingoists (your declaration) and see how that works out for you?

    3. @3:31, Two Republicans did speak up. Mitt Romney and Liz Cheney, and both were eventually voted out of office. The other Republicans are complicit and are afraid of suffering the same fate as Mitt and Liz.

    4. @ 2:00 There's a reason they're called rinos, ie: backstabbers

    5. @ 3:31 A once mighty dem party was the gatekeeper for justice sans the earlier 17 hundreds that embraced slavery and fought to retain it, now it's so far left it's caused me to change to Independent

    6. @10:00, Both parties have become more extreme with every passing year. The internet has brought to surface these extremists and have exasperated their ideals. Being an Independent may be a good option.

  18. The difference between Potato Joe Biden and Donald Trump is Biden would of already crapped his pants before the shot.

    1. Pretty sure he would've been prepared with his ultra-absorbent Depends, but now only one candidate wears Depends.

  19. Kamala wears depends?

  20. Wow, as of now 54 comments to this post! Impressive.

  21. Rich, would you consider running for mayor of Oakland? If Shung Thoo is recalled in November, it’ll be your opportunity to step up to the plate and go for glory. I’m not saying you’d win, but you’d certainly give any other candidate a very good run for their money. And, with rank-choice voting, you might just pull off the upset of all upsets.
