Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Why Bill Martin is such a Kiss Ass --The KTVU BEST


  1. Okay? Billy 'Big Ears" has been there forever. Can't go back to KFTY? He's in his sunset years and he's comfortable. Most importantly, he's benign. Resigned to do his gig, get his check and enjoy life. What's the harm in that? Fly under the radar, don't make waves (ride them) keep stacking paper until it's time to go. Sounds like jealousy on your part. RG is nothing more than a layer of insulation. When you started talking about KA's. I thought you were going to go off on Frank Malamute. This is what hall monitors and kids given wedgies and swirlies in school become. He's going to milk it til the end. Why not? Get dat paper Billy!

  2. One person kiss ass, Frank Somersville kissing Rich ass for help when no one cares for him

  3. The fact that no one even comments shows how much no one cares about Bill.

  4. Bill Martin is a Cal grad and laid back surfer. He does not stress over mundane things (most surfers don’t).
    He is imperfect yet mainly on the money with his forecasting. Most weather folks on TV do not waiver from the NWS, so one size fits all.
    I have no issues with Bill Martin. This is much ado about nothing.

    1. Bill makes it up as he goes along. That's not laid back it's lazy. No thanks.

  5. On Mornings on 2 this morning Rosemary had a slip of the tongue and referred to an 'excessive heat warning' as an 'ex-SEX-ive heat warning.' This happened twice.
