Wednesday, June 26, 2024

John Dickinson Likely to Replace KNBR Host Who Makes Too Much--Who? I'l...


  1. Rich, Cumulus is advertising for the KNBR Program Director on their career site ( @ $ 180,000-200,000/year they state.

  2. Financially, it makes sense to axe Tolbert. Dickinson would be a good fit in any time slot.

  3. JD is good, hard working and respectful of the job. Tolbert is a bloated, lazy infantile.

  4. what are your insights and comments to CBS 24/7 and using Reed and Jessica from KPIX for their west coast broadcast?

  5. Just release Copeland and Lund and Tolbert that would save lots of money and have whoever is left do the show solo,Papa by himself was good on 1050 awile ago and would quality of show content.

    1. Papa did the solo show on then Ticket 1050 over 20 years ago. Back then Papa was at the top of his game calling A's games, Raider games, and holding down his mid-day show simultaneously.

      Not sure Papa would want to do a solo show today. Seemed like ever since he stopped doing Warriors TV pre and postgame and Giants TV pre and postgame, he's scaled back a bit just focusing on his KNBR show with Lund and calling Niner games.

    2. Less is better and cheaper for KNBR it would improve or could not get any worse than it is now and would keep the host on subject.

    3. @12:35, Papa once did the A's, Raiders, and Warriors. He was great calling the Raiders, but below average when calling the A's games. He often mispronounced names and brought up incorrect game strategies, and Ray Fosse had to correct him on-air many times.

      Still, he could do the 10-2 slot solo, and I'd enjoy listening to it.

  6. If JD does get a full-time spot on KNBR, him going from 95.7 to KNBR makes even more sense. Not sure if they promised him an eventual full-time gig when he took the job on KNBR, but it will be interesting to see what happens with JD on KNBR.

    As far as who gets let go if anyone gets let go, I may have to agree with Rich, and say Lund on this one as well. Yes, Lund is Greg Papa's right hand man, and being reunited with Lund was part of the reason why Papa left 95.7 for KNBR when he got the Niners radio play-by-play gig in 2019, but Lund doesn't really stand out on KNBR and may be the most expendable out of all the weekday hosts on KNBR. Yes, there's always a money component to these radio stations, but at the same time, you have to have weekday hosts that stand out.

    1. Otis, you say Lund is Papa's right hand man.. What if Papa likes it done with the left hand? Does Lund tug with both hands?

    2. @1:16- LOL. I don't want to think about that

  7. KPIX Channel 5 moved the early network news to 330 am, showing the east coast feed of CBS Mornings from 4 to 6, only one hour of local morning news from 6 to 7, and the west coast feed of CBS Mornings from 7 to 9. So more repeats and less local news (which is basically repeat anyway). I guess it's cheaper for them and less real content for us. More decline of western civilization. Maybe that allowed surplus Reed time to become network, with Kenny Choi flying to LA for weekends. Is this what they now call "talent strategy?"

    1. Really? Only 1 hour of local am news. I’m guessing pay cuts for everyone.

  8. I would have to guess Lund would be the next to go. Not a Tolbert fan, but Lund brings nothing and attracts no one to the station. He just seems so empty.

    1. The same could be said about Copey Copes.

  9. Can we get a two-fer? Get rid of both Tolbert and Murphy, that’d save a boatload of cash and ratings would go Up

    1. @10:23- Tolbert along with Murph are the last links of KNBR's heyday from the 2000's into last decade. Kind of doubt they both get let go, at least not right now.

    2. Thats a good reason to let them both go ratings indicate ppl are tired of them.

  10. Please be Copes.
