Thursday, June 27, 2024

Boys on the Bus, SF Media Style; Miller -Giants Bizarro; KCBS Chaos; Thu...


  1. Maybe Jon Miller has health or family issues - both good reasons for reporters to clam up.
    Giants beat reporters can not alienate their subjects, otherwise the entire team will stop talking to them. So we get softball questions, “how did you get out of that jam?”
    Like newspapers, radio, magazines, even baseball, in 40 years they’ll all be just dust in the wind. TV will endure because it involves absolutely zero thinking.

    1. “how did you get out of that jam?” I don’t think I heard that one asked to a Giant this year!

  2. KCBS sorely missed good street reporters the last week or so with all that is happening in Oakland.

    1. @ 11:24 KCBS died a painful death some time ago

  3. Do beat reporters of any team address anything besides the players, coach and management of the team related to their on the field performance? “Bags” is not running s Giants’ media blog like you.

  4. Hey Mr Rich: Holey Moley! Tapper and Lash did a good job tonite on the debate, I thought it would be like ala chris wallace but no, keep it up and I might return to CNN

  5. Is anyone in the house at KCBS to update their website NEWS STAFF list. OMG some of the people have been gone for a long time. Half the staff that is on now are not even listed. I guess short on funds$$$
