Sunday, June 2, 2024

Sunday Media Brunch


  1. I think you hit the nail on the head on why people leave KPIX and other stations. The poor benefits and the unstable working conditions are some reasons for looking at PR gigs.

  2. The virtual weather at KPIX adds no value. Personally, it's more distracting having a virtual map with poorly labeled city names. The pop up 7-day forecast also has bad color contrast. They should retire the virtual weather.

    1. The “Virtual” map is lousy. Why is HALF MOON BAY so much bigger than Santa Rosa? Is it to give some kind of perspective? Must have been designed by some Gen Xer living in HMB. It is Virtually useless.

    2. They should tilt that whole map so the cities at the top of the screen are more readable.

    3. Unless you have an 80 inch TV, the graphics are just not clear.

  3. I designed and patented the virtual weather set tubes that show the high temps for individual days of the week. You'd be surprised how many people call them "terrariums," when nothing can possibly grow inside. They are based on the design of the Jupiter 2's suspended animation devices on the original "Lost In Space" TV series...the things that were to keep Space Family Robinson frozen until they reached Alpha Centauri. Anyway, it was a bitch to get them just "so" so that the meteorologists (sic) could appear to walk behind them and even cast shadows in front of them. You have no idea the amount of work that goes into that stuff. For people here to say "retire the virtual weather" stings just a little bit, but fortunately I got the money upfront from CBS. Funny how this virtual weather thing has not been copied by stations in other markets, as I was assured would happen once the brilliance of the KPIX set was noticed. So much for that cash cow. Now I'm working on a KPIX virtual sports set in which Vern Glenn spars with the likes of Brandon Aiyuk and Wilmer Flores. Wish me luck and cross your fingers that my design work will spark a national trend yet.

    1. This is Frank. Sounds like bullshit to me.

    2. Don't take the "retire the virtual weather" comment as a personal attack. Some people will like it and some people will not. This does not in any way diminish the work that was put into making virtual weather a reality. To me, everything evolves, so I'm open-minded to the change, but I just wish the graphics had more color contrast so I could see the city names and the temperature numbers more clearly.
