Saturday, June 1, 2024

NY vs SF: Posers and Real Deal -Saturday Brunch


  1. SF fans = fair weather fans.

    1. this is the most brain dead comment everyone talks about that shows you have never been in the bay area

    2. @2:32 far from true. I was born in SF, but live in the East Bay now. I spent my childhood going to the 'stick watching both Giants and Niners. Giants have maybe 15K loyal diehard fans. The rest go to the park only when they win. I could probably tell you more about the Giants than most "diehard" fans.

    3. Most fans anywhere = fair weather fans.

    4. Definitely much more Yankees fans at Oracle this weekend.

    5. How sweep it is.

  2. When you have to pay for parking, then worry about bipping, then have to walk through a sea of urine/feces, then have to pay insane taxes at the local restaurants, you realize it's just not worth all the hassle and appreciate just how good you have it in the suburbs.

    1. SF no longer what it was, run by incompetent politicians and their policies, like the state, so beautiful but dem policies makes it ugly

    2. @ 5:05 Yes, but given San Francisco is about 70 % Democrats and California is about 60 % they voted in those progressive politicians especially in most of the big and small cities; you reap what you sow; case in point: Alameda's DA Pamela Price won't even charge a male stabber, also Newsome is running the state into the ground

    3. I went into the office last week in downtown SF. Lots of lunch spots are now closed, but takeout food is still somewhat affordable for the limited lunch spots open. When going for dinner with some co-workers, some extra charges included a 10% service charge and a 5% dine-in charge, and a recommended 18% tip. For the occasional dinner with co-workers, it's fine, but for a restaurant to add all the extra charges and expect a lot of returning customers, I say good luck. SF is very different from pre-pandemic and almost un-recognizable from a decade ago.

  3. Greg Johnson, who’s father Charles Johnson supports “the Worst of the Worst” in Congress ( which is saying a lot) does not deserve one dime of my hard earned money. While I still maintain an Altar to Willie Howard Mays, I cannot support the Johnson Baer ownership. I refuse to support Fascism in America, one way I can do that is not giving the Johnsons even a penny.
    So yes I root for my home team but I quit going to and listening to games. I can look in the mirror without feeling duplicitous.
    Actions have Consequences

  4. Your topic and arguments are laughable. It's like asking which coast has the most fragrant shit? Apparently you have an affinity for the Rotten Apple, so pack it up and be gone with you! NYC is going to look like Chernobyl as the mass exodus goes into overdrive.

  5. For nice neighborhoods with shopping districts like Cow Hollow/Pacific Heights, I think SF is better than LA. Just look at the housing prices comparison. The SF places you mention are bad right now like the Financial District but with the right mayor (not this one) and upscale residential units replacing much of the office buildings, such new residents can help bring back businesses including restaurants snd retail. This scenario is working well on the Peninsula along the CalTrain corridor. I think the average SF resident is more “worldly” than your typical LA Kardashian family type. Furthermore, I take most of our SF nearby suburbs over theirs; Santa Monica is not as great as it used to be either. I agree with you on the media though. I enjoyed listening to LA’s 1070 KNX their news station with syndicated CarPro Radio Show while driving from Carlsbad north today. Why can’t our likewise Audacy news station run that show on the weekend? I am sick of these investment shows they run with guidance I can tell you as a CPA is not in your best interest regardless of their “fiduciary” bullshit claim. Look at their online reviews!

    1. Replacing/converting office buildings to residences will be far too costly. The City should give companies tax breaks for occupying the office buildings.

  6. On a completely unrelated note, but still speaking of posers: this morning, KTVU dedicated more than half of its coverage to a grassfire near San Joaquin County that hasn't damaged any property, only burning weeds on hillsides. They took an "all hands on deck" approach, assigning multiple reporters to this non-story and even bringing in their hot shot reporter, Betty Yu. If you didn't pay close attention, you might have thought an entire Bay Area city was burning down.

    In contrast, other local stations, including NBC11 and KRON, didn't even mention this grassfire, let alone sensationalize it as if it were an apocalypse. Instead, they focused on more relevant local stories.

    1. You must not have watched ABC7. They covered it. Stephanie Sierra even said "Lawrence Livermore Lab" was on fire. Had she and her team done some research they would've understood that the fire was 50 miles from the lab and that it was 'near' property owned by the lab.

    2. You may be making too light of the situation. The fire was almost 40% contained last night, but heavy winds quickly caused the fire to spread, causing evacuation orders. The Lawrence Livermore Lab was also on alert, as they were testing explosives. This morning, the winds have calmed down, but fire containment is still only at 15%.

  7. You may be making too light of the situation. The fire was almost 40% contained last night, but heavy winds quickly caused the fire to spread, causing evacuation orders. The Lawrence Livermore Lab was also on alert, as they were testing explosives. This morning, the winds have calmed down, but fire containment is still only at 15%.

  8. All you whiners need to get a grip. I haven’t this much bitching since a particularly weird pervert went backstage at a Miss World pageant.
    I swear, some of these babbling red hats would bitch if they won Man of the Year. They bitch & moan but do they do anything to help their community? Volunteer anywhere? Nope just complain and wish they were blowin’ goats in Florida or Texas.
    Calif has its faults but California supports many of those crappy red states with our tax dollars. If things were fair and equitable Calif would not be giving life assistance to Kentucky, Idaho, Wyoming, Louisiana, South Carolina, etc etc etc. The inbreeding in those states has produced many of these incessant whiners.
    Mic drop.

  9. Bay Area sports fans are cry babies.
