Sunday, June 2, 2024

Rich Lieberman EXCLU: KTVU News Anchor Julie Haener Set to Retire Late June


  1. Julie will be missed. Hopefully, Heather takes over.

  2. Now we get to sit back and watch everyone else scoop you and steal your exclusive with zero attribution.

    1. This is what Rich should do: Plant a BS story about something huge and earth-shattering. Mainstream media will steal it but not give him the attribution. Then they'll be wrong and look stupid.

  3. Heather will get Julie’s job and Betty Yu will get Heather’s current newscasts. I wouldn’t be shocked if they include Betty’s name in the official name of the newscast as is the case with Juliette Goodrich, Audrey Assistio, and Sara Donchey. Look for “The Late News with Betty Yu” an 11pm newscast entirely her own.

    1. Betty Yu doesn’t want a desk job. It would get into her social media lifestyle. The news is a hobby for Betty. Social media is the money maker for Betty.

    2. 5:30, exactly. Anchoring a newscast each night would get in the way of Yu’s real job: playing a wannabe socialite on social media as she currently does.

  4. Julie earned a nice retirement. I hope she lives a long, happy, healthy, life.

  5. Good luck, Julie.

    1. More time to play with Ibanez

  6. Wow. This is Frank Somerville. Julie was THE BEST co anchor I ever worked with. PERIOD. We weeecmagic tohether because we both respected each other. No ego. Just respect. To me this is the END of the 10 o’clock news. How sad.

    1. You caused the end Frank!

    2. Bullshit, Frank is an ass, but not this much of an ass.

  7. This is Frank again. I hope they give the job to heather. I used to sit right across from her. She’s the hardest working person in the newsroom. Period. I just hope she tone done her oooks and just be herself. She’s a wonderful person. And a REAL journalist.

    1. Regardless of whether or not 4:04 is really Frank, while not mentioning Julie Haener specifically, the comment suggests Haener is not a real journalist. By putting REAL in caps in reference to the person 4:04 hopes gets the job, it implies the position was previously not held by a REAL journalist.

    2. This is frank. I didn’t mean to suggest tat at all. I just meant that heathervis for real. The total opposite of gasia who is totally fake.

    3. "...while not mentioning Julie Haener specifically, the comment suggests Haener is not a real journalist."

      No it doesn't.

  8. Sorry this is Frank again. This brings up so many emotions for me. Julie and I had so many great times. She’d fuck yo and if joke “you do know this is live right”. And I’d fuck up and she’d say the same thing. She always teased me about how messy my desk was. And I teased her about how many freakin times she adjusted her makeup. We TOTALLY respected each other. And you can’t ask for anything more from you co anchor. I still bust out laughing thinking about our times together. Damn that was fun.

  9. Julie has been great but it's time for her to go and time for ktvu to write a new chapter. I wish her well in her retirement. If KTVU was smart they'd move Heather into the top slot (replacing Julie), send Mibach back to 6am where he can grimace and fart all morning, and promote Alex Savidge as Constipation Man's replacement.

    1. > Julie has been great but it's time for her to go and
      > time for ktvu to write a new chapter.

      Yeah, Chapter 11.

  10. This is the stuff we’re here to see, not Rich having another temper tantrum.

  11. If you’re reporting is correct and Haener retires later this month, then all the Rich haters will have no choice but to SUCK IT!

    1. If she retires in June, rich will have once again proven he’s a credible source of information, even though all the local media dopes try their best to lambast and ridicule him.

    2. "If she retires in June, rich will have once again proven he’s a credible source of information, even though all the local media dopes try their best to lambast and ridicule him."

      I think the media mostly ignores him. The only ridicule comes from journalists who find his posts about their tits and asses offensive, and rightfully so. "It's a visual medium." It is, yet I can't find any posts on Kenny Choi's eyes or Tom Vacar's penis.

  12. Heather is magnificent. I hope she gets the job she wants. She is deserving. Heather rocks.

  13. We will miss her, Good Luck and God Bless

  14. coldhandswarmheartJune 2, 2024 at 7:09 PM

    Now Julie has more time to travel with Ibanez once NFL starts up again. 😘
    She certainly can afford to retire but possibly being replaced by another 'bubble headed bleach blonde,' desperate Heather Holmes? KTVU ratings will hit rock bottom especially when paired with Mibach.

    1. Have Julie and Mark set a date yet? I’m assuming they’ve been waiting until Julie retires to tie the knot and make it official.

    2. I wouldn't call Heather a bubble head. Whether her blondness is bleached I don't know. Does the carpet match the drapes?

    3. Marky I has a love affair with his right hand. There is no date for Julie H and Marky I. Once Marky “got a grip”, he hasn’t let go. (Hand lotion helped!)
      Julie has no chance against “Tighty Righty”!!

  15. I’m monitoring the internet to see who scoops you first. You know it’s only a matter of time before one of these pathetic maggots steal your work

    1. That isn't stealing work per se, or Rich would have a legal case. But sourcing your info is common courtesy, or used to be at least.

  16. We knew someday this will come with Julie Haener. Congrats to Julie on her retirement. Time to get out while you can. Most likely Heather will take Julies spot. The next domino will be who gets Heather spot? If Betty Yu leaps over some female veteran KTVU staffers...there could be more dominos to in exits from "the firm" KTVU

  17. Is the Texas reporter Heather going to take her spot or Gasia? Voting for Gasssss

    1. That would be the final torpedo to KTVU if they put Gaseous into the top spot.

  18. Julie will now have more time to watch her son fill the Gatorade bottles for the first and second string quarterbacks.

  19. Julie Haener is not even 60 as of yet. Maybe close to Juliette Goodrich’s age. She should have stayed a couple of more years.

    All that’s left is for Bill Martin to retire from KTVU & Brian Hackney from KPIX (and maybe more…).

    1. Hackney was never the same after he jilted Susan Blake. What an IDIOT !

    2. KPIX should let Brian Hackney retire & hire Paul Deanno to replace his position as both anchor & meteorologist and give him a satisfactory pay.

  20. Oh no Heather Holmes! Sweetie, there are planes to New York that leave SFO everyday. Please be on one of them. I fyou want to anchor so badly, I think News 12 is looking for news readers.

  21. Watching Haener since the departure of Sommerville it’s as though she’s just going through the motions with one foot out the door vacationing every other week. She must be so happy to finally be done working side by side with Constipation Man who is such a PUTZ! Just last night they stood next to each other for a news piece and Haener looked so elegantly dressed with finely manicured feet, meanwhile Mibach with his ill fitting suit, trousers hanging too low and wearing his same HORRENDOUS 1990s brown shoes he’s been wearing forever. Put some effort into your appearance you PUTZ!!!
