Monday, June 3, 2024

Haener Timing is Weird --A Few Notes


  1. now there's a ladylike pose! She looks like her son posing for a football card.

    1. shocking isn't it, 9:40? Women wearing pants, refusing to fit your stereotype of "lady" bullshit?

    2. Looks like she’s about to drop a #2

    3. 1:50, women go #2? I thought it’s all butterflies and strawberries & cream that come out of their bung holes like Betty Yu tries to make it seem like.

    4. @1:50 PM: Gross! From now on, whenever I see her on TV, I'm going to think of that.

    5. This is Frank. One time in the building, Julie and I were in the elevator, and a woman with a baby got on. Julie let go a silent one, thinking she was discreet. It made the baby sick. Now that’s bad.

    6. @2:50 don't forget a harp also plays with the gentle sounds of a running stream in the background.

      Seriously, it's amazing how women can hold in their #2 all day until they do it at home, while guys can go anytime anywhere.

    7. That's the pose of a Japanese gangster.

    8. Those “Shoe Palace” kicks look silly. She’d look better in cowboy boots and riding attire. Tally-HO !!

    9. Prim and proper Julie Haener let one loose? Never!

    10. 2:50, and what exactly has Betty Yu said/done to give you the impression that she wants you to believe that “it’s all butterflies and strawberries & cream that come out of their bung holes?”

  2. Julie's been giving us clues regarding her retirement plans for months. She's been taking a lot of vacation and bringing down her PTO. The timing may also coincide with her son's upcoming football season. Julie will be missed.

  3. It is too early for her to retire, but people do look at themselves differently "higher and higher" when her son made it to the NFL and now she is the mother of a football player, not an anchor working for a station with lower ratings each day each week and Mike, co-anchor trying to be tough.

    Is Heather Holmes officially going to replace her?? Or, KTVU will hire a new anchor. Mike and Heather will not get along, one tries to be tough and the other ego is too high.

    1. Too early? She's been at KTVU since 1997, so 27 years. Before that, she's been a reporter/anchor in Fresno and Washington, so she's put in her time and she makes half a mil annually with a wealthy husband. If anything, she's retiring too late. She doesn't need the money, so it's time to enjoy life. All the best to Julie.

    2. I've never met anyone in this business whose ego wasn't "too high." They have no idea how unimportant they are in the overall scheme of things. They read a truncated version of the newspaper to people. That's literally all they do.

  4. poor rich one more thing for him to not bich about.

  5. Loyal Lieberman readers-watchers agree, the Holmes-Savidge pairing will reap benefits for KTVU !!
    But mark my words: once KRON finds a good co-anchor for Stephanie Lin, that pair will Win the ratings for several years.

  6. Heather is too old. Betty Yu should be the new anchor.

    1. Betty is ready for the top anchor position yet. Her lips are too much to look at for an hour too.

    2. Heather is one of the most beautiful women in the world.

  7. Repetitive Rich was on fire again. He just continues to beat the supine equine. His videos would be at least 10 minutes shorter if he didn't "meander" so much. Sad.

  8. I'm also of the opinion that Heather should be Julie’s replacement, and Alex should be Heather’s partner.

    What, then, will happen to Mibach? Does he even have a future at KTVU? I’m wondering if they’ll cut their losses and show him the door, or attempt to salvage something and perhaps shift him back to 4 a.m. Another idea would be to make him the lead sports anchor (Ibanez's replacement).

  9. Stephanie Lin is an amateur.

  10. Looks like a Danville "cougar" ready to hit the bar scene on a Saturday night.

    1. She’s a happily married womans.

  11. I bet Rich has a crush on her.

    1. No he’s too busy having that crush on Betty Yu. No time for Haener

  12. Who are you insufferable idiots going to bully once Haener is gone?

  13. I've always thought Julie was...and still is...absolutely GORGEOUS!

    1. She’s a good lookin gal no doubt, but nowadays the Blonde wispy type is everywhere and over exposed. TV needs more ethnic types. Too many blondes ruin the photo.
