Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Gasia Has NO Chance at Haener/KTVU b10 PM Replacement --Here's Why


  1. Was Gasia on Facebook Live trying to spread the news about the fire or was it personal? I know some of the anchors in LA stream the news through their Facebook Live accounts regularly. I don't watch LA news now, but this was common about 5 years ago.

  2. Is this supposed to be important, who's going to replace Julia Haener?

  3. It is your opinion Rich.

    1. So true, just an opinion nothing more.

  4. This is Frank. I was sitting next to her that night. As I’m reading the lead story she was whispering into face book live. I was so distracted that I total “you either stop with Facebook live or I’m going to throw your freakin phone across the room”. I was furious. But that’s who gasia is. She’s a total fake. I had my issues. Lord know I had my issues. But I was BEVER fake. I only cared about news. Period. Gasia just wants to be a celebrity.

    1. Sounds like a mgmt issue, not a Gasia issue.

    2. Frank - Thanks for the perspective

  5. Gasia is a little too verbose for me. When they are stretching out something she inevitably takes over, drowning out Sal and Andre, Steve, Rosemary. Generally speaking her ad-libs are insipid (“my 10th grade teacher wrote….”) and too much information. She needs to learn to let others speak!
    Sorry Gasia, you are best suited for Trips on 2 - the bi-weekly journey down Chamber of Commerce rabbit hole.

  6. I choose Gasia over Heather. I doubt Mike and Heather will get along. KTVU should hire a new anchor instead. Does this mean Christina Rendon will do 4/7 weekdays? As for weekends, I seen Greg Lee, Amber Lee, Jana, Gasia.

    1. simple if they cant get along send mike away

    2. Who does Mike get along with? Seriously, he comes across as someone who can barely stand anyone else unless they're a total sports nerd like he is.

  7. Darya's equally loudmouthed retarded twin. Can't stand either one of these obtuse twits.

    1. Darya is just another way of spelling DINGBAT. She is quite juvenile, I’m thinking 6th grade

  8. I love the gas!

  9. I have another one, Rich: The day after SF DA Chesa Boudin was recalled by voters, Gassy was interviewing London Breed on the morning show. She actually asked her on TV if she voted to recall Boudin!

    Breed was taken aback (rightly so) and said something to the effect that my vote is private, I'm not going to tell you.

    Were I the ND, I would have suspended Gasia right there. But I heard nothing happened, not even a talking-to.

    If you're going to yank Frank off the air for what he did (justifiably, I feel) you should yank Gasia for what she did. And G seemed to think, judging by how she was carrying on on air, that she did nothing wrong.

    1. Like many folks willing to give their opinion - whether asked for or not - it never occurs to them that nobody cares about their opinion and that most folks would prefer not to hear it.
      So it is with Gasia. In the immortal words of Maxwell Smart: “ZIP IT !!”

  10. This is Frank. Hire me, KRON4. I'm dying to work with Grant..............Lodes.

  11. Please refer to her by her real name: Gassy-ughhh
