Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Haener Makes It Official: Retiring from KTVU


  1. Haener will be out on the range, busting broncos, cuttin’ herd, finding strays.
    The USA is a big country, Julie may prefer the bayous of Louisiana, where the alligators grow so mean.

  2. Good luck Julie.....looking forward to seeing you more often on the streets of Danville.

  3. Good call, Rich.

  4. Leslie Griffith passed away at 56. Julie Haener is also 56. Nobody's promised tomorrow, so I'm always happy when someone's able to retire early.

    Good luck Julie.

    1. Both "know" Ibanez very well!

    2. Good for her.

    3. Leslie was 66. You forgot to carry the 1.

    4. @10:27 yep, you're right. She was 66.

  5. Julie announced her retirement on the 6 and 10pm shows, and both times Mike Mibach interrupted her announcement. Don't be a putz Mike, know the moment.

    1. I don't think its intentional. He's just an awkward communicator.

    2. Guess he needed to Mansplain to the viewers. SMH

    3. He really was not anchor material. He should not have been chosen. Idiots at the top.

    4. He did not interrupt her. I'm no Mibach fan, but she finished, turned to him, and he filled in the silence. That's what you're supposed to do. Long silence pauses are not highly regarded on TV. You're supposed to keep the action moving.

    5. 3:15, not sure which show you watched, but he clearly interrupted her during the 10pm show. She was in mid-sentence when he interrupted. It's a habit with him and definitely not the last time for him.

    6. Mibach is not really anchor material - the hell he isn’t !! He is well placed to anchor a rusty scupper in the fetid backwaters of Oakland Estuary. Please never raise anchor Mibach again. His talents better suited for Fort Worth.

  6. Julie announced on the 10 p.m. cast tonight that June 20th will be her last night. Nothing else about succession.

  7. True to his obnoxious form, Mike Mibach interrupted Haener during her 10 p.m. announcement. It's time for KTVU to cut their losses and send him packing, even if that means giving him a hefty payout to buy out the remainder of his contract. They'll have to pay him regardless of whether they let him serve out his contract or buy him out now. Instead of continuing to lose viewers and letting Mibach further damage the station, they need to accept that the Mibach experiment was a flop and start rebuilding.

    (Mibach is exhibit 1 of what happens when a tv station promotes someone into a lead anchor role not based on skill, but purely on tenure.)

  8. As expected, The San Francisco Comical (dba “The Chronicle”) scooped you. They’re so fucking pathetic. One of their “journalists” (aka some 30-year-old asswipe) published a story last night and rather than reference your SUNDAY breaking news, they instead cited a Monday newsroom announcement.

    I don’t want to include the link to their story (no need to provide a direct link to them) but a quick search for Julie Haener on their website will pull up the article.

  9. Rich was the first to share the story, nearly 24 hours before KTVU management was forced to acknowledge it to the staff. Despite this, all the haters and trolls will continue to insist that Rich lies, fabricates information, and lacks sources. It’s amusing to watch them stumble over their own proclamations without any facts to back them up.

    1. Forced to acknowledge it?! You make it sound like a scandal. She’s retiring! You have to acknowledge it and it’s only two weeks from now. Hardly a shocker, just SOP.

  10. Good for her. I have a little under a year myself and am counting down the days.

  11. coldhandswarmheartJune 5, 2024 at 7:32 AM

    Watched her emotional announcement last night and was appalled of how Mike (big ego) Mibach turned it around and make about it HIM! 'I've enjoyed working here with you blah blah blah.' Bill Martin quietly held Julie's hand at one point to show his support. Demonstrates how much Mibach's a PRICK!

  12. You nailed it Rich. You even predicted the date correctly!

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  13. Training Camps start about mid-July. You can bet Julie will be in the stands screaming for jake to get a snap.
    Since CARR is also a Fresno State alum, jake will get some extra direction. “Polish your resumè Jake, selling insurance is an honorable profession.”

  14. Mike is very happy Julie is leaving, he doesn't need an older sister age reporter to teach him a lesson about news, reporting. With Heather, if Mike wants to be the bully, there will be a shout match, Heather is not too friendly and will fight...... Gasia can teach him a lesson.

    1. Gasia and Heather would mop the floor with Mibach. In fact, i’d pay money to watch him try to start shit with either of them. He’s a douchebag prick.

  15. Mike Mibach was rude to interrupt Julie last night. He should appologize to Julie before tonight's newscast.

    1. Not a Mibach fan, but if you actually watch the video, he did not interrupt her. She was clearly finished and you are supposed to fill any "dead air." Silence on TV is a mortal sin. But don't exaggerate. He did as he should have. She even turned to him to indicate "I'm done." Just watch the video.

  16. Mike Mibach looks like there was a sideshow on the top of his head.
