Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Exclusive: Heather Holmes All But IN as Haener Replacement at KTVU-10 PM...


  1. Agree with everything. I think Andre Senior and Cristina Rendon will get more airtime too.

  2. Will miss solo Heather at 7:30. I agree that she's a terrific interviewer, maybe the best at KTVU.

    1. Agree. Heather is very good at interviewing. Very professional.

    2. Solo Heather has this calm presence that's much needed after a long day at work.

  3. So let me get this straight. Frank Somerville, who came on the air under the influence and was involved in a DUI should be given another chance. But Gasia, who was caught "canoodling" on FB when a local tragedy, she may not even have been aware of, occurred should not be given the time of day? Sexist much, Bubbala?

    1. Been here long? Men get 100 chances. Women are promiscuous and need a man and incompetent at their jobs. Bottom line, Julie took a buyout. Don’t believe anything else, it’s all noise.

  4. Heather bite her teeth when reporting sounds very mean

  5. They need to swallow their pride and stop treating Constipation Man aka Interruption Man aka Mike Mibach with kid gloves. By any measure he’s been a flop. He has only been successful in moving the needle downward. Since they’re not likely to fire him they need to take immediate steps to stop the bleeding ASAP. Not in the Fall…NOW! Send him back to 4am where he can grimace, fart, and interrupt to his heart’s content without anyone noticing.

    1. Interruption Man aka Short Pants Man should go back to mornings. He's plain terrible as a prime time anchor. Maybe the time slot got to his head, since he was decent in the mornings.

  6. Heather is great at 730. Will be taping her at ten.

  7. So Rich what's going on with KRON? Feels like they have all but given up evenings and put their 3rd string on. Remember when their 10p was challenging KTVU? Guess that's over. That was quick.

  8. Ya, where's the Grant.....Lodes fan club when there's an opening at KRON4 that's big enough to drive a satellite truck through? Could it be that they're waiting until Grant..............finally...........finishes.....a sentence?

    1. LOL you are perfect. That's EXACTLY his weird ass way. I hate it too.

  9. Trump will finish a sentence before Grant Lodes ever does.

    1. Question is, will Trump’s sentence be weeks, months, or years? I say “give him the Chair”. All he does is lick the Schweddy Balls of billionaires.

  10. Ok, here's a plan for KTVU: No change in the morning, Dave and Pam, Andre and Gasia. Anyone can stay, train, or volunteer at noon. Leave Alex at 7 and Heather at 730, plus pair them for the 10 and 11 p.m. casts. Next we move Mike to cover 4, 5, and 6 (3 hour block, like mornings) and pair him with ... wait for it ... Priya David (Clemens), no longer at KQED, formerly at KTVU, and I think underemployed right now. I think she would provide balance to Mike. What do you think? Inspired or nuts?

    1. If KTVU wants to cut costs, not replacing Julie would help. Also, get rid of Sal - he's OK, but having him on the 9 isn't necessary and his traffic reports could be done by one of the newer reporters. Mike could go to weekends to free up Cristina to take on Heather's time slot, and Alex/Heather could take over all Mike/Julie time slots.

  11. HEATHER needs to make 2 costume changes: lose the multiple rings (so 90’s) and lose the frumpy house marm dresses (so 1860’s) . Sometimes a “professional look” is in order.
    I am not saying the “bone in the nose” barrista look is silly, but who is the target audience, and does anyone think it “improves” an already nice canvas?
    Of course, the dead orange raccoon combover is pathetic, but so are the nose rings, ear plugs, and multiple rings.
    Just sayin’. Brian Murphy knows well the value of lame opinion.

  12. Heather is one of the best if not the best local news anchor in the nation. I’m surprised she’s not at the network level.

  13. Grant.........Lodes here to............................respond to my critics.........I forgot what I was going to say................................line!

  14. So long, Julie Heinous. Not a fan. Thank yewwwwwwwww.
