Wednesday, June 5, 2024

KPIX/CBS News Bay Area --Oakland Ballers Coverage a Grand Slam; Goodrich/Cook Shine


  1. Goodrich is simply a star. KPIX don't deserve her.

  2. Agree 1000%.

    Being an Oakland native, it was a proud moment and the coverage was excellent. Not being in West Oakland much the past decade, I had no idea there was such nice housing in the surrounding area. It looks like a whole different city.

    I just hope everyone keeps the park clean of garbage/grafetti. Raimondi is a public park when the Ballers are out of town.

  3. Goodrich is from the East Bay too, so her live report felt personal and genuine. She's a pro and the gold standard. Well done Jules.

  4. Goodrich is a welcomed change when she fills in for Donchey. I actually prefer her over Donchey. Smooth and playful yet professional. I find her extremely hot too. The ultimate MILF! Sorry as Rich says: This is a visual medium and I am VERY visual

    1. Goodrich & Devin Fehely sometimes fill in and both do a great job. The news is better when they fill in & they are professional.

      On the primetime edition if Devin Fehely is out, Anne Makovec fills in or at 8PM Jules fills in and 9PM Sara Donchey

    2. The other night we actually got a story about a Donkey on the Donkey news
