Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Chronicle: Press Release Journalism --Excess Detachment


  1. Just follow the lead of Washington Post new CEO Will Lewis. When you lose 77 million and your woke DEI bullshit is blowing up in your face, don't expect to keep your job. I, personally think the leftist rag deserves the vitriol it has wrought upon itself. When new boss states" Nobody is reading this shit" to his staff.. start packing that bankers box. What I find most amusing is that WaPo's ''saviors" are white males! Gotta love it!

    1. WaPo owned by billionaire Bezos is far from woke. It is like Musk “I have money, therefore I am smarter than you. Buy more shit you do not need!”

      But I understand how few Americans actually research what they are being told. So, they regurgitate the same old tired tropes being fed them by jerks like Lenny Leo and David Koch and C Thomas.

      80 years ago Americans were landing in Normandy to destroy Fascism. Now many Americans will support a rich kid who thought dead American servicemen were “losers and suckers”. How embarrassing to have such an idiot “leading the charge” to mendacity and hucksterism and verifiable cluelessness.

    2. So you actually think Bezo's bought WaPo to make a profit? He was bleeding it dry. Call it a vanity project. Face it. Printed news is dead and the idiot participation trophy winners running the show are nothing more than useful idiots. Now, for the last part. Show me the evidence of this "alleged statement"? You can't. Why? It doesn't exist. It's in the ether with the crime that was never committed or proven in NY. 80 years ago, brave young men enlisted and traveled to a foreign land to fight fascism. Many are interred there above the very beach they landed upon. Take a look at today's generation. How well do you think conscription would fly with the entitled generation of keyboard punchers? The left is such a miserable self loathing waste. You contribute nothing to society and like a squalling baby, throwing a tantrum refuse to accept facts and hold yourself accountable for your actions. In four years time, this administration has done nothing to encourage reelection. Ask any voter. The winds of change are blowing and a desperate and restless populous is at its wits end. Unable to enjoy simple pleasures and or provide for their families. Ask anyone one simple question: Were you better off four years ago? Do it. I dare you!

  2. Rich, no gets excited about the what the Chron does or does not cover because the Chronicle is NOT relevant and hasn't been relevant for a long time! The local baseball teams seem to think the Chron beat writers matter. They really don't. There are key bloggers and The Athletic coverage eclipses the Chronicle. But Rich, more power to you. You use them as a fund raising tool just like Trump uses the his political enemies. Also, please stop with the conjecture about Fox Corp's role in the Haener retirement. If you don't have solid named sources, please stop saying they "nudged" her out. You're creating fiction not news at the point.

    1. What 7:06 says is true. If you want real investigating today, you have to go to private individuals who do it as a passion and are supported directly by readers/viewers, not the mainstream media, who now do press-release and checkbook journalism almost exclusively. Watch PIX or KTVU every night and count the number of stories that clearly came from a press release initiated by the subject of the story. It's almost every one. And the rest come from eavesdropping on the police radio with confirmation calls from the appropriate department (fire, police, etc.).

      True journalism is dead, at least in the commercial sphere. Now there's little difference between the evening news and Drew Barrimore's show.

    2. 11:28 I agree completely especially the Barrymore comparison

  3. The Comical (dba “San Francisco Chronicle”) is nothing more than paper and electronic dung at this point.

  4. Rich, this is very typical today, sadly. I read a story on a "right wing" site that would not be considered a real journalism site by most of the mainstream media:

    Shortly afterwards it pops up in the mainstream Atlantic, with no credit to the original:

  5. Herb Caen, the deYoung family (the founders of the Chronicle) and Joe Rosenthal (the Chronicle photographer who took that shot of the Americans raising the flag at Iwo Jima in WW II) are rolling in the graves by the second. This newspaper is the biggest joke in town, but people are too zombied to notice. One of the biggest perpetrators of this "image" is the music critic turned social media troll Aidin Viadzi. Some readers actually thought he was an expert on COVID-19, but little did they know that vaccine mongers Bobby Wachter and Petey Chin Hong were gladly feeding him drug company propaganda. Then you've got Justin Phillips, who can't bear to walk away from stirring the pot, especially when it comes to reparations. Let's not forget Soleil Ho, who'd rather use an avatar than show her face in her columns. She's another sour puss. The Chronicle is so bad that it made me get a subscription to the Los Angeles Times. I get more real news about California and the Bay Area from that paper.
