Sunday, June 23, 2024

KTVU Haener Finale with Dennis Richmond Embarrassing Beyond Scope; Somerville Snubbed (Video)



  1. I thought Mr Sommerville was fired, right? Why would he be mentioned at all?

    1. Exactly. That isn’t “snubbed.” Did Rich expect Frank to appear on the set? (“Hey, everyone! Drinks are on me!”)

  2. My theory is that the PM allocated more time for Julie than she needed, which caused some awkward idle time.

    Not sure what kind of medical issues Dennis is dealing with, but it appeared like he was medicated. It was good to see him nonetheless.

    Frank embarrassed himself and KTVU(on-site). It was appropriate not to invite him back. If he truly cared about Julie, they could always get together off camera.

    1. "My theory is that the PM allocated more time for Julie than she needed, which caused some awkward idle time. "

      I don't know who the "PM" is, but if you mean the producer, for the past several years KTVU has had fewer and fewer stories, longer bites to soak up time, lots of fluff (zoom interviews with someone celebrating National Air Fern Day) and even with all that pad, the show usually comes up short. The next show—say, the 5 pm—usually starts at 4:57 or 4:58. The reason for the low story count is they have fewer and fewer editors and writers, so they do as little as possible. And they will continue to do as little as possible. So the producer was probably dancing on the ceiling upon seeing they had this BS farewell to fill up the rundown.

  3. I saw it live, and it was even more awkward than you described. I don’t know where to begin. First, the multiple tributes during the 10 and 11 PM newscasts were too much and too long. Dennis was the dictionary definition of awkward, making for very uncomfortable TV, especially when he kept going on and on until they finally had to fade to black and cut to a commercial. At some point, there’s only so much one can say, and all the dialogue was highly repetitive and predictable.

    The hand-holding was strange, especially since they did it as a group. And the constant praise about how Julie is a true journalist and the high journalism standards at KTVU? Give me a break!

    As for Frank, I also thought it would have been nice to see him at the end, but then I realized his presence at the station would have been more than just a quick photo op. He would have been interacting with many people, potentially leading to awkwardness and having to confront unrepaired, fractured relationships.

    1. “ And the constant praise about how Julie is a true journalist and the high journalism standards at KTVU? Give me a break!”

      When was the last time Julie did actually reporting?

      I worked with her briefly before she became anchor and I can assure you she doesn’t know which end of a microphone is up.

    2. “As for Frank, I also thought it would have been nice to see him at the end.”

      Why? He was FIRED and for a good reason. He is probably the biggest stain on KTVU’s legacy, at least internally. Did Ford bring back Lee Iacocca to celebrate their centennial? Does Disney bring back George Lucas now that he sold Star Wars? No. Why would they?

  4. Julie’s son (the star NFL QB) and Heather Holmes would have a great couple!

    1. Pretty sure there is quite an age difference there. I suppose Jake may like a cougar though! NFL star? More like overly well-paid water boy for the quarterbacks who may actually play.

    2. Do you mean would +make+ a good couple?

  5. Spot on Rich. Glad you are back to speak for most of us. Way over the top. Guess Haener wanted the “big send off” given the Rickwood event would overshadow her departure theatrics. How egotistical. Someone should show mumbling Martin the door now. He can let his hair go like Ibanez.

    1. I mean, she works Sunday-Thursday and she completed her week. Is she suppose to check for possible conflicts before planning her last day? It's just not realistic.

  6. looked like Dennis kept burping up death. I can't imagine what that set smelled like.

  7. Poor Dennis Richmond looked like Hell. Mibach looked confused and uneasy. Haener was gracious in exiting. Maybe they could have given each of the staff a 10 second send off to Haener as I recognized less than 1/2 of them. Something along the lines, “good luck in retirement to JH from Miss Pink in the Make-up and Bondo department!” KTVU could have played those all week.

    Instead we got the laying on of the hands, inspired by Mark I.

  8. Anyone think it's strange that the station has yet to announce who her replacement will be? Assuming it's Heather Holmes, you'd think they'd have taken a moment to "pass the baton" during Haener's farewell.

  9. This is Frank Somerville. One of these days I’ll figure out what my url is so I can include a picture.

    I totally get why I wasn’t invited. And it’s okay.

    I let down a LOT of people at ktvu because of my addiction.

    I’ve also been very blunt about my assessment of things at the station.

    I LOVED working with Julie.

    Best co-anchor I ever worked with.

    It’s sad to see how far ktvu has fallen.
    They used to be a leader.
    Now they’re just a follower

    I can only hope that at some point they get back to being a leader.

    1. Despite any awkwardness, I thought it was nice to see Dennis Richmond. Reminds us of better times. No one mentioned Fred Zehnder; that would have been great.
      Meanwhile, is Joe Fonzi still at Ch 2? Still on their website but hasn't been on air in months.
      Someone else already mentioned Zoe Mintz as the new weekend AM weather person at KPIX. Seems young, smart, and perky. Ok.
      Finally, it was reported that Narsai David passed away. From KCBS Kitchen more than 40 years ago.

    2. They’re so far behind these days they can even see who they’re following.

      I will never forgive them for giving very little time or tribute to the man who made them a big deal in the first place — Fred Zehnder — when he died. Inexcusable.

    3. Frank, Ernie G. here. Stay strong!!

  10. It looked like Julie just wanted to get the hell out of there.
    How about Bill Martin's inane question to Dennis about who was your favorite anchor to work with?
    What a moron.
    I wish Dennis would have said " Leslie Griffith of course!"

  11. Great comments, but what do you mean by becoming a leader again?

    Specifics, please.

    Use of technology?

    Distribution of content?

    Breaking news vs. investigative reporting?

    Local vs national vs international?

    Analysis vs opinion?

    How to lead in the news industry when everyone with a smartphone has 24/7/365 has instant access to breaking news?

    Does every licensed TV, Cable, Radio station/outlet need to provide news coverage?

    Let's change this blog from a nostalgic rear view discussion of what your industry was to one about what it could be.

    Maybe start your own blog?

  12. Deep inside I bet Dennis Richmond hates the state of KTVU.

    1. Well, duh. They all do. Not all that “deep inside” either.

  13. Dennis looked better and was sharper than I expected.

    Showing more of the spark he had off camera in the newsroom

    It was great to see him and hear his opinions

    I’m guessing he made it very clear to everyone back when he was anchoring with Julie she was the most professional anchor he worked with so Bills question had a known answer

    1. “… he made it very clear to everyone back when he was anchoring with Julie she was the most professional anchor he worked with so Bills question had a known answer.”

      What’s he going to say?!?!?

  14. How about a little less focus on identity politics, sports, and weather and a bit more on demographics, environment, history, infrastructure, and transportation? Two examples: what the demise of Greyhound bus stations has meant in Oakland and San Jose (maybe Santa Cruz and elsewhere too), plus the reduction in local manufacturing (Granny Goose, Mother's Cookies, etc.) and thus more trucks moving product from distant warehouses ("logistics centers"). Hello, Tom Vacar!

    1. No one cares about the lightweight topics you came up. You think someone watching in Sonoma or San Ramon care about the demise of Greyhound bus stations or local manufacturing? Perhaps all of 10 people might be interested. You just lost your entire audience. The whole idea is generating ratings, not losing audience.

    2. So that's the answer, only eyeballs, ratings, and water cooler word of mouth? Nothing important or investigative unless cute people or clear scandal is involved? Is that just the media or the general downfall of society? Something to consider, perhaps ...

    3. Eyeballs and ratings matter greatly in today's environment. This is a business and a competitive one. You deliver news to the masses, not just a small segment. You can certainly blame it on society in general or even the media, but this the reality.

  15. They did it all ass backwards.

    Leading into each commercial break they should've had a short video tribute to Julie delivered by a different key player from her tenure at KTVU including Frank Somerville, Dennis Richmond, Mark Ibanez, and any reporters that she had a rapport with. This would've been much more poignant AND it would've allowed KTVU to incorporate Frank (a simple video tribute without having to return to the studio) and Dennis, without him having to show up and make things awkward as he did. And if they did this at each commercial, i'm willing to bet many people would've kept watching to see if Frank's tribute would appear.

    Then, at the very end, they should've allowed Julie to give her remarks with everyone who Julie personally invited, standing behind her as she said goodbye.

  16. I understand they haven't formally announced Julie's replacement. So in the meantime, will Heather assume the role and then at some point in the near future KTVU will make it "official?"

  17. This is Dennis Richmond. The spectre you saw was not me.

  18. Everything about the Dennis Richmond appearance was disturbing.

  19. HI Rich. 2 KTVU thngs, 1 comment and 1 question- Dennis Richmond definitely looked like he is battling something. His skin and neck made me think cancer? I hope not and I wish him well. Did you ever find out why Elaine Corral quit so suddenly all those years ago and his disappeared into the ether? She isnt an actress so I wonder if she had a health issue? Thought after Leslie's death, she would reappear. thanks

    1. Elaine Coral quit because of Dennis attitude at work like a bully or pretty harassing after she complain to her boss, they had an argument so she quit the same day. As for Leslie, it was also related to Dennis but about another media outlet wrote something about Leslie, KTVU refuse to sue or step out to protect Leslie so she left the station after months missing. Both woman are hard to work with, Julie much nicer so you can’t blame Dennis overall. Both Elaine and Leslie never work as anchors.

    2. Elaine has a BIG falling out with management and with Dennis, who was a chauvinistic dick. He always has to read the lead story, it always has to be known in all advertising that HE was the big gun. If he didn’t like you, you disappeared fast. We used to have a joke back then that Dennis had notches carved under his desk for all the anchors he KOed.

      And not he comes across as this sweet elderly man.

      Don’t believe it.

  20. Somerville was fired. FOR CAUSE. Not including him isn’t a snub, it is the minimum adherence to HR policy, standard at literally every place of business. Get off of this particular hobby-horse, it doesn’t do you or Frank any favors. He will not be hired again in this market, ever.

    1. Frank needs to move on with his life, the bridge he crossed was one too far. There is no going back to a TV role in this or any major market. If and that is a big "if", he can claw his way back it, would be by being humble and finding a small market TV role.

    2. Frank wants to get another job in the new media, doubt he will find one in the Bay Area and now he has some legal issues to deal with himself. He should stop using media to get attention, get help, move on, forget the past

    3. Thank you. Some common sense.

  21. Glad KTVU decline to invite Frank, Dennis will teach him a good lesson LIVE ON AIR how he fail to become a good reporter taking over his spot after retirement and ending up a suspect on all station and sniff, in tears begging for a job again. Is Heather going to be the next anchor or Cristina Rendon, Cristina was on no Heather on Sun-Thurs schedule.

  22. Rendon over Heather?? You're joking. Rendon still a light weight.

    1. Heather reported that she was a victim of an armed robbery attempt, so maybe she was still traumatized and couldn't make it on Sunday.

    2. Heather never mentioned an ‘armed’ robbery in any of her social media posts about the incident.

    3. @2:34, you're right. I re-read her IG posting and it said "masked" robbery and not "armed" robbery.

  23. 7:00pm, This is a liberal site so it's mostly fox bashing here. You want real news? What's wrong with you? ;-)

  24. Great coverage of this, Rich. Good to see you back.

    1. Great to see him back...still to explanation as to his absence

    2. @11:53- I think Rich said he had computer issues? He did a small video I think two weekends ago discussing why he wasn't posting for a few days

    3. “ I think Rich said he had computer issues?”

      Must be that new sucky Windows AI. AI is going to ruin everything eventually.

  25. Mike Mibach didn't belong up there. Talk about odd man out.

    1. @9:50- Mike Mibach seemed awkward up there. I also think he didn't feel right with the expectations that Julie kind of placed on him on her way out. She was basically handing him the baton and hoping he can carry on what Julie did as lead anchor for the 10 o'clock news

    2. Mibach looked like a kid sitting at the adult table with Dennis, Julie, Mark, and Bill surrounding him. A fish out of water. A single-A player among all star and hall of fame big leaguers. Only thing worse would've been if Greg Lee or Frank Mallicoat had co-anchored with Julie that night.

    3. “ She was basically handing him the baton and hoping he can carry on what Julie did as lead anchor for the 10 o'clock news.”

      Yes, smiling is hard for Mike. That’s about all that she did.

  26. Rich kept constantly commenting on how bad DR looked. Ya, Rich, we all saw it! It was great he came on, despite likely having some challengening health issues. Maybe the media should hide such people Rich? It’s very hard to watch Michael J. Fox, isn’t it?

  27. Ktvu management (who themselves were no shows at the finale) DID specifically consider if and how Frank should have been incorporated into Julie's final newcast. They decided including Frank wouldn't have been appropriate for a number of reasons, not the least of which was his mere presence would've immediately made the event about him and all the storylines that surround him.

    1. They weren’t “no shows.” Goodbyes like that only include on-camera people. Why would viewers want to see some bean-counter they’ve never heard of?

    2. 11:03, obviously you didn’t see the final send off. More than half the people standing behind her at the desk were KTVU employees who are not ‘on-camera.’

  28. The handholding and gushing were nauseating. Could care less to see Dennis. I worked with him during the Corral Griffith era. - egotistical ahole.

    1. Is it really necessary to call Dennis Richmond an “egoistical hole?” Clearly he is very ill and likely close to his death bed. Hope you feel great about yourself kicking a man when he’s down.

    2. @5:07- For real, right? I never understood this. Why talk bad about someone who is in poor health and is elderly? Have some class for goodness sakes.

      But yes, agreed man. Sad that some people have to knock other people down to make themselves feel better.

    3. Just because Dennis is getting up there in age and is (evidently) not in great health, that doesn't mean we need to sugarcoat the past. He was at KTVU for four decades. I see nothing wrong with those who actually knew him sharing their perspectives and experiences of what it was like working with him. If he was egotistical and difficult to work with, then why should that be swept under the rug?

    4. “ I worked with him during the Corral Griffith era. - egotistical ahole.”

      Nailed it.

  29. What concerns me is the people who obsess about what’s happening on local TV news from a personnel stand-point Read a book. Take a long walk or get a dog. This is not career or even a job. Move on.

    1. Right? Lol! Especially the ones who post what personnel wear or how they look is mind boggling.

  30. I’m late to the party here … I just watched the video and I agree with all that’s been said already: it was bizarre, strange, and made for very uncomfortable tv.

  31. Does Dennis Richmond have a sense of humor? What also made it uncomfortable is his intensity level and social awkwardness. There were moments when everyone was laughing and he was stonefaced.

    1. "Does Dennis Richmond have a sense of humor?"

      I don't know but it certainly doesn't appear so. He didn't even crack a smile at any point.

    2. Dennis has always been somewhat stonefaced. His longevity wasn't due to his personality. He was reliable and consistent.

  32. "Weather anchor"?

    Try "meteorologist." Or is that too many syllables?
