Sunday, May 26, 2024

The Sunday Wire; Marginalized Bay Area Media


  1. Capers on a bagel should be a crime.

  2. Dopey Copes isn't so much a kiss ass. He just doesn't know sports and sends out adolescent tweets that will eventually cause his termination.

    The ultimate kiss ass is Murph from the morning show. If KNBR wants to cut payroll, Murph is the guy to start with.

    1. Agreed, cull Murphy before he opines again. He is a better fit for the heel in a Skechers shoe advertisement.

  3. I was a big fan of Fiji water too buying lots of cases at the Business Costco in South SF. They have a full selection. Sorry to burst your bubble but now there is a Fiji massive recall:
    Something called manganese in it can cause irritability, brain problems, anxiety, depression, etc. There was bacteria too in the water but I guess your body can flush that out. They say the recall is only on products shipped via Amazon but I wonder how the water was isolated to their shipments. I sent an email inquiry to Fiji with no response and worry. Maybe we Fiji lovers are all screwed up now as even if you get tested for manganese it may not show up but the damage to your brain could already have been done. I learned from Google searches that the water for the people living in Fiji is quite bad and this Spring source does not benefit most of their population. Maybe they filled from the faucets like you said! We will switch brands. As for your rant, you reminded me of the episode on Seinfeld where everyone was scared to criticize the “Soup Nazi”. Be careful Rich, “no more bagels for you”!

    1. Bottled water is one of the biggest scams, right up there with climate change. It's unreal how people can be so gullible. Wasn't Dasani and Aquafini determined to be nothing more than tap water? When I water my garden plants I drink straight out of the hose. Tastes damn good to me! 63 years later, no problems. Hmm? Even ate dirt as a kid. It's amazing to see a society so entrenched in fear of microorganisms and the fear porn associated with unreliable and questionable ''scientific voodoo". Sponsored studies with skewed data that may as well have been generated by the Easter Bunny. That's okay. Think I'll just observe my Memorial Day sitting quietly in my backyard with some iced tea, a nitrate oozing missile of death hotdog. Still waiting for those damn African killer bees to come. Damn things are like 50 years late!

  4. People disagreeing is what America was built on Lieberman! Calling Conservative talk radio & people who have that opinion are not "nutty & goofy". You're right! No one does like you! That's why no one donates to keep you afloat. Giggle giggle giggle hee hee hee. You are an angry little man.

    1. Exactly, this liberal piece of trash loves soros and looks down on most of the US. He deserves what he votes for. Damned fool.

  5. Rich did you or anyone else since when the Giants beat the Phillies earlier this afternoon the rocket scientists at NBC Sports Bay Area screwed up once again. When the third out was finally recorded they flashed up on the screen the final score Giants 8 Phillies 4. Next to that though it popped up "A's WIN"! What the hell? Did the graphics department check to make sure that it said Giants win? Was Carmen Kiew in the control room? Maybe Copy Copes was trying to sabotage the broadcast. Either way just another example to show how much Bay Area media has tumbled & continues to be a joke...Do better weaklings!

  6. Sal Castaneda is as much an anchor as I am a Klingon unicorn.

  7. I think capers on a bagel are delicious. Meanwhile, is Nicole Zaloumis still at KPIX? She is still on their website, but no reference on the morning news anymore. Anybody know?

  8. Will Adam "Coppie" Copeland to start a Bay Area media blog/vlog to compete with 415 Media?
