Saturday, May 25, 2024

More Copeland-KNBR BS --Saturday Coffee


  1. Behind all the giggling, Copes seems like an angry dude.

  2. Copey copes is annoying enough with the giggling nonsense but increasingly his voice sounds more and more like his father’s which is grating. Btw every time Rich wears the open collar you should do the neck twitch and do an impersonation of Radnich with copy in one hand. You have that look when you wear the open collar.

  3. I'll bet there are people who still say to confirm sports rumors, "Well, I heard on KNBR..." These are the people who are zombies and have zero clue. Satellite radio is in, non-believers. You're probably the same folks who have to buy that hard copy of the thin local newspaper too. Newspapers are on the same track as radio stations. Look at the Chronicle. If you can troll your X feed like Aidin Vaziri does so well, you can be called a journalist. Just goes to show that the news vehicles are in dire need of repair. They all suck.

  4. Stepping down from a management position usually doesn't go well. I predict Copes will either walk away from KNBR or get fired within the next few months.

    1. With all the bad pub from his social media posts, he's likely gone in the near future.

  5. A man just lost his job. Maybe he wasn't ready, maybe he didn't know his audience as well as he should have. But he gave his best shot. Whether best for the 4th largest market in the nation, others will determine. But the following is deadly true. You, Rich, love the failures of others. That says more about you than anything else!!

    1. Utter RUBBISH! When Richard first reported that giggle man had been named PD he derided the move as basically dumb. The guy had zero experience. Fast forward a few months and he’s canned. Richard was correct all along! This means he’s a good observer of 415 media it does NOT mean he enjoys when others fail. Big difference.

  6. Copes doesn't know sports. He would be a good bartender.

    1. bingo! No he doesn't. And he talks too fast.

  7. I read the Copes’ tweets or whatever they are called on “X” from the site you did not want to mention by name Barrett Sports Media. Copes is one angry defensive guy who certainly was proud of what he accomplished in a few months (though only by comparison to the 95.7 The Game). Copes chided Garrett in tweets for not praising KNBR’s rise in ratings asserting due to Barrett’s former affiliation to The Game and was quite vulgar to Barrett and other tweeters. Enough so to get fired from the PD extra gig would think. He was trash talking calling followers “bitch” and such. Copes was shown to be a crude asshole to listeners for critical input on shows. Yet, you maintain this Barrett guy is writing a Press Release and his opinion on Copes’ conduct are irrelevant to the comp reason Copes “decided to step down” per you. What evidence do you have that Copes stepped down for comp reasons - did Copes state that? I don’t think Barrett said Copes was fired from the PD job. Maybe it was a combination of both. You and Copes seem to have huge egos.

    1. Where has “Foodie Chap” gone? Did he sail away to River Islands, also known as the “Malaria Riviera”?
      Does he now sport an eye patch? A codpiece?
      Was he struck by a speeding Cable Car? The guy, at one time everywhere, seems to have vanished. Maybe he owed Johnny Salami some money?!

  8. Copes is supposed to back on the air this Thursday. I wouldn't be surprised if, due to the negative publicity about his social media posts, he is shown the door. As smarmy as Greg Papa is, I think his position is safe because of his connection with the 49ers. Same for Tom Tolbert, even though he has been phoning it in for years, because of his Warriors and Steve Kerr connections.

    1. @4:31- We'll see what happens. I still can't image Copes getting let go from KNBR. Yeah he stepped down as the PD, but he's been a big part of the station going back to when he interned for Murph and Mac back in the day. He's part of KNBR's future I would imagine.

      If KNBR does let Copes go, I wonder if 95.7 would try and get him, even though 95.7's weekday lineup looks like it's set in stone for now, even though I wouldn't mind a Copes and Guru show or a Copes and Dibs show.

    2. @4:31- I agree on Greg Papa and Tolbert. Greg Papa's was KNBR's big acquisition when Papa took the Niners job. Radnich retired and Fitz was let go in some ways because of it. I think Papa stays on KNBR as long as he wants or until he retires from radio. Same for Tolbert too. Tolbert is one of the last links to KNBR's heyday back in the 90's through the 2000's. KNBR won't let Tolbert go either.

      Everyone else, I'm not sure. KNBR would benefit from some new blood though.

  9. You NAILED IT RICH !!

    No money means heads will roll. Copes was likely told “tell Murph he is getting laid off”. Copes plays Pokèmon with Murph - no way he is going to fire the Legend of Strawberry.
    Within 6 months, the whole scrapheap we call KNBR will be replaced by some smart, slick, east coast, sports talk syndicate.
    Copes can return to hosting Beer Pong night in Hayward.

  10. Copeland didn’t step down. He was suspended and his employment is under review. Some things one shouldn’t do as a representative of KNBR if they want to keep their job:

    Don’t call your listeners bitches

    Don’t tell your listeners that they can suck your dick

    Don’t call the owner of the San Francisco Giants and his son racists -especially since they are KNBR’s highest source of revenue

    Copeland has a huge ego, you are correct. That’s what is going to get him fired.

  11. Frank Mallicoat blocked me on Facebook today. I called him out on his stance regarding Memorial Day. He didn’t like what I said; “you don’t know me”, etc. He got really agitated. Then I told him he looked bent out of shape this morning when he talked about Memorial Day on 2.
    Don’t like being called out, Frank? Upset that I rattled you? You need to shape up and get over it.

    1. Mallicoat must have lost his only Facebook friend. My daughter tells me Facebook is now mostly for old people. I think she is right.

  12. Can't help but notice that the mass firing at KQED was ignored- any particular reason?

    1. KQED is driving its listeners away. Those of us who supported the station finally decided we were not getting a return on our investment.

      Alexis Madrigal, the smarmy Harvard SNAG, could not hold a candle to Michael Krasny - nor to Mina Kim. At what point will “Bubb” Gundy catch on and return the programming to subjects important to Bay Areans/Californians?

    2. Used to support KQED and PBS radio, no more, gotten rotten and woke like salvation army

  13. I figured Copes had been suspended. A week on the beach. Expect KNBR's ratings to jump again next month as the Giants keep winning and the Phillies and Yankees come to town.

  14. Adam Copeland had one hit his Sr. year of baseball for Moreau. LOL. That is one more than Brain Murphy, Papa, Lund and Tolbert.

    1. One hit wonder. Copes is better suited for El Monte.
      Grow up Adam, leave the teat. Strike out on your own. You will grow exponentially by GTFO of Nor-Cal.

  15. Van Amburg's GhostMay 26, 2024 at 6:16 PM

    Karnak the Magnificent... The Answer: Adam Copeland. Question: Who called listeners "bitches" & told some of them to "suck his d#@$" on X and is going to get fired by Cumulus management this week? Hey Oh! Giggle giggle giggle

  16. There are several reasons I would bet he keeps his host job. One, he checks a box. Two, he's part of a protected class. Three, he comes from a litigious family. Four, he works cheap.

  17. coldhandswarmheartMay 27, 2024 at 11:45 AM

    Let's be honest, Cope is an entitiled spoiled nepo 👶 who only got job(s) because of Daddy.
    Got him in the door but has only himself to blame because insulting people, not knowing his stuff and thinking he deserves 'medal(s) for participation' only proves why KNBR/Cumulus rightfully paid what they thought he IS REALLY WORTH.
    I hear Chili's is hiring

  18. Like Father, Like son. Always crying racism. Lawsuits and crying from Daddy. Adam was better suited to drive the station vans, and screen phone calls. This man child showed what a rookie he really was by trading insults with listeners. The Market Manager should be fired for hiring this joker, especially in a Top 5 market, in spite of no experience.

  19. Thank God Copeland is gone.
