Friday, May 24, 2024

Holmes -Savidge Duo Anchor on KTVU Radar When Haener is Gone; Friday Muse


  1. Indeed Rich, i hope everyone will enjoy a peaceful, respective, reflective, Memorial Day.

    I look forward to the Savidge-Holmes pairing for years to come. “Just the facts!” They are the best pairing on local news. If KRON can find someone to pair with Stephanie Lin, it would go a long way to unseating KTVU.
    Glad someone made you laugh about your “prisoner” setting. Jail gets old fast. “Send hacksaw blades, pantyhose, Hershey’s chocolate, smokeless explosives, farting powders!”

    1. Stephanie Lin is a great addition to KRON4. Working weekends she most likely will anchor solo. She hit the ground running and hasn't looked back in my opinion.

    2. @ 1:51 Agreed, breath of fresh air, pretty to boot

    3. I’m a huge Lin fan. She’s easy on the eyes, solid and smooth. Not trying to be a diva. As I understand she went to Cal. Yummy!

  2. The pairing of Holmes & Savidge will be anticlimactic. Like being presented with days old birthday cake. Too bad. Stay home and enjoy the solitude of ones home,family or private space. You're less inclined to take human life, if not surrounded by insensitive asphalt lemmings. Honor the fallen and be grateful for their sacrifice. Troubled it may be, but we still live in the best damn country in the world! God Bless America!

    1. “Heather is a horrible person who cares only about being on tv.”

      I worked in this field for 20 years, including at KTVU. That accusation is true of all of them.

      If you want to meet people with glass egos, both behind and in front of the camera, just go into any media field.

  3. Heather Holmes is a hottie. I tune in just to see her and listen to her soothing voice.

    1. Heather is one of the most prettiest women in the world.

    2. Heather is so beautiful, it is unbelievable.

    3. Heather is a horrible person who cares only about being on tv. Anyone who works with her will tell you the same. Absolute vapid anchor monster. KTVU 10p ratings will sink if that's the ship they're sailing on. Good luck.

    4. She should be the benchmark. She's competent and smooth. All her live interviews at 7:30 should be used for training. They're all so natural and smooth.

  4. Heather is taking over for Julie. There's no chance Betty Yu gets that gig.

  5. Heather is the hardest working person at ktvu. I know because I worked with her. Her only problem is that she need to tone down her looks and stop trying to make everything about her. Other than that she’s fantastic. As for Alex he’s great too. My only problem with him is that he asks typical questions. He never asks REAL questions. But I’m sure someday he will. As for Julie and Mike. They are just AVERAGE anchors. The don’t take risks. They just are like robots. I sure hope ktvu has the guts to replace them. Julie was exposed once they got rid of Frank. He asked real questions. He didn’t play politics. He only cared about news.

    1. Thanks for the honest opinions, Frank.

    2. Robotic is fine. I just need the news, nothing more.

    3. I read something similar in the past from a guy with the guts to state “this is frank”. Way to trash “Jules” (as Bill Martin calls her) probably because she did not advocate for your umpteenth “comeback”.

  6. Does anyone notice how Haener gives that fake “Thank youuuuuuuu” to the street reporter when they send it back to her. It’s so fake.

    1. She's afraid of LaMonica cause she never sees black people in Diablo.

    2. Holy Moley! Anyone watch the 10 O'clock news in KTVU 2 Sunday night? You can "see" Julie Haener's 2 niblets! Wow!

    3. @ 9:40 Yes, I had to do a close-up and a double take, eye candies

  7. Does anyone notice how Haener gives that fake “Thank youuuuuuuu” to the street reporter when they send it back to her. It’s so fake.

  8. With the darker lighting, it looks like Rich is broadcasting from an underground bunker somewhere in Baghdad.

    Seriously, the background looks fine.

  9. These days, holidays feel very commercialized with the true intend of the holiday now overwhelmed by opportunistic advertising.

    1. Crass capitalism knows no bounds. From a President hawking Gold tennis shoes, to suckering minorities into buying death burial expenses.
      America IS business but simply buying more shit will never drive America’s best skill: Innovation.

      Cut some flowers from your garden. Decorate the grave of a Veteran. 🙏

  10. Who cares, ratings go down nobody watches tv, they can put one person doing everything to cut cost

  11. Alex and Heather should leap over Mike and Julie as the main #1 primetime news team...

  12. Heather is great at 730. I tape it every night and she really shines, especially when interviewing and interacting with her fellow anchors. Hope she keeps that half hour if she goes to 10 PM.

    1. Hi Heather good to see you here LOL

  13. Can’t wait for Bailey O’Carrol again tonight I hope for sports. Last night she or rather the incompetent staff repeated the Giant’s game highlights for her A’s highlights talk. Guess she was too busy reading to notice. She stumbles a lot; so does Andre on occasion in the morning. Alex is the man as I recall him and Andre were both considered besides Mibach. I wonder what Mibach will do. He has a family to support. He should be sending out his e-resume unless your sources are wrong again as I have read and heard this for a long time. Company sources of what your psychic? Good riddance if you are finally right to the cocky know it all weather pontificator extraordinaire. Yet, you have been singing that tune ad nauseam too. Does Roberta stay then?

    1. Bailey O’Crackup is the worst. This “journalist” who has by her own account already left an indelible mark on the field (what is she, 23?) can’t read a story without flubbing a name or mispronouncing a place. She belongs at the community college CCTV station. That said, she fits in with the amateur shit show that is Channel 2. Fred Zehnder is rolling in his grave.

    2. @11:18 Someone at KTVU is jealous

    3. > She belongs at the community college CCTV station.

      Oh God, this is so right. I know a lot of the recent hires at that station have been amateurville, because you can make more working at Chipotle and get fed for free, but she's the worst of the recent hires. BTW and on a different subject, is Eric Thomas still on KCBS? Don't listen very often but haven't heard him lately. Mostly I hear Pat Thurston and she is awful! Alisa Clancey or whoever she is is just as bad. I can't listen now for more than five minutes.

  14. Before coming to your blog I was watching KTVU while stretching after a hard workout. Holmes and Savidge are a breath of fresh air. Although I love Rendon they do a disservice always pairing her with Lee who looks like he’s closing in on the 350lbs weight mark. Mibach is a complete disaster as if we need more evidence he was terrible when news broke out of the Skyline high school shooting. The guy just has no sense of timing, he treats every story with the same tenor.
    With regards to sports I have not seen Joe Fonzi in months. Is he still employed at KTVU? Today they had Jesse Gary doing sports which is laughable. He looks completely out of place.
    In other news many of us have been critical of Sara Donchey’s outfits but tonight she looks GREAT! Very nice outfit. Dress with zippers and a sexy top. No more MC Hammer pants please.

  15. Speaking of KTVU, it looks like they 'scooped' you once again with no attribution. This morning, two days after you broke the news, they reported that Adam Copeland is stepping down as program director at KNBR. They're a joke.

    (FWIW, an online search reveals that you were the first person to report this news. Your video is the earliest timestamped article or video I could find.)

    1. I'm sure they did scoop Rich but anyone who thinks ktvu would ever credit Rich for anything is the dictionary definition of crazy.

  16. Who was the good looking Hispanic girl on KTVU filling in the other night?
