Friday, May 24, 2024

Could KNBR Be a Goner Soon? Yes; Lund Probably Next on Hit List; Papa No...


  1. I've though Lund would be the next cut because it seems like KNBR's strategy has been to cut each show down from two high-priced hosts to one high-priced host and a young guy they don't have to pay. They've already done it in the morning and afternoon. Papa and Lund is the only show left and Lund is definitely the expendable one.

  2. Agree. Terrestrial radio is no more.

  3. Rich 2 good ones in a row. Both on KNBR, I know that you mentioned that "Copes" brought a modest bump in the ratings in April, please do NOT give him credit for THAT, the fact that the GIANTS are the only thing causing any kind of upward trend on KNBR, NOT COPES...He is the Low Bid Babysitter for Cumulus, BUT he does have 2 distinctions, He may be the only KNBR PD that quit, and was not fired. And the ONLY one that left when the ratings were going UP. Just a thought...I hear Lee Hammer may be available.

  4. The demise of KNBR has been predictable when the shelves of “talent” grew noticeably thin.
    Murphy is a 100% unfunny moron. If he had any self respect, he would have quit when his side kick was fired. Papa and Lund can beat a long dead horse to a pulp, but who needs their stupid “afternoon delight”? Lund gave Copes lesson on how to cup the balls of their broadcast partner. Embarrassing for a grown man to be so servile. Papa simply needs to return to upstate NY. Tolbert has stupidly opined for far too long. He’s got ZERO, and I do mean Zero, talent. Copes rode Daddy’s coattails pretty far. He has zero future in radio. He needs to rise above the Frat Bro lifestyle (it is always pathetic), maybe do some volunteering among the less fortunate.

    I will not miss KNBR for one second. The fatal wounds were self inflicted by the no-talent hosts. They killed the station.

    On another Note: Tonight is Ken Wayne’s last night delivering the news. I loved him in Rio Hondo, True Grit, the Shootist. Good luck KW !!

    1. "Bro! C'mon bro...." - Kopey Kopes. Pathetic!

    2. Copes volunteering rather than working? The dude is barely 30 I heard. His dad was no Jerry Seinfeld or if you want to go race card Eddy Prior, Eddie Murphy, Jamie Foxx, Chris Rock, and (I hope) Bill Cosby. More I know but forgot right now. Maybe his mom is wealthy but geez, you have the soon to be just Adam retiring at 30?

  5. Lazy, unimaginative and puerile. What did you expect?

  6. They can all go. The programming sucks. If they pick up a national feed from Fox or ESPN, it'll be an improvement. I haven't listened to KNBR since George W. Bush was in office. Why? There's nothing there. Live with yourselves.

  7. Knbr ratings 0.5 same as college student radio

  8. Lund was shooting the bleep with Papa about "What are you doing for the long weekend?" Lund proudly announced that "Well Greg, as you know I bought a new car. So the wife and I are going away for the weekend. Don't know where we'll end up. We done Bottlerock before so we won't be going to Napa this year. (Translation: KNBR couldn't comp us any tickets so I'm not paying those exorbitant). Lund better watch out for the Repo Man to come take his new "toy" away after he loses his job and can't afford to make those payments. Bye Jon! Hit the road with your trophy wife.

    1. I don’t know about trophy wife as he said something about her being a psychologist I thought. She probably makes more than him. I was wondering if he got a face lift; something does not look normal to me. If Big Sur, I am thinking Esalen so he can skinny dip in their hot springs based on some of the convos with Papa on nudist places.

  9. Unless the internet dies, terrestrial radio will no longer be a source of info.

  10. Are we talking KUSF, or West Valley College? No matter, KNBR hosts are luddites mailing it in, for home payments.
    “I cannot believe they pay me to do this crap!” (TT).
    The jig is up. Go ahead stiff the fiddler.

  11. The biggest asset KNBR has is the small piece of the Giants they own.

  12. I meant Richard Pryor.

  13. Bring back Sylvia Chase.
