Wednesday, May 29, 2024

The Copie/Barrett/KNBR Much Ado About Nothing


  1. Copes will go fired very soon.

    1. He'll announce his termination in his return show tomorrow.

    2. After Adam Copeland’s termination, he’ll lawyer up with Angela Alioto, whose every other word will be “N——r.”

    3. @5:54- That won't happen. Hopefully he goes in depth on to what happened, or at least what he can explain on the air

    4. @2:41- No he won't. Copes is a big part of the future for KNBR

    5. 11:54, looks like he's still employed. What makes you think he's a part of the future? What does he provide that listeners can look forward to?

    6. @6:37- Yeah, Copes wasn't going anywhere... I think he's part of KNBR's future because he was the PD. Even if he volunteered for the position, KNBR wouldn't give that position to just anyone. Plus they liked the plans that he had for the future of KNBR. Also, Copes has been with KNBR since 2009 I think he said, so of course they want to keep him around.

      As far as what he provides that listeners can look forward to, he's a good dude and it looks like they have more caller interaction on their show. He also interacts with some of us on the Youtube chat when he has time. He also I think put together the draft party that KNBR had at the 21st Amendment bar here in SF. Not sure if he will have say in future KNBR get togethers with listeners and fans, but he tried to put KNBR in the right direction.

    7. 6:37, that still doesn't answer what he provides to the listeners. He laughs constantly and doesn't have any strong takes. The info he provides l can get through my X feed. On the other hand, his partner Tolbert has good takes, especially on basketball and provides the insight from a former athlete's perspective. Copes is the definition of No Value Added. Personally, he may be a great guy, but he doesn't bring anything to the table as a sports talk host.

    8. 10:19, that still doesn't answer what he provides to the listeners. He laughs constantly and doesn't have any strong takes. The info he provides l can get through my X feed. On the other hand, his partner Tolbert has good takes, especially on basketball and provides the insight from a former athlete's perspective. Copes is the definition of No Value Added. Personally, he may be a great guy, but he doesn't bring anything to the table as a sports talk host.

  2. Rich you should start shamelessly scooping all of those assholes. They clearly have no respect for you so it’s time for you to take off the gloves and give them a dose of their own medicine.

    1. 3:05 PM, Welcome! You must be new to this site, otherwise you'd already know that all Rich does is "scoop" others without giving them credit. When Rich isn't scooping others, he just flat out fabricates stories and then repeats them ad nauseum.

    2. Rich the National Enquirer of Bay Area Media.

    3. Thats insulting to the Enquirer

  3. Honestly Rich, when KNBR finally implodes, nobody will care!! But watching the Shi-Show as it augurs in is hilarious !!
    Just to prove how dumb the on air talent truly is - they will ride Moby Dick to the depths until the paychecks stop coming

  4. Barrett thinks he is some sort of genius for 95.7 the ratings were nothing and the constant revolving door of talent brought in from oregon. 95.7 was amateur radio with talent like guru and dibley

    1. Barrett doesn't think anything. He has been gone since 2015. Do some homework.

    2. He wants to take credit for starting a station hiring talent like tennis wind bag Brad Gilbert ,zach something lorenzo neal and audrey huff,chris townsend etc .

  5. Copes should go to KGO, your reparations station

  6. One of your very finest, Rich. Very measured tone, lots of new information, no personal attacks or school yard name-calling. Just a really professional, polished presentation overall. Bravo.

  7. I worked in the business a lot of years. If my boss caught me sending the type of comments Cope Copes was sending to listeners through I would have been fired before the day was over. Another example of some young kid coming off the street with no scruples and no one to mentor him.

    1. Copes is playing 3d chess. Just setting up the firing so he can take it from the old mans playbook and sue

    2. In the days of social media, it's a given that everyone will check your posts, including your employer. For Dopey Copes to post the stuff he does, he is either incredibly ignorant, or he thinks he's untouchable. Either way, his days are numbered and he'll experience the same fate if he doesn't grow up quickly.

    3. Copes is a lightening rod for ridicule, but he is no more offensive than his nitwit partner TolBert, nor anywhere near as bad as Murphy in assaulting listeners’ intelligence.
      The collective IQ of the bay area will go up once these 3 are off the 50,000 watt flamethrower.

  8. Lund says he can see without glasses now that he had eye work...mmm
    Well. he should say that on radio not on Twitch live. I've seen him numerous times having to use readers during the show...sorry but not good for Silicon Valley whoever did his eye job.

  9. This is not Frank, nor Otis:

    The Copes, Tolbert, Lund, Murphy, shows are drawing to their inevitable close. Much of the damage was self inflicted. Apparently not one of them thought to Google, “How to refresh the stale scene”?
    I hope they have some class and just ride off into the Sunset. We have all heard enough from them.
