Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Screw You KCBS and Assorted Other Nothings; Wed PM Rant


  1. Just hearing reminds me, I dont even own a radio anymore. In my car I have one but listen to CDs. So all the KCBS and sports talk stuff is past me now. Radnich was last time I listened. Rich you might be preaching toan empty church

  2. Richie you’re on fire!

  3. Brian Murphy = GOAT kiss ass.

  4. I'm glad you changed your tune on Holly Quan. I've listened to her for decades, since the days she teamed with Stan Bunger in the mornings. She's always been solid.

    KCBS still has some solid sports anchors in Ted Ramey and Steven Langford. Their traffic reporters are pretty good too, especially Victor Zaragoza(OG has been on many stations), Kim Vestal, and Kim Wonderley.

    The migrated anchors from KGO still sound like they're not accustom to the all news format, but I still like all the original KCBS anchors. Yes, some of the content makes me roll my eyes too, but as a whole, I still enjoy KCBS.

    1. Ive always loved and appreciated Holly so much, wish i was her neighbor!
      I let myself be affected by that old KGO host who feels like she HAS to treat every story as if she's Edie Editoria.

  5. I'm so old that I remember when Holly Quan did Youth News Radio on Sunday nights with Nico Pimentel. Not on KCBS; I think it was on KFRC at the time. Anyway, that was a long time ago. Anyone else remember that?

  6. On weekends, Pat Thurston is taking over weekend late afternoons instead of Liz St. John and she acts like a child sometimes when she talks to Darren Peck at 4:18PM.

    Regardless, whenever Darren Peck fills in, the anchors always spend a whole lot of time talking to him at the sake time asking questions or perhaps learning something, but I never seen that when they talk to Paul Heggen or anybody else.

    I was driving home from Lake Tahoe a couple of days ago on the holiday & Megan Goldsby filled in as an anchor but didn’t waste time with Darren Peck.

    It somehow seems that on KCBS, people like or prefer Darren Peck and like talking to him more rather than talking to any other meteorologist. And yet some people here say he’s a jerk and condescending.

  7. Why don't you wear 49er gear, oh that's right you misappropriated your press pass and got you ass ran off...dip shit

    1. It was reported in the trades

  8. Look at all those sponsors! Most ads ever! Wtg Rich!
