Thursday, May 23, 2024

Farhan and Baer: KNBR's BS Shill Show Exposed


  1. The Giants are an incredibly boring team, so they turn their shows into marketing slots for Mission Bay. Pretty soon, they'll have to raise the price on the garlic fries again.

    1. @5:52- Not sure what you've been watching, but the Giants have been more exciting since the young guys have been called up due to injury. Hopefully the Giants can keep this up and the younger guys will still be out there, once some of the vets come back

    2. I love that the skipper is Bob Brenley instead of "krapper" worst Giant's skipper ever

    3. 2:49. Damn Skippy! That Pirates series almost drove me back to the bottle! Another crazy game against the Mets. Giants baseball is torture!

  2. 5:02. Melvin. Bob Melvin. Kapler was a woke, kneeling, fake-ass social justice warrior and a piss-poor communicator. F that pendejo and the horse he rode in on.

    1. @ 5:21 Couldn't agree more

    2. Kapler, like Brian Murphy, could talk 17 minutes without saying a damn thing. A less impressive individual does not exist.

  3. It's hard to listen to Baer and Farhan in these interviews. Yes, the Giants are playing well which is great, but having these younger players play wasn't the intentions of this season.

    Also, Baer kind of lost me after his comments regarding Dodgers fans invading Oracle Park when Copes asked him about that the week before the Dodgers-Giants series at Oracle Park. Baer seemed more concerned about selling tickets even if Dodger fans were buying them. Baer has lost his pride as the face of the Giants front office. Feels like ever since the Mission Rock project, Baer has been more concerned about making money, over fielding a Giants team that could compete with the Dodgers.

    Farhan, it's so hard to trust him after he kind of turned off this fanbase on missing out on free agents and blaming SF for free agents not coming to the Giants. I get annoyed listening to Farhan.

  4. @5:02- Bob Melvin, but yes, agreed, Kapler sucked. Yeah, he was the manager of the year in 2021, but has pretty much been a .500 manager his whole managerial career. Plus he loved himself a little too much. Also he tried too hard to be cool and be a part of SF and Bay Area lifestyle. Some of his stuff felt forced and manufactured. It's like burger reviews, really? What kind of manager does that kind of stuff?

    Just felt like Kapler wasn't part of the Giants fabric as far as manager's go. Even Melvin seems like more of a Giants manager than Kapler ever did, even though yes, Melvin did play for the Giants in the 80's and grew up a Giants fan here in the Bay Area.

    1. Otis. Loved himself too much? Krapler had a side hustle promoting his videos. For a nominal fee of course. Hope he's happy with his jar of coconut oil! His track record was less than stellar and players were starting to mutiny at the end. He would text players as opposed to face to face meetings. Who does that? The self absorbed. F him!

    2. @ 10:23 Yes, manager of the year, you know why? Same as when Bill Walsh left the 49ers, it was still "his" team and George Seifert took advantage, see the results after? Not a "genius" like Walsh; same goes for Kapler, it was still Bruce Bochy's team, it fell apart the next year as knucklehead Kapler keeps making "miscalculated" decisions, nuff said

    3. @ 10:23 Thanks for the correction

  5. @7:45- Oh dang, be careful dude!.... Yeah, that Pirates series was intense, as well as last night's game against the Mets and today's game as well. At least the Giants aren't boring anymore. LOL

  6. Let's talk about "CBS News Bay Area Evening Edition" on Pix Plus, the former channel 44. Because literally no one is talking about this abomination, and why should they? This evening I happened across this broadcast and they were discussing what makes a good cup of coffee. And it takes them ten minutes to do the weather as they dance through their "immersive" weather set? W. T. F.

    (Sorry, just trying to nudge the chitchat here away from boring sports talk stations and Betty Yu to maybe something fresh? There's a wealth of bad Bay Area radio/TV that does NOT involve KNBR!)
