Thursday, May 23, 2024

Betty Yu's $weet Deal at KTVU; Haener Won't Leave, 500K Reasons; Martin ...


  1. I don’t get the fascination with better yo. I’ve worked in the business for 40 years. She is average at best. Not great. Not horrible. Just average.

    1. 9:55am, I agree with you. I believe that this fascination is the perfect example of the 'Halo Effect,' where people perceive exceptionally physically attractive individuals as possessing other desirable traits even without direct evidence. So in this case, because Betty is an attractive woman in a visual medium (TV), she's set apart, and people assume that else everything about her is exceptional, even though it's really just her looks. She's not a bad reporter. Not at all. But she's not great. As someone else commented on another video, if Bobby Yu had the identical resume and skill set, no one would even mention him on this site.

    2. Yep, there are two things that distinguish Betty Yu from 99% of other local reporters, and neither relates to her reporting skills:

      1. She’s a very attractive woman by almost any standard.
      2. She attempts to portrays herself as a socialite on social media, showcasing a lifestyle of extravagance and wealth based on the events she attends, the clothes she wears, the stores she shops at, the restaurants she dines at, and the places she vacations.

      Whether you believe this or not, she has established herself as a notch above others—or, to be frank, several notches above—in these areas that have absolutely nothing to do with reporting. Consequently, people tend to assume her reporting abilities are also several notches above. In reality, there is absolutely nothing superior or even noteworthy about them.

    3. @4:52: I don’t think Betty is ‘very attractive’ and I’ve never seen her social media so I have l clue what she shares there. But, I think she’s a damn good reporter. Exceptional, in fact. So how do you explain that?

  2. Bill Martin, Cal grad, surfer. If you have been around surfers at all, Bill Martin is typical, laid back, low key, mellow, no pretensions. Bill Martin is really good (and so is Steve Paulson).
    The Elvira-Roberta joke was spot on. She’s a spark-plug that still can whack hard. Her personality is bubbly, beats a dead fish.

    1. Bill and Roberta have been doing weather for decades, but Bill is barely understandable these days. Roberta is still going strong and her personality shines.

    2. Roberta is looking a lot better, think someone told her to "tone" down her makeup ala Emerald Yeh & Terilyn Joe

    3. Bring Kyla Grogan back

    4. Bring Olivia Horten back

  3. Get rid of Mike Mibach and Heather Holmes, save lots of $$$. Frank Malicoat wouldn’t mind a lower pay cut on Prime Time News when no body cares who is reporting the news. Look at weekends, anyone can fit in.

  4. coldhandswarmheartMay 23, 2024 at 10:28 AM

    Betty Yu checks all the boxes at KTVU:
    Claudine Wong only works weekends and let's face it comes across as frumpy, disingenuous and 'lightweight'.

    1. Claudine Wong speaks like she has marbles in her mouth.

  5. 200K seems low for a top reporter. I wonder what she was paid at KPIX-5.

    1. $200k for a field reporter at KTVU is in the top tier salary range. Let’s face it she’ll do a story or two every week. Not anchoring 3 daily broadcasts.

  6. Julie deserves half a mil. She's put in her time and always been great, although she's been taking a lot of time off lately.

  7. Jana Katsuyama is still the top reporter at KTVU.

    1. Brooks Jarosz (or Brooks “Wore-ez” as Rich referred to him) is a great reporter.

    2. Unmm, Brooks Jarosz aka Wore-ez left KTVU several months ago for a job as a PR person with the Santa Clara County Sheriffs Department.

    3. 4:57, Brooks left ktvu several months ago for a PR job with the Santa Clara County Sheriff’s Office.

    4. As did the lovely Elissa Harrington whi left to go do PR at Kaiser

  8. She looks great the couple times I've seen her in studio. KTVU could use some new blood and energy.

  9. Is "better yo" Betty Yu's new nickname?

  10. Thanks for keeping us up to date Rich. I agree with you, she did a great job taking on the DA Pamela Price, who is now being recalled

  11. I worked with Julie first hand for years. Here’s the truth about her. She’s a lovely lady. But she could care less about news. Just like gasia. They both just want to be on tv. Period.
    Julie would show up for newscasts 30 minutes before hand. And then go right into the makeup room. That’s NOT a news person. She likes living in her little bubble in Diablo. Compare that to Frank. He always showed up at least an hour before hand and went over his scripts with a fine tuned comb. All he cared about was whether the stories were accurate and free of bias. He went to crime scenes on his own time. He wasn’t concerned about his safety. He was concerned about whether the story was right. And he NEVER went with guards. Does Mike do that. Does Julie do that. Of course not. Cause they’re not real journalists. That’s just the bottom line from someone who has seen all of them in action. You can believe me or. Of. But that’s the truth.

    1. Thanks for the insight, Frank.

    2. Oh, so after nearly 30 years of service in the local broadcast media industry, Julie Haener isn’t considered a journalist anymore? Okay, Frank.

    3. 5:59....Re: " the fine-tuned comb " ,so he went over his scripts that someone else wrote while playing mouth tunes on his comb? How does one tune a comb? Going over scripts with a "fine -toothed" comb implies that you've at least read through them. As to Mr. Sommerville's "biases" , wasn't that the issue that presaged his departure. He opined that Gabby Petito story would not have been covered if Ms. Petito had been black. Am I wrong?

  12. Betty's done a few decent segments so far, but without being in the field everyday and dealing with the deadlines, $200K seems like she's overpaid to be a part-time special segments reporter. I thought KTVU was trying to reduce payroll.

  13. Betty Yu is a nothing burger

  14. It's that time of year again: time for KTVU's lame "Zip Trips." You know, the ones where Salvador Castaneda awkwardly stuffs his face with food and Gasia blabbers on and on from an empty park about a town she knows absolutely nothing about.

    1. You are absolutely correct. I worked with gasia for years. She just want to be a celebrity. Nothing more. She’s 100% fake. It’s just who she is.

    2. Zip Trips, where Sal stuffs his face with greasy food AND drinks beer at 9am.

  15. This is Frank. I LOVED working with Julie. We were so perfect together. We both trusted each other. We both respected each other. Period.

  16. why the vitriol for Mike M? He is my favorite anchor. Steady as a rock, in the style of Dennis Richmond. I am suspecting rivalries behind the scenes. Whenever Roberta Elvira (as you so aptly called her, Rich) flaunts her disgusting ego, I switch off. I am split over Bill M. and his stumbling -weather reports -- oh look at the dot! That's where I met my second girlfriend!. I wonder if does not do this purposely to foster his boy next door persona. You say there is no one to replace him?
    How about their other female weather gal, a splendid personality. Bill Martin, like other show-offs should be caned off the seat. So Bay Area.

    1. Mike is just not a main anchor. He was great in the morning. But he’s not a main anchor like Dennis or Frank.
