Monday, May 20, 2024

A-List Schmucks: Papa and Lund; Larry Beil; FP Santangelo; Monday Muse


  1. I'd have to disagree about Papa. He's arrogant for sure, but he's entertaining and has good enough knowledge about the 3 major sports, especially football. I've followed his career since his days with the A's/Raiders/Warriors. He's not the best, but definitely better than most in the Bay Area.

    Schmuck nominee: Jason Dumas, he's the lead sports director at KRON-4. Nothing says you don't follow sports or you don't do your homework more than mispronouncing names of athletes. Dumas does this almost on a nightly basis.

    1. Schmunk Nominees! Kopey Kopes (Adam "Don't Call Me Adam" Copeland), Tom Tolbert, Glen Kuiper (he was on the air again Sunday morning before Bruce Jenkins) Mike Mibach, KPIX - Ryan Yamamoto & Reed Cowan, KGO Ch. 7 - Reggie Aqui, Chris Alvarez - Sports Anchor. The biggest buffoon of them all for dis-honorable mention is Carmen Kiew.

    2. Papa's best sport is basketball play-by-play. But Little Booby Fitz backstabbed him so he could steal that job away. Don't believe me? Just ask anyone who know what a schmuck Fitzgerald is. Papa is not fun to listen to on 49ers game where he pontificates what the offensive and defensive is lined up. "Oh! They're in 22 Tim! Let's see how the defense reacts?" Instead of saying "McCaffrey and 'Juice' (since he loves nicknames) set in the back field. Deebo spilt out right, Aiyuk to the left. Kittle appears to be in for blocking..." Something like that which we can imagine. Radio is theater of the mind. 22 just tells me 2 RBs and 2 Receivers are in the game.

    3. Regarding Jason Dumas AKA Jason Dumbass you're absolutely correct. Dumas has been KRON-4 Sports Director for 6 years now & still butchers/mispronounces names of athletes on a daily basis such as new PGA Champion Xander Schauffele who he called last night Xander Soufle. Since he is a member of a Protected Class (Black & Gay) Dumas will continue to be lead sports director at KRON despite his many foibles.

    4. @5:59, I think that's a fair assessment of Papa re: football. Being a lifelong football fan, I know what he's talking about and appreciate when he identifies the scheme or the play he sees, but I also recognize that for more novice listeners, he's not painting a very clear picture.

    5. Agree on Dumas. His colleague Erin Wilson is quite good though.

    6. 4:31 pm You're Definitely Right About Schmuck Nominee Jason Dumas. Even After 6 years at KRON 4 Dumas still mispronounces/butchers names of athletes. Just yesterday Dumas called new PGA Champion Xander Schaueffle Xander Soufle!! Since he is member of a protected class (Black & Gay) Dumas can stay at KRON 4 as long as he wants despite his many verbal foibles.

    7. Erin Wilson is worst of the bunch on KRON cannot understand her at all. Calls Jorge Soler Jorge Solar. She has got to be the worst on air person in bay area media,

    8. At one time when he had his one person talk show on 1050,it was actually good just sports talk and no juvenile humor like know.KNBR should just get rid of Lund and the show would improve greatly.

    9. Agree, Jason Dumas isn't good at all.

  2. By the time KNBR gets to the story I already read it a day ago. Papa does not know anymore than the average fan and gets his knowledge from the internet. For a guy that never played any high school sports it’s hard to take his analysis seriously. Just the way he wears his baseball caps says everything you need to know.

    1. Besides Tolbert, I can't think of another former athlete who's hosting a talk show now, and he's not good at it. You have to go to the streaming route to find any good sports talk hosts.

  3. I am a die-hard sports fan...who quit listening to local sports radio ten years ago. It's too narrow-focused on the local teams...while also (as has been noted in this thread) pretty bad. I now switch between listening to all of the national guys (ESPN radio, Dan Patrick, Cowherd, Rome, Le Batard, and Fox Sports Radio). They are all VASTLY superior options.

  4. Not a fan of Papa but I have to give him credit yesterday. After Murph and Beevis spent 4 hours losing their minds about the Giant's sweep of the awful Rockies, Papa had enough perspective to come on and say "not so fast" about the Giants rookies. He correctly pointed out that the league has not seen enough of them to come up with a plan as to how to pitch to them. After Murph's cheerleading, it was nice to hear actual analysis.

  5. Local radio focuses in on local teams No kidding.. Dan Patrick is a leftover from the 1990's Rome is a complete clown and Cowherd? The worst

  6. I prefer to call him FP SanDUNGelo because everything that comes out of his mouth is pure BS.

  7. Saying FP Stinks is like saying dogsh.i smells - Poor guy will go to the grave oblivious to just how lame he sounds. Like most narcissists, he cannot imagine being the object of ridicule and scorn.
    He makes it easy for us


    MUST ALL GO. Time for fresh meat. The stale product on the shelves, which peaked 10 years ago, is not improving. Big swings and misses.
    The radio team Miller, Phlegm, Kruk & Kuipe need fewer “on assignments”, and more “on the job” reporting. If they are not interested in the Giants, why should I be?

    1. 10:22 So don't patronize it crybaby. If you want to see a travesty playing out, watch what the WNBA is doing to Caitlin Clark. Her coach the imbecile Christie Sides benched her in the 4th Q.Indiana is 0-5. Why? Ratchet city "can't have no talented white girl show up they game"! Think this isn't a big deal? The Valkyries are already dead before they get one sneaker on the floor if WNBA doesn't clean up their act and leave the "white girl from Iowa" ALONE!

    2. @3:45
      Does anyone watch WNBA? If so, why? It makes a pitchers’ duel look like Div 4 flag football game…..zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

    3. yeah, the "on assignment! LOL! Why don't they just tell us where they are!!!

    4. Were you complaining two years ago when the Giants won over 100 games or were you complaining in 2010 after the Giants won their first title at Oracle? The Giants are a boring team, no doubt, but if you are a true fan, you have to take the bad along with the good. This team is bad, not it's not from a lack of resources. Getting rid of everyone on a whim isn't the answer. It would be if they've never won and if they've consistently lost, but that's not the case. They're going through a tough time, like any other team. If you can't stomach a bad streak, baseball isn't for you.

  9. Call me crazy but FP is actually a good looking guy. If it's true that he gets all the ladies, i can definitely see why.

  10. Never liked beil

  11. To whomever is posting all the Betty Y puns on this site, we see Yu.
