Sunday, May 19, 2024

Jenny Cavnar is God Awful as A's TV Broadcaster


  1. Rich, I couldn’t agree more. I’ve watched a few A’s games this year, and each time I was immediately struck by how unqualified Jenny Cavnar is for the role. We all know she was solely hired because she’s a woman and the A’s wanted to be the first Major League Baseball team to have a full-time female play-by-play announcer. They also wanted a ‘positive’ story after the Glen Kuiper debacle and Fisher’s ‘F you’ to the fan base as he attempts to move to Las Vegas. That’s it. No other reason. Anyone who disputes that isn’t even worthy of entering this discussion. If it were Jimmy Cavnar instead of Jenny Cavnar, with the identical resume, he would’ve been dismissed from any audition within three seconds based on his inability and lack of qualifications.

    But you’re right, in today’s world, we are no longer allowed to critique a woman, a person of color, a member of the LGBTQ community, or any other population subset deemed off-limits by our Bay Area society, even when the critique has absolutely nothing to do with any of those factors.

    I’ll now look forward to the silly lunatics fumbling over themselves as they try to say Cavnar’s hiring had nothing to do with her gender and that she’s perfectly qualified for the role.

    1. Yep. I applaud Rich not just for speaking the truth but for putting his name behind it. Truth be told, if any one of us recorded the exact same video about Cavnar and put it on our social media or website, or even expressed a similar opinion (with our real name associated with it) we'd likely be "cancelled" and there would be public calls for us to lose our job.

  2. She's worse than that....

  3. First I've heard of her.

    Checking boxes isn't always a good thing.

  4. Listen to her home run call for Brent Rooker. She has the worst home run call EVER! Ron Fairly sounded like Vin Scully compared to her. I'd say do better but this is the A's we're talking about. Heck! Bring back Roxy Bernstein & he's not very good.

    1. You’re right! Roxy is so bad that he does MLB on national broadcasts for ESPN Radio and does other sports for ESPN TV. You wouldn’t know quality play-by-play if was delivered to you personally.

    2. Ok Roxy... thanks for chiming in. You do know that no one watches ESPN except for Monday Night Football and no listens to ESPN baseball on the radio. As Rich keeps saying, baseball is an old man's game. The younger generation likes football and basketball. Do better with your criticism weakling!

  5. 11:36 in to hit the word abomination.

  6. The world is all about checking the boxes these days. I thought Leah Hextall was bad doing hockey PBP on TV, but this one is right up there in the "fingernails on a chalkboard" category. You can be progressive, but what about considering talent?

  7. There's so much to unpack here.

    First, Jenny is not play by play material. She does have an annoying voice, but that's not the real issue. She has a problem with depth perception, so she's calling fly balls like she's on tape delay. She also mumbles between plays. To her credit, she does know A's players and history, so she definitely did some homework before joining the A's. I think Jenny's hire was an experiment, as she only does road games. Chris Carey does the home games, and will probably be the full time hire next season.

    Second, Dallas Braden loves himself and talks too much. Baseball is a talking sport, but it doesn't require narration of everything on TV. The daily beret he wears also doesn't look professional. He should wear an A's cap if he wants to cover his disgusting hair.

    Third, not only is MLB and John Fisher committing a crime in Oakland, they're also committing a crime in Vegas, where the money allocated for the A's should be going to schools and infrastructure instead.

    1. Good points.

    2. She's not seeing the ball well. On Rooker's homerun today, she said fly ball, then some silence as if she lost track of the ball, then says homerun after the fact.

    3. In today's A's game with two outs in the 9th, Jenny almost sounded enthusiastic when she said "only one out to go for the A's" The A's were behind, but it sounded like the A's were ahead. Jenny needs work on knowing the moment. She has the tone of someone leading a tour at Disneyland.

    4. As a lifelong A's fan, I wish Jenny nothing but the very best in her career. I just wish her career doesn't involve the A's.

    5. Chris is so much better than Jenny. I'm afraid Jenny's days as play by play are numbered.

    6. Agreed 2:17pm - She'd be better doing the repetitve play-by-play of the Jungle Boat ride.

  8. Fisher wants to not have anyone at the park or watching on TV.

  9. Friend of mine at the A's told me this was strictly NBC Sports hire with little input from the team.

  10. Dallas Braden has a face for radio.

  11. Cavnar leaves A LOT to be desired behind the mic but I wouldn’t say she’s unqualified, rather, I’d describe her as ‘green’ (no pun intended). Do we think Vin Scully, Lon Simmons, or even Kruk & Kuip were the hall of fame broadcasters we now know them as two months into their first season with the team?

    1. Being green is one thing, but being green at the major league level without ever broadcasting at the minor league level is something else entirely. In comparison, Johnny Doskow put in 20+ years in the minors before getting promoted to the A's broadcasting team. Jenny didn't pay her dues and it shows.

  12. She looks like the female version of The Joker in that picture you used lol

    1. Van Amburg's GhostMay 20, 2024 at 5:39 PM LOL

  13. Being green is one thing, but being green at the major league level without ever broadcasting at the minor league level is something else entirely. In comparison, Johnny Doskow put in 20+ years in the minors before getting promoted to the A's broadcasting team. Jenny didn't pay her dues and it shows.

  14. Rich, Thanks for two big affirmations: 1. A's had Bill King, my favorite of all time, and Monte More, whom I loved. 2. For calling MLB criminal in how it has fostered the team's desertion to Sacto.
    Over to SF. How odd: On the radio, there was Jon Miller talking to the manager on warm-ups today, so I thought he was back. NO, then came Troy (sp?) announcing he and P.D. would be broadcast the game. What the shit? What was Miller doing on the radio when he would not be announcing? This to me represents lousy management. In his last season, I've read, Vin Scully announced all Giants home games and a few on the road. And was far older than Miller.
    As for the new A's female announcer, if she's the one on pre- game radio features, she sounds a bit flighty and amateur, glaringly inferior to Townie, who is tops on my score sheet.

    1. The female doing the A's pregame today was Jessica Kleinshmidt. She's definitely an amateur and unqualified. She absolutely terrible at interviews too.

  15. Somebody said bring back Roxie Bernstein. Yes! I though he had the stuff and should have been signed by the A's or Giant's

    1. I've seen him call Sunday Night Baseball for ESPN on both radio and TV, seems they keep him really busy. Doubt A's would pay him what ESPN does.

  16. absolutely! Was a joy to listen to him.

  17. Rich, I am glad you finally did a show on Kavnar. I am a long time baseball fan and was in the print media for years, covering the A's as well. No disrespect to her, but she has the worst voice I have heard on a baseball broadcast.
    I simply cannot watch their games. I am all for women doing play by play but this was a horrible hire by the A's. It's embarrassing.

  18. Imagine a broadcast featuring Jenny Cavnar and F.P. (f’ing perv) Santangelo.

    1. FP, a 57 year old man, wouldn't be able to get through two innings without sexual harassing Cavnar. Just ask all the 20-somethings at Balboa Cafe who've had to endure his grossness.

    2. OR Mr. Caffeine Eric Byrnes dont see how Fox Sports and MLB Network saw in him. Good thing his act is no longer seen in any media form.

    3. FP would probably bring a pack of condoms to the broadcast booth because in his warped reality every woman is in love with him and can't wait to sleep with him.

  19. John Fisher may be a piece of shit asshole, but he’s not dumb. He’s crazy like a fox. While the team is in Oakland, his sole objective is to run it into the ground, making conditions so awful that fans abandon it, thus justifying the "need" to leave. Essentially, he wants to make the fans the problem. MLB is completely on board because all they care about is dollar signs, so the idea of leaving Oakland for big money Las Vegas is like a wet dream for them.

    Running the team into the ground goes beyond the product on the field and the conditions at the Coliseum. It also extends to television revenue and ratings. Fisher isn’t stupid. He knew Cavnar was unqualified and obnoxious, and fans wouldn’t tune in, thus further disengagement. And that’s exactly what he wants.

  20. Melanie Newman with the Orioles is qualified and much better than Jenny.

  21. That chick is garbage. Just like the team and ownership. I feel sorry for Braden.
    What a laughingstock.

  22. Thank goodness the Giants play the Rockies seemingly every other week. They have been able to maintain an air of legitimacy for the last 10 years by playing a quarter of their schedule against Colorado and Arizona. Of course Murph & Kruk were bloviating about their sweep this morning - Giants' marketing in full effect. Just wait until the league gets some tape on their call-ups.

  23. Ah, another one of the joys of DEI bull---t!
