Saturday, April 6, 2024

Marty Lurie Strikes Out; Carmen Poo And Arrogant Greg Papa


  1. Papa is definitely arrogant, but how is he "angry and mean spirited?"

  2. Carmen was part of Marty's original Giants shows, so he probably brought her back as an opening weekend get together. I don't suspect that Carmen will be a regular.

  3. The Sunday show was canceled.

  4. Boy, I'm glad I don't follow baseball anymore. What a shit show! Who the fuck is Carmen Kiew? What makes her an expert in baseball? She's not qualified to clean toilets. Let's go ahead and make the names on the backs of uniforms even smaller. Let's make the game even less fan friendly. Let's get influencers who only know how to take advantage of Tik Tok as analysts. Who cares about baseball experience?

    1. Nothing makes Cartman Kiew qualified to be in broadcasting! She's just a fan girl with very little baseball and sports knowledge. She asked the guest a question about what don't we know about this 2024 Giants team? The guest said what don't we know about them & commented "That was a silly question." Carmen sucks! Do better...

  5. "Sign O The Times" Rich. Everywhere you look...The car keys have been handed over to the brain dead babies. Problem is, the car has a manual transmission.

  6. Rich your absolutely right, Marty has had numerous other "talk show hosts" on his shows that are really his friends not real talk show hosts this is more of favor to them than anything else at KNBR on his show. Reporters who cover the Giants and work at KNBR are aware of this but don't say anything to him but I'm glad you mentioned one of at least three of these so called talk show hosts who have been dubbed fan girls.

  7. You can’t blame Marty for the changes in the show. This has to fall in KNBR’s lap. Marty is at his best with Bruce Jenkins (and SOME other journalists), authors, managers, coaches and players. He’s not at his best when a Mercury News Giants beat writer is given what felt like 30 minutes to rattle on as if he were the sped-up disclaimer portion of a radio commercial you can’t turn off fast enough. Besides the Jenkins segment on Saturday, it was a tough listen. The vibe used to be Marty sitting on a deck chair in your backyard talking baseball. Now it has all the aural charm of a livestock auction. What a shame.

  8. Speaking of Marty... while his love for the game and its history is unquestionable, he really needs to stop shilling for that River Islands swampland dump housing development out in the middle of nowhere, hours away from San Francisco. This morning, during his interview with Ron Wotus, he spent the first 3+ minutes peddling River Islands. It was especially pathetic because as part of the bit, both he AND Wotus had to discuss it.

    Between that and his elevation of Carmen Poo, he needs to be careful because his product will become even further diluted and unlistenable like most everything else on KNBR.

    1. Marty's constant shilling for River Islands has become obnoxious and old. The minute I hear him mention it I turn the station.

  9. No offense to Carmen or any woman, but Marty's show was a joy to listen to because it was like having the guys over for poker night and talking shop. Poker night isn't the same with women.

  10. I turn the radio on for the game turn it off when it's over and mute it when scars for skids and comes on. I can name that ad in one note.

  11. Marty Lurie sucks plain and simple How many times can anyone listen to him ask Bruce Jenkins about the same damn thing?
