Sunday, April 7, 2024

Sunday Blunt: Calling Out Bay Area Media Scammers


  1. Social media has ruined real journalism. Now it's all sensationalistic crap. Not only is not journalism, the content is factually questionable.

  2. Eviscerating so many people in this fuckfest for an hour. Now, that takes talent!

  3. I’ll give you one: Leigh Martinez. All smiles when the camera’s on, but a real b—-h at home. If you don’t meet her expectations or vote the wrong way, you’re shown the door. I wish I never met her.

  4. Journalism died when Cnn, Msnbc, Nbc, Cbs, Nbs and Pbs leaned left and days of Cronkite, Wallace, (not the idiot son Chris) Huntley and Brinkly and some other trusted MSM newscasters from the old days retired, started slipping when the likes of Dan Rather took over

    1. Not true. When Rupert Murdoch entered the scene, the media cesspool started in earnest. Faux “News”? Puh-Leeze !! That’s just the opinion of paid morons dispelling propaganda, it isn’t news. Rupert is a billionaire and he wants his tax breaks - hence you get ultra right wing nonsense that even a 4th grader can tell you is propaganda and disinformation.
      Those “righties” will fall for anything. Why? Because they think critical thinking is bad juju.
      Like the Queen’s Con-Man said, “I love the uneducated, and they love me”. Rapist Donnie is the dumbest President ever.

    2. @ 10:16 Ok, Rachael maddow

    3. @10:16 @10:16 Nutjob: you realized you're complicit in the "leftist" MSM spreading "fake news?" remember "Russia Russia, hunter biden's computer is "Russian fake news", you are the type that will vote dems no matter what

  5. The radio industry is basically run by a handful of corrupt, chintzy companies who LOVE Trump. Ever since Reagan did away with the Fairness Doctrine and then the GOP pushed for the deregulation of broadcast media a few years later, we’ve seen an alarming increase in syndicated programming and the downsizing of local programming, news and sports. That means that many local broadcasters have seen their jobs either
    ” eliminated” or downsized. Young
    “ eager-beaver” broadcasters, some fresh out of college with practically ZERO professional training are now heard on stations such as KCBS and KNBR. Social media and Spotify have also led to radio’s decline as practically no one under the age of 40 listens to radio anymore. Heck, some of the new car models don’t even have a radio built into the dashboard! Radio used to be a vibrant, significant and even cherished medium that delivered news, sports and entertainment for nearly a century. As someone who worked on air in the profession for over 40 years here in the Bay Area, it pains be to see what has happened to our once wonderful profession of radio.

  6. Copey-dopes! Dopey-dopes! ! Ah- ah he he he! Ah ha ha ha! And how about “Murph” , Pops” and “ Mr T “
    They will All will be fired within a year, and replaced by more interns who aren’t much worse. .

  7. How on earth do people such as Carmen Kew and that awful woman broadcaster who does the A’s get on-air jobs on local TV?

  8. Marty Lurie is on the air because he worked out a deal with KNBR to take up air time in the weekends and not ask for a single penny. He sells his own ads which covers about 1/2 of the total spots and pays him. KNBR sells the other half so that it makes $$ and don’t have to pay Lurie a penny. Such a deal!

    1. Marty and Ron Wotus opened my eyes on River Islands - not that I'm interested in moving there, but the ads piqued my interest to at least look it up on Google Maps.

    2. Marty would be wise to add a Mosquito abatement company to his list of Sponsors. “Do you fear Malaria? Zika Virus? Dengue Fever? LeRoy’s of Lathrop - Mosquito Assassins non-pareil, are at your service!”
