Friday, March 1, 2024

The Friday Pulse--Bay Area Media; KTVU Gets "Worser"; KNBR Too


  1. We all know Haener has no desire to work anymore. That debate was settled long, long ago. We also know this issue won't be addressed in any meaningful way by ktvu management. They are after all the same incompetents who made Mike Mibach the face of the station, who allow Bill Martin to keep mumbling, who put Tori Gaines and Crystal Bailey on air, and who thought it'd be a brilliant idea to force their staff to film that ridiculous Like it or Not show each day.

    1. Get Tori and that Krusty the Clown hair off the air!

    2. Why does crystal bailey straighten her hair when she anchors but leave it “natural” when she reports

    3. I am not a fan of the look shaming but I will agree with the observations here that Ms. Gaines does not dress professionally. My larger issue with her presence on the newscasts is the shoddy television reports she provides and her lack of knowledge of the Bay Area.

    4. Really? Talking about someone’s looks. Tori not good but it ain't cool to knock her hair

    5. A couple months ago while reporting on a matter related to the Israel-Hamas conflict Tori Gaines TWICE said ceasefart during a live repot, instead of ceasefire. After that, and other gaffe where she referred to a shooting as a shitting she seemed to be sidelined for a while, only appearing occasionally on Like it or Not. It’s unclear if she was suspended for her gaffes or if it was just coincidence that she vanished from reporting after her high profile flubs. In any event, ktvu seems to be rolling her out again, albeit slowly and on less serious stories.

  2. Speaking of KRON my anxiety level rises whenever Live in the Bay! shows canned episodes as it did today. Are the two best pedicured hosts on Bay Area tv aka Jessica Wills and Olivia Horton ok? Yesterday Olivia was off and was more than adequately covered by the sexy goddess with the wooden smile Jessica Wills. Today neither was Live! Canned show only.

    1. I watch to hear Olivia pronounce her last name. She says Hor-on. No T!

  3. Seriously people, who gives a flying fuck about Julie Haener taking a vacation? Lord have mercy, she’s been there over 25 years and accumulated a ton of vacation time over nearly a quarter century. Why does it matter that she takes a vacation with her family? Better yet, why does it bother you? There’s a reason employees receive PTO and vacation time. It’s so they can use it.

    1. Imagine earning $150,000 for your job while your co-worker receives $500,000 for the same role, albeit on a different daytime shift. Now picture your co-worker calling in sick or taking vacation 75% of the time, leaving you to cover their shifts without any recognition, promotion, or extra pay…not even a single penny. Meanwhile, your co-worker collects their full paycheck for only working 25% of the time.

      This scenario mirrors what’s happening at KTVU with Julie Haener and all the dopes who dutifully cover her shifts as she flaunts her exorbitant paychecks and luxury vacations on social media while barely working.

      Bizarro world to say the least.

    2. @4:21pm - you are so spot on. It's borderline obsessive for those having to know why Haener is on vacation, when and where, scouring their IG or FB page, etc. People need to get a life. SMH

    3. Thank you. Finally a voice of sanity.

    4. No one is upset or bothered that she spends time with her family. Suggesting otherwise is the ultimate red herring fallacy. Nor is the issue centered around her activities outside of work. Whether she's vacationing in a far-off land, going for a daytime hike at Muir Woods, or simply sitting at home eating bonbons, it's her choice and none of our business.

      The real concern, particularly in terms of media, is her commitment to her role and her availability, and all the downstream effects at the workplace when she is repeatedly absent. It doesn't matter if it's KTVU, McDonald's, or Google. When you have a full-time employee who only shows up 25% of the time, leaving others to constantly pick up the slack, it becomes a workplace issue, impacting workload, scheduling, morale, compensation, and more. These effects have real implications for colleagues and management alike. No sane person can deny that.

    5. I'm not a big fan of Julie but if she has the time on the books she is entitled to take it, albeit it with prior management approval. As for those who have to fill in, when they reach the point where they have that much time saved up, they will be entitled to take their time as well.

    6. 9:04PM - I'm hardly a Julie fan but she's not gone 75% of the time. Nowhere close.

    7. @9:04pm and 10:58am - why are you so concern about Haener's commitment and her availability? Do these issues have a profound impact to your life? Why should it be a concern to you? SMH

  4. Here my 2 cents. Ktvu hasn’t been the same since they fired Frank. I get all the reasons. But I also sense that he’s been working his ass of to deal with his addiction and has been incredibly transparent in his Facebook posts and interview with rich.
    If ktvu wants to be number one again they should bring him back. It would be the biggest media story of the year. Everyone would watch. Everyone would see that he’s a totally different person. Plus ktvu would look GREAT by giving him a second chance. And finally we all know that Frank and Julie were amazing together. As I see it rehiring him would be win win for everyone. Plus I’d finally be able to watch ktvu again.

    1. Seems to be missing “I am Frank Somerville and I approve this message.”

  5. Julie Haener will milk the system, then retire.

  6. Speaking of "getting worser" KCBS
    They just aired on 2-29 some dumb "ask an expert" series with PG&E hijacking the show explaining how they are prepared for the storm and they are so robust now there will be no outages.

    Meanwhile at the EXACT same time this airs. KRON-4 is reporting PG&E outages all across the region. In detail.

    Next KCBS will air a segment on how low PG&E rates are and customers should be happy.

    Ask a dummy at KCBS.

    1. KCBS died a long time ago. There's just people talking on that frequency, but no news.

  7. I call BULLSHIT Rich !!
    Can KNBR get any worse? Not just NO but Hell No !!
    Those kooky schlubs laugh all the way to the bank while the rest of us barf at the sound of their voices

  8. Serious question: Has Julie Haener's schedule officially been reduced? It's not uncommon for on-air personalities to negotiate a reduced schedule as they enter the twilight of their career. With the reduced schedule also comes a negotiated reduction in pay. We've all noticed that she's hardly there anymore, but it's entirely possible, if not likely, that her new schedule has her coming in twice a week instead of five. I can't imagine she'd be so unprofessional after a career of service to be 'calling in sick' or 'using all her PTO' or pulling a 'no show' on a daily basis or for weeks at a time, as is becoming the case.

  9. Thanks for staying on top of this, Rich. If I recall correctly, a while back (last year?) Haener's dramatic behavior and absences had reached such an absurd and disturbing point that they couldn't be ignored. You zeroed in on the issue and kept beating the drum, and miraculously, almost immediately she started working her normal shift again, and the drama ended. While it looks like she's back at it again, I have no doubt that through your reporting and influence, you'll be able to effect change and get her to shape up or ship out.

    1. Yep, despite what they say publicly they are all regulars on Rich’s site. They know he has his finger on the pulse. Facts.

    2. What 2:13 PM said is absolutely true, at least at the station where I work. Especially when Rich was writing more blogs, his blog posts were often the subject of discussion in the newsroom, with on-air talent and behind-the-scenes production and editorial staff regularly texting and forwarding Rich’s articles to each other.

      There was one anchor in particular who loved to lambaste and ridicule Rich, often referring to him as a freak and using other juvenile, cliché insults. However, based on how often this person discussed specific content from Rich’s blog and how obsessed she seemed to be with visiting the site, it became clear she was likely one of Rich’s most avid readers.

  10. 9:21 Agree! Too many angry insufferable assholes in the Bay Area. Fox bad! Fox bad! Grow the fuck up assholes!

    1. @10:13am: all kook talk, look in the mirror and try finding a soul.

    2. There’s no 9:21 on this thread asshat

    3. “Asshat” LOL!
