Thursday, February 29, 2024

Haener's Continued MIAs Irk KTVU Staff; Mibach Miffed Himsaelf; KTVU Unease


  1. KTVU hasn't had a popular news director since Fred Zehnder. Rest in peace, Fred.

  2. This is a mgmt issue. They need to put their foot down and either give Haener her walking papers or have her commit to a set schedule. There's no room for the diva attitude.

    1. Perfectly stated. Management is allowing her to get away with this. Simple as that. It’s so unfair to all her colleagues who have to constantly rearrange their schedules in order to pick up the slack simply because she decides to no show whenever she sees fit. Are they being compensated accordingly? It’s one thing to fill in for an ill colleague but to essentially take over 75% of an overpaid co-worker’s full time shift is insanity defined.

    2. Maybe she has some dirt on management.

    3. Divas are "ok" if they can pull it off: blonde, good looking and rich meets that criteria. Strikes me as being a little frigid though.

    4. So you thought that any anchor anywhere who wanted more visibility would balk at being asked to fill in for a lead anchor?

    5. 11:40, no one who’s filling in for Haener needs more ‘visibility.’ They (Holmes, Rendon, and Wong) are each, with the exception of Wong, fully established, bona fide prime time anchors who proved their ability to be a lead anchor many, many moons ago.

  3. Mibach needs a “lead man”, he cannot handle the load by himself.
    When you hire a Prima Dona, you hire their fits and their erratic moods. No surprise there. Any guy who has lived a little could see this coming.

    1. None of that made any sense. Mibach didn't hire Haener, nor does he have any say in how they work together. This wasn't his reckoning. And what's a "lead man"?

    2. Who cares about Mibach’s feelings? He’s making Bank and is laughing (smirking?) all the way to the ATM.
      Further KTVU may be a dumpster fire internally, but all we see are phony smiles and the ubiquitous “Thank You Rosemary”. I could not care less if they are stabbing each other in the back, or if they have a boss who acts with an axe and whip.
      ***NEWSFLASH*** Employees get laid off all the time. “Nothing to see here folks,” explained Officer Malarkey.

    3. “Employees get laid off all the time.”

      Exactly. These are the people I hope get the proverbial pink slip, in no particular order:

      -Dave Clark
      -Gasia Michelobian
      -Julie Haener
      -Mike Mibach
      -Pam Cook
      -Tori Gaines

  4. Right on cue, Haener was a no show again today. Christina Rendon, with a young child at home, was the lucky one assigned to shift around her schedule and come in on her day off to fill in for the AWOL Haener.
    Kick Mibach and Haener to the curb and give the prime time slots to competent anchors who actually work hard, like Rendon, Alex Savidge or Heather Holmes.

    1. Heather Holmes should permanently take over for Julie.

    2. Let's give her the benefit of the doubt by saying she has an abundant amount of PTO she needs to use up. In that scenario, don't you take weeks off at a time and not just take a few days off here and a day off there? It doesn't feel like PTO. It feels like a diva waking up in the morning and looking out the window and saying "boy, it looks miserable outside, I think I'll call in sick" If it was planned PTO, you would see others filling in for here for the week. Instead, there's a patchwork of anchors filling in for her during the week. Poor Mike Mibach sees a different co-anchor every day.

  5. Changing the subject slightly, has anyone noticed the experiment at KPIX to make Sara Donchey look like a casual hipster is over? Lately she's been wearing color-coordinated blazers and other outfits of real newscasters. Now if only she'd learn to pronounce names and places correctly and cease her inane "ad libs" with Vern and the weathercaster du jur.

    1. Spot on! I’d never heard of this woman until I read about her on here. I could not believe the hideous MC Hammer pants and ill coordinated outfits that didn’t even look good. The whole prancing around the set like she’s out with the girls in the Marina is also nauseating (along with the pouncing electronic music). I tuned her out for a while until yesterday. She was wearing an all red suit similar to something Nancy Pelosi would wear sans the cleavage.

    2. I think the last straw came a few week's ago when she wore this white top with long feathers. It looked like something out of Liberace's closet. Honestly, news can be boring so her colorful outfits are fine with me. Sara is very pretty and is a capable anchor, but definitely not great. The banter she has with the sports/weather guys is cringeworthy though.

    3. Especially cringy is her banter with the sports guy who looks like he’s still in high school, he exudes Norman Bates creepiness with the crazy eyes. She’s not old but next to him it’s like a scene from Risky Business.

    4. "The whole prancing around the set like she’s out with the girls in the Marina is also nauseating (along with the pouncing electronic music)."

      In all fairness to her, they tell her to do that. She really has no say in the presentation or the music.

    5. "Honestly, news can be boring so her colorful outfits are fine with me."

      You should watch The View then. Or whatever. News can be boring? Then why are you watching it? Oh, yeah, for the feathers.

    6. 10:21PM - Boring doesn't mean it's not informative or there's no value.

  6. The point about Mibach not having a consistent co-anchor, and thus not having strong chemistry is valid.

  7. For several months, if not longer, there was considerable speculation about who would replace Frank Somerville, as anchoring the KTVU prime time news is apparently considered a prestigious position. Ironically, it’s in that timeslot where there’s absolutely no continuity, consistency, or clear ownership when it comes to anchorship. It’s abundantly clear that Haener has no desire to work, a debate that was settled long ago. So, we’re left with a pathetic game of musical chairs involving various female anchors. Mibach is more consistent in his attendance but falls far short of the standards set by Dennis Richmond or Frank Somerville during their tenures. It was very rare for Richmond or Somerville (prior to his transgressions) to miss a shift. The consistency they brought each night contributed to KTVU’s trustworthiness. Now, it’s newsworthy in itself when Haener and Mibach both decide to come to work on the same day. Back to Mibach though. When he’s present, it’s actually counterproductive because it highlights his woeful inadequacy in his position. Whether it’s Haener or the various fill-ins who have to come to her rescue each night, it’s always Mibach’s co-anchor who carries the newscast and makes it somewhat watchable.

    1. "For several months, if not longer, there was considerable speculation about who would replace Frank Somerville, as anchoring the KTVU prime time news is apparently considered a prestigious position. Ironically, it’s in that timeslot where there’s absolutely no continuity, consistency, or clear ownership when it comes to anchorship."


      "It was very rare for Richmond or Somerville (prior to his transgressions) to miss a shift. The consistency they brought each night contributed to KTVU’s trustworthiness."

      These statements are so true. The constant herky-jerky rotations of anchors on Ch 2 turned me off a while back. I migrated to ABC7, which isn't much better, but at least there's consistency and Dan Ashley and Ama Daetz have chemistry and aren't fake and phony like whatever combinations they parade out at ch 2.

  8. This is not Frank. Perhaps there are other issues at hand? A pernicious malady? UTI problems? Jealousy? Family issues? None of our business, the truth will remain unknown. That’s cool. But as the great Vince Lombardi once said, “Ability separates the great from the good! AVAILAbility separates the employed from the unemployed!”
    We have all seen it several times over, it was the wise sage Confucius who stated, “if you behave like you don’t need the job, the job will soon evaporate.”

  9. Haefner has a lot of accrued time off. Use it or lose it. The subs are happy to get anchor time, especially in the winter.

    1. If this is true then she should take the time off. When I worked in high tech I accrued a ton of time off and HR initially would pay me instead of taking the time off but after a while they refused to pay instead telling me to take the time off. I wonder if that’s the case with Jules!?

    2. Happy to get anchor time? LOL The people filling in for her each have full time positions, and are so well-established and competent that if ktvu had an iota of sense, they would’ve been promoted into Haeners role long ago. They aren’t freelancers or contractors waiting for the phone to ring.

  10. Heener is the epitome of the worst tendencies of local TV news people. No wonder the art of it all is moribund. Kill it now and never speak of it again. Time to bury this stale old shit. News is stupid.

  11. Many companies the size of KTVU’s parent now have one category of salaried employee leave used at the discretion of employee with manager approval and consideration of coverage and reasonableness. I worked my entire career for the Federal Government which eventually gave me the maximum of a day accrued vacation leave for every 2 weeks worked or not. This of course equals 26 days a year plus sick leave accrued at I believe 4 hours each 2 weeks pay period. Of course, Government pay is not great. Haener’s on the Govt. leave plan or better!

  12. What I find more galling than the luxe vacations is Julie never tweeting about news stories, no social-media posts where she's involved in the community (which Heather does, to her credit). A bad look for a "journalist", reinforces the impression that she gets a paid of ton of money to commute can back and forth to Oakland, read the news, not take any real interest in the Bay Area. You get paid that much money from a media concern that claims to be invested in the community (especially the sad condition of Oakland), means you need to be more of a participant, no?

    1. This is an excellent point. I hadn't thought of it, but you're absolutely correct. One's commitment to journalism and the community can truly be gauged by what they share on social media. We can instantly distinguish those with a passion for news and people from those who simply relish being local celebrities and aspiring social media influencers (aka Haener). If local news (including ND’s) were comprised of individuals dedicated to discovering and sharing impactful stories, and who were invested in their community, I believe the state of local media would be vastly different and much better.

    2. 4:51, in a perfect world, those with seniority would help groom the junior staff or at least be a positive example. But when someone has 25+ years at a company and is paid very well, they can also become complacent and lack the drive, as they are ever closer to retirement. Haener appears to display the ladder.

  13. Mibach and Haener look like a pair of nonserious bozos in this picture. totally emblematic of the mockery local news has become.

  14. Here’s the truth about Julie. She pays ktvu to give her vacation time. She couldn’t care less about the news. She just want to be on tv and be a celebrity. Heather Is the one who really cares. She’s amazing. She just needs to tone down her looks. Signed a former ktvu employee who worked with. Both of them.

    1. Heather looks great.

    2. "tone down her looks"
      Never noticed an issue with her looks. She could easily take over for Julie permanently.

    3. Heather needs to tone down her looks? What's the issue? She dresses age and tv appropriate and they are tasteful. I'd argue Haener's outfits are often more questionable than anything Heather ever wears.

    4. I love HH and JH. Smoking hot.

    5. Heather is sexy as hell. I'm glad she's getting promoted, per Rich's 3/4/2024 Pulse.

  15. Just an observation, Julie looks like a transwoman in that photo. (btw I'm a huge trans and trans rights advocate so i consider that the ultimate compliment!)

  16. What does Haener do in the Oakland or other community that she does not post to social media? Would be nice to know as this is commendable to do so and not expect recognition. 2:14: Hope Haener does not display a ladder but the latter in your sentence!

    1. Haha....good catch. Yes, I meant "latter"
