Saturday, March 2, 2024

More KTVU Unease: In The Morning; Gasia Gas and Sal Suds


  1. I’m not a Gasia fan, in fact, her obnoxious overly-opinionated, judgmental persona is why I rarely watch Mornings on 2.
    But an anchor checking or adjusting their appearance during a break doesn’t seem remotely out of the ordinary. If her hair or make up was ‘off’ you’d likely critique that, but I may be wrong. And these days, anchors are expected to engage in social media as much as they read off a prompter. So, once again, looking at her phone during a break is a non-story. Not to mention, she admits she has school-aged children, so as a working mother, I'm sure she has to do her best to stay on top of things on the home front especially at that time of the morning as her children are starting their day.

    1. She used to be obnoxious and entirely too opinionated but she’s toned it down considerably. You should tune in again and give her another shot.

    2. 2:18pm, no thanks.

    3. I don't get that from her at all. When she was working from home, she would always comment about working from her small house(with the small plant). She seems like a sweet down to earth woman.

  2. I work at KTVU. gasia and Dave are both complete fakes. They are just readers who could care less what they’re reading. Or the stories they are covering. I’vee witnessed it so many times. Where she fakes a smile. And pretends she’s interested. And then as soon as the camera is off she drops the smile. Her and Dave are way more interested in being on tv. Then they are covering the news. And you’re right about Mike. He couldn’t stand her.

    1. Dave Clark is the worst…behind Gasia of course. He knows absolutely nothing about the subject matter he covers, has no opinions on anything, and despite reading and being around news all morning still has no clue what’s going on in the world. Totally vapid.

    2. What planet are you living on 12:55 and 3:50? Dave Clark is one of the brightest, most articulate, most well read human beings you’ll ever meet. One of those people who knows everything about everything. It’s well known he reads the NYT and WSJ cover to cover each day, so the statement he doesn’t know current events is pure horseshit. Anyone who knows him will tell you he not only can speak for hours about ‘mainstream’ current events but can also speak for hours about current events that most people aren’t even aware of.

    3. 8:39PM, I’m not sure what planet YOU are living on, but I worked at KTVU for nearly six years and can count on one hand the number of times I heard Dave Clark say anything that made me think he had even the slightest interest in journalism or the stories he covered.

    4. @3:50 Dave Clark drives me crazy with sssssss leaking from his mouth when finishing a sentence, can't wait till Andre Senior comes on at 8 with clarity and commanding superior voice

    5. 5:12, I completely agree. It's also annoying that he has absolutely no ad-libbing abilities. It’s like he can’t even carry a casual conversation. The extent of his ‘talents’ are saying "yeah" whenever one of his co-anchors tries to engage in banter (once you notice it, you can't unnotice it), and repeatedly asking Sal if he’s "fixed everything on the roads?" and if "everyone is behaving for him?"
      But back to the "yeah" thing, if there were a drinking game where you took a shot each time he uttered "yeah," you'd be in the hospital getting your stomach pumped 20 minutes into the show.

    6. "Dave Clark is one of the brightest, most articulate, most well read human beings you’ll ever meet. One of those people who knows everything about everything. It’s well known he reads the NYT and WSJ cover to cover each day….”

      This is the biggest lie ever told. There’s absolutely ZERO truth to this. I worked at KTVU for almost six years, and let me tell you, this is the most absurd, laughable thing I’ve ever heard in my life. I texted a screenshot of 8:39’s comment to ex-coworkers I keep in touch with, most of whom still work there. The ensuing text exchange was downright hilarious. One person said he literally spit up his coffee from laughter when he read it, and someone else sarcastically chimed in, ‘tell me you know absolutely nothing about Dave Clark without telling me.’ This lie is beyond ridiculous; it's pure fiction.

    7. As a casual viewer who has no idea about what Dave Clark knows and what he doesn't, or what he reads and doesn't read, I'll leave that commentary to those who actually know him.

      What I find disturbing is that all the negative remarks on this topic pertain to the people of color on Mornings on 2: Dave, Gasia, and Sal. The two Caucasians, Pam and Steve, never seem to receive any sort of negative comments on this site. I'm curious why only people of color seem to be the targets of negativity and dislike, with a plethora of comments about their alleged intelligence-levels and incompetence?

      (I know Rich probably won't post this but it's a serious question that immediately dawned on me when I read the comments on this post)

    8. Dave Clark is an idiot. He’s the one who asks mayor same liccardo on live tv how he responded to allegations that he started the camp fire. He’s a freakin wanna anchor. Just ask bill weeks or any of the other people who work with him. He does NO work. He’s a freakin reader. I used to work there. He makes all of us anchor lol like idiots.

    9. Clark is an anchor, not an investigative reporter or even a general assignment reporter tasked with finding stories and telling impactful narratives. His role is simply to read stories off a teleprompter that others have discovered and written. Whether or not he cares about news or is a current events enthusiast is irrelevant. Do we expect models on "The Price is Right" to be experts in all the details of the various products and vacations they present while smiling and extending their arms? No. So why does it matter what Dave Clark or any other anchor (aka teleprompter reader) knows or doesn't know? All that matters is that he knows how to read off a prompter.

    10. 9:52, who says Pam and Steve are immune from critique? They're just as bad as their counterparts and should be at the top of any layoff list.

  3. For years, I've watched Gasia in the morning before work and never had any issues with her idiosyncrasies. She is opinionated, likes to talk about her boys, and likes to talk about her frugality, but I find it all sort of endearing. I feel like she's rooted and even though she makes good money, she doesn't flaunt her wealth. A woman checking her hair and appearance away from the camera is a non-issue. And anyone checking their phone off camera is also a non-issue.

    1. “I feel like she's rooted and even though she makes good money, she doesn't flaunt her wealth.”

      What wealth? You really don’t know how cheap KTVU is, do you?

    2. @12:17, look up the word "wealth" in the dictionary. It means the accumulation of valuable material possessions or resources. It doesn't mean she's paid exorbitantly.

    3. @12:17, you took the words out of my mouth! There is no current ktvu employee who has amassed any degree of wealth solely through their employment with KTVU, except for Julie Haener, of course. The irony is that if Haener worked any less, she wouldn’t even qualify to be classified as an employee.

  4. Hate to say it, but Sal is just extra weight. His role on the "9" is unnecessary and for a long time, they didn't even have a spotlight on him. For his traffic reports, they could get anyone to replace him. Sal could get upset at his contract all he wants, but he has no leverage and would be the first one axed during these lean times.

    1. The two anchor format works the best. When there's a third anchor, it looks odd.

    2. Agreed. Sal is the definition of a salary vampire. There’s no ROI. Sure he and Steve have chemistry and banter but big deal. Other than that all he does is traffic. We all have phones and know how to get directions, which include travel time. Like it or not Google Maps and Apple Maps are infinitely more accurate and reliable than Sal. He should quit while he’s ahead and spend more time with his family or start a podcast where he talks about old music, beer, and sports.

    3. 7:31, this is spot on. I may have to steal the "salary vampire" phrase :) Sal started in radio and when he's no longer needed/wanted on TV, he'll fit right in as a podcaster.

    4. Objectively speaking, Sal being labeled as a salary vampire is accurate. If The Firm instructed KTVU to identify extraneous on-air positions (not specific individuals, but rather job titles) that could be eliminated to save money, the traffic anchor position would jump off the page. It’s not an essential position and the salary is preposterous. Next would be scaling down the sports department and reducing the number of weather anchors (currently, I believe there are five).

    5. I largely agree with the sentiments expressed above about Sal. Therefore, the question arises: if Sal's position were eliminated (as I believe it should be), would there be any noticeable change in the ratings, whether for better or worse? If the ratings wouldn't be affected, then I advocate for trimming the fat and letting him go.

      I'm not trying to sound cutthroat, but local TV is a business, and there comes a point where decisions must prioritize the bottom line.

  5. I watch 2 early in the morning, depending on who’s in and out, I may see Dave, Gasia, Sal, Steve, Andre, Allie, - (I know I am forgetting a few: Senior moment) they are all fine. If by chance I am watching longer, I will change the channel after the stories begin to repeat. I migrate to channel 4 hear a different version of the same story
    Saw Stephanie Sierra this morning on 5? She is a damned good reader! Jessie Gary, Will Tran, Lyanne Melendez have some interesting stories - they seem like nice folks asking all the right questions.
    I feel sorry for these folks, they get up and go to work before me, and I awaken at early thirty.
    Anyone else besides me notice there are some “anchors” who want to be the only voice heard in a conversation?

    1. Will Tran is terrible. He has a tendency to use a lot of words to describe the most inane stories. He also likes to stare away from the camera while he's on camera.

    2. Jessie Gary is great at carefully prepared script. He's a mess when he goes off script and it's downright embarrassing when he does live interviews.

  6. To illustrate how unprofessional Gasia is, when SF held the vote that recalled DA Chesa Boudin, London Broil appeared on the morning show the next day and Gasia actually asked her how she voted!

    The mayor was taken seriously aback, and said something like, "I'm not going to answer that, Gasia." Not taking the hint, McAlien pressed her.

    Were I the ND, I would have suspended her a month for that gaffe and gone on-air to explain why and apologize to the mayor. I'm not a fan of hers, but for anyone to ask her *how she voted* is beyond merely unprofessional. It's rude and stupid. Gassy has no business being on television, period. She's an idiot. Everyone knows it but her.

  7. Rich are you familiar with the Yiddish word ‘Yenta?’ That’s exactly what Gasia is.

  8. I work for ktvu. Gasia and Pam are referred to by some/many as the gruesome twosome or a ton of fun.

    1. "gruesome twosome" and "ton of fun" seem like opposite descriptions. Can't tell if this is good or bad.

    2. If they were the self-deprecating types who could poke fun at themselves and allow others to have a good-natured laugh at their expense, then I’d say the gruesome twosome would be a fun label. But both come off as bitter, uptight Karen types so it’s unlikely they’d any find humor in gruesome twosome.

  9. Gasia seems like she plays the roles of newscaster, soccer mom, chief cook, loving wife, breadwinner, PTA participant, van driver, and goulash concoctor. Lots of action, all while sleep deprived.
    She does her job well. No complaints here. I admire her energy and like the fact that she does not fit the mold of bimbo reading the news with a goofy lilt.

    1. Same here. Who cares if they put on a fake smile on camera. WTH has a smile on their face all day? Just give me the news.

    2. 7:28 and 2:31…Gasia in the house! (Rich, if there was ever any doubt whether local anchors read and comment on your videos, that debate has officially been settled with Gasia’s visit to your page.)

  10. if ktvu management had a shred of sense they'd give pink slips to the following incompetents, in no particular order:

    -Gasia Michelobian
    -Dave Clark
    -Frank Mallicoot
    -Julie Haener
    -Mike Mibach
    -Pam Cook
    -Tori Gaines

    1. Tori Gaines first

    2. Gasia “Michelobian”

      As in Michelob beer?

  11. I prefer to call her "Gassy-ughhh"

  12. Their entire morning crew is fake and disingenuous. The one exception is Steve Paulson.

    1. They're all just doing their job. There are no Dan Rathers in broadcasting anymore.

  13. This is what you need to know about gasia. And I was told this by Frank. On the night of the ghost ship warehouse fire where 36 people were killed Frank had the lead story and as he was reading gasia was doing Facebook live. Frank said it was so distracting that he told her either stop or I’m going to take your phone and throw it across the studio. He was disgusted. On the biggest news story of the year gasia was more interested in doing Facebook live and thanking people for tuning in. Then she was about delivering the news. That’s how pathetic she is. And that’s why she’s a total fraud. And fyi I work at ktvu. I’ve seen it first hand. She and Dave and Pam give real anchors a bad name. ALL they want is to be on tv. It’s freaking disgusting to see.

    1. Gasia worked nights? I thought Frank and her were friends actually.

  14. I wish gasia had an onlyfans account

  15. Compared to the other morning shows KTVU's is the best. The ratings tell all. And Gasia is not afraid or too timid to ask hardball questions of people like the mayors of San Francisco or Oakland, or Adam Schiff... unlike Rich Lieberman's lovefest with Somerville.

  16. Fox bad, Fox bad! Fucking idiots.
