Saturday, March 2, 2024

The Beast of the Bay: KDIA "Lucky 13"


  1. Im older than you Rich. I remember KRE with afternoon program "Open House" hosted by Bert Solitaire. It was located near the water in Berkeley. A all in show for music requests. Very popular in tbe 50s

  2. Keep these "Blast from the past" segments going.
    I remember seeing the KDIA radio station from the thousands of times crossing the bridge, but I never tuned into the station and had no idea what type of music they played. One year, the road leading to the station flooded and the KDIA staff couldn't get in/out of the station. This was probably over 20 years ago.

  3. Hackney is back!!

  4. I have a media-related tip for you. There's an on-air person from KPIX who is infamous for parking in handicap blue zones and fire hydrant red zones in the neighborhood they frequent when they’re off the clock. The most recent instance involved parking in a red zone while enjoying a meal. Photo evidence from multiple instances underscores just how inconsiderate and self-absorbed this person is, as they seem to feel it's perfectly acceptable to take the spot of a disabled person or prevent firefighters from accessing a hydrant.

    1. At my esteemed station, there exists an 'on-air person' who, despite his undeniable charm, regrettably neglects the fundamental practices of hygiene. One is left astounded by his consistent disregard for post-restroom rituals, abstaining from both ass wiping and handwashing, all without a hint of subtlety.

      On numerous occasions, I have observed his routine: concluding his affairs at the urinal or, when secluded within a stall, initiating the flush sans the accompaniment of toilet tissue, followed by a nonchalant exit. This practice, widely known among our colleagues, becomes evident through the absence of the typical sound accompanying the toilet tissue roll's dispensation. His subsequent courteous exchange and departure seem incongruous with this observation. Yet, when gracing the television screen, his demeanor exudes nothing short of impeccable refinement and poise.

    2. Greg Papa is famous for parking his Maserati and Audi in red zones in front of bars and restaurants in Walnut Creek, Danville and other surrounding tri-valley towns. He’s also does the thing where he purposely parks sideways across two spots in parking lots. Apparently the local traffic enforcement officers who patrol these areas these small communities know Greg and his cars so they don’t cite him. They’ve basically created a monster. And the bars and restaurants love him because he drinks like a fish, is known to be generous when it comes to buying drinks for other patrons, and tips very well.

    3. Is this PIX person Betty Yu by chance? Wait, nevemind, it can’t be her. We all know she’s not out driving, enjoying meals because we all know she’s bedridden with whatever bullshit medical ailment she wants people to believe she has. Back here on planet Earth, PIX staffers immediately saw right through her bullshit and know she’s lying through her teeth.

  5. I remember KDIA - I interned there in the super early 80s when I was taking Mass Comm at Chabot College in Hayward. Did stuff from paper work to learning how to board op for one of the weekend DJs.
