Sunday, March 3, 2024

Sunday Pulse; Hackney Back at KPIX; Giants Flirtation with Glen Kuiper T...


  1. Hackney. You don't like your situation. Leave. Here's a KMA pass. Glen Kuiper. The Giants do need reliable replacements for road and even home games. Enough of the '' on assignment" bullshit. You're right! You don't know Glen Kuiper. I do know this: Bob Kendrick, President of the Negro League Museum forgave Glen for his comment, was roasted for it and offered the following quote: “Who knew forgiveness would generate so much hate?” Kendrick said. “Seems counter-intuitive. But that’s the world we live in in the world of social media. That platform is extremely powerful for good and for bad.” What the Giants do, remains to be seen...but they will tread cautiously. Side note: You can expect a migration of some A's fans to this side of the Bay with Bob Melvin and now Matt Chapman here.

  2. Why don’t you interview Glen Kuiper? I would like to hear his side. He really seems to have a problem whenever he has to say the word “negro.” There was another instance of this happening a few years back with him when he (again) was talking about the Negro League Museum. It was as if he has a Tourette’s type of condition. I’m no psychologist, but could it be that he has a tremendous mental block when it comes to saying the word negro that he subconsciously mispronounces it? Even saying the word negro today is very touchy and that might set Glen’s mind off and he invariably mispronounces that word. To me, in the clip that got him fired, he seemed genuinely very excited to experience the museum. Now I could be totally wrong(I’ve never met Glen), in my recollection he has never said anything remotely racist (save for the two times with this “apparent mental block” with the word “negro”).

    1. So please, yes, he's can call a PBP with elan and fervor, so do let's keep the announcer with Tourettes Syndrome on LIVE broadcasts!!!! Whatever could go wrong? Mr. Glen should seek another career if this is truly his problem. He's not good in his chosen profession if he spits out racial epithets uncontrollably and pisses off the community to whom he is speaking. Duh, duh and duh, duh, duh!

  3. Maybe Glen Kuiper was thinking of lyrics from his favorite rapper at the moment. Dallas Braden, co-announcer and former A’s pitcher, said he did not hear the “N” word. Ok Dallas. The racism in media expert Frank Somerville could weigh in if either should get a second chance... Or, third and fourth.

    1. Frank, you out there?? What's your take on this?

  4. Brian Hackney is the PIX version of Mike Mibach.

    1. He’s miles better than Mibach for sure. But what about comparing him to somerville?

  5. I'm a lifelong A's fan, so I'm very familiar with Glen's work. IMO, he's a solid PBP guy and I never heard anything remotely racist from him. The two times he used the n-word on-air were very unfortunate, but when you're in the public eye, I'm not sure the A's could've kept him onboard. It would be a solid hire if the Giants ink him to a permanent gig, even as a fill-in.

    1. TWO TIMES!!!! It's never OK. NEVER. Pardon the caps, but you people are more concerned about hearing a jazzy play-by-play than hearing a word that demeans an entire community. What's wrong with you? He's not fit to be on the air if he said this once, but TWICE!?! This isn't 1924 Alabama, it's 2024 in the Bay Area. Good grief!

  6. Hackney was also covering sports, not something I’ve seen especially with Andrea also off.

    1. Believe me, Brian does not know anything about sports. He was never a sport guy.

    2. He reads words somebody else wrote. I’m sure he didn’t understand most of it and cared even less.

    3. Do you think thats what happened when Emily Turner used to do the weather?

  7. You're hot Rich. Interview Kuiper.
    Next find one of the "Ladies on the List" from their big stand against you and do a proper interview. You could be Star ✨

    1. Yeah, like any self respecting woman would sit in his dump of a bedroom and allow this Neanderthal to ask her if her breasts are real. He'd probably ask her to fold the laundry on top of the dresser while she's answering. And rustle up a pastrami sando or two while you're here, honey. Don't be skimpy with the mustard.

    2. 9:48, Rich must be getting soft. Can't believe he allowed this comment.

  8. And Betty Yu remains MIA. Playing the diva card?

    1. Ya think??? She’s following in the footsteps of PIX drama queen divas who preceded her, including Veronica de la Cruz, Maria “Sid” Medina, Andrea Borba…and those are just in the last couple years…and I’m sure I’m forgetting some.

    2. She’s probably been legitimately battling some sort of illness it seems. New update is that she has gotten flowers and lots of get well cards. It may take time but I guess she is likely to return back soon.

  9. Betty Yu who cares just another reporter, Rich you make a big deal out of everthing you can. Move on but then you have nothing to report on.
    What about Jenny Cavenar and the carey hire experience working in single a baseball?

  10. After no-showing all last week, Julie Haener is a no-show once again today. Heather, who actually works hard, is the lucky one chosen to come to the rescue this time.

    1. Looks like Heather is on the verge of permanently replacing Julie.....and it's about time.

  11. Glenn Kuiper is lucky to have got the job with KNBR only because brother Duane and only Duane could get him in. What Glenn brought was hurt to a whole community and why do people defend him where anyone else would be fired for doing such a thing. Bringing Glenn back pushes the narrative using a racist slur was just an accident and it's ok to hire him back. Even those who defend him know what he did on live TV was wrong and now it looks as if he got a pass with his new radio position on Giants radio. Neither you or I would have been given a second chance if we did the same thing.

    1. Nepotism is alive and well.

    2. The Giants are taking a big risk in hiring Glen. He may be welcomed back in Milwaukee, but I can't imagine the people of the SF Bay Area will all welcome him with open arms. I'm thinking the selected games he's working will help management gauge the fan's response. If it's overly negative, they could get rid of him.

  12. Who cares about Betty Yu! I change the channel seeing her on air, now I found out she is from an island, understand how unattractive island girls are. Glad Brian is back with no Andrea pissed doing solo for months

    1. This is such a stupid comment. Betty is very attractive.

  13. Thank the Lord Hackney has returned to the small screen - I can sleep again. His absence caused much pain and consternation - how could he do this to us loyal listeners/watchers? I was ready to pull stakes and move to Abbott-Land.

  14. White people should never utter the "n" word, be it by mistake, in jest or intentional. It's wrong, demeaning and stupid to do so. End of discussion. Finis. That's all.

    1. The "n" word offends a certain race, but looting, car jacking and the degrading of women is ok with them?

    2. The "n" word offends ALL races. All ethnicities have had cruel and ugly epithets attached to them...the Irish, Italians, Asians, Middle Eastern, Slavic, Jews, etc. Not to mention the gay community. What "they do" does not negate the fact that this is wrong. It's easy to be stupid. It's easy to be cruel. It's easy to paint with a broad brush. It takes a little thought and effort to be a human being. Try it.

  15. Time to give Kelsi Thorud of KPIX some credit for great reporting on the snow crush in and around Truckee. She and her Photographer spent 4 days holed up to report on the weather conditions. Not an easy assignment and she managed to find interesting stories every day. Nice work.

    1. Enjoyed Kelsi’s stories. She has gotten better over time. Her hard work was present plus the banter on how she was practically trying to get food and such.

  16. I would like to know why the Black community or some portion of it allows their ethnicity to use the “N” word in referring to each other. What other ethnicity does that with the derogatory words they were called by racists. Maybe someone can explain that as it just causes more racists to use the word probably. Not an excuse I realize.

    1. Of course you would. That explains racism in a milk white nutshell. "Why do THEY..." "I don't understand why THEY..." Fill in the blanks. Then work hard on the one between your ears.

  17. Glenn Kuiper should replace Duane. Duane is so monotone and his pxp puts me to sleep and his hr call is cringe worthy. Dont see how in a poll was number 1 rated broadcaster mlb.

  18. 9:50AM. How is the following which is more succinct and evident: why do some black (or should I say African Americans?) rappers call others of the same ethnicity the “N” word? I will wait for your answer hopefully not attacking the messenger you imply is racist for asking a general observation question. Your response seems racist toand defensive.

    1. It's "too," Brain Trust. I see you think the same way you spell. Haphazardly. answer your question, it's a cultural thing. It happens with many ethnicities. It's said in the spirit of commonality and friendship, not out of hate and ignorance.

  19. I remember hearing rumors about this, and I wonder if the Giants and even Glen Kuiper backtracking from this was a result of the negative response about it from fans online?

    The Giants already have gotten heat for having the Johnsons who have been known to donate to Trump, as their owners. Having Glen Kuiper call games for the Giants could further add to negative press for the Giants off the field. Yeah, you can say people deserve second chances, but it's hard coming back from what Glen Kuiper said.

    1. Hey Otis III, always enjoy reading your posts I mostly agree with. Not sure if you are Black, but even if not, is 9:34PM’s response accurate? I think the word is more likely used for shock value and if it were me I would be angry with use of the word by my own race that racists outside use for hate and demeaning. It’s like having a word in a dictionary which states it is racist to say unless it is used by your own race. I think
      the word needs to be removed from everyone’s vocabulary to hopefully go away.
